Revision history for ElasticSearchX-Autocomplete-GeoNames
0.06    2011-10-14
        Greatly improved the deduplication process
        Also index duplicates, so that if the "main" location ID changes, we
        can automatically retrieve the correct location
        Can now store tokens for multiple variations of a place name
        Now requires ElasticSearch version 0.17
        suggest() now returns a hashref, not just the place names
        Removed the ability to get a place by its unique label

0.05    2011-05-14
        Don't merge places with the same name that are more than 10km apart.
        Removed some hard-coded paths from

0.04    2011-05-11
        Don't merge places of class ADM2.

0.03    2011-05-09
        Changed the structure of the docs to store one doc per lang,
        instead of listing each lang inside a rank object

        Added _get_place_by_id and _get_place_by_label - by ID now much
        faster than label

0.02    2011-05-05
        Silly typos preventing the most basic tests from passing

0.01    2011-05-05
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
        Still requires docs, tests and examples