Revision history for ElasticSearchX-Autocomplete
0.06    2011-10-14
        Added support for a 'formatter' callback, to format results
        Added support for multiple tokens, eg "London", "London, England"
        Requires ElasticSearch version 0.17 and above

0.05    2011-05-14
        ElasticSearchX::Autocomplete::Indexer::Type was not being passed the
        JSON object

0.04    2011-05-11
        Added some missing dependencies
        Fixed a bug when doing a location based search

0.03    2011-05-09
        Changed the structure of the docs to store one doc per context,
        instead of listing each context inside a rank object

        If UNDEF is returned from the cache, don't treat as not-found.

0.02    2011-05-05
        Fixed a syntax error in index_phrases

0.01    2011-05-05
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
        Still requires docs, tests and examples