1.00   5 Jun 2007  Passed all CPAN tests - bumped version

0.991 29 May 2007  Fixed some Kwalitee issues:
                     - improved META.yml
                     - added Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage tests

0.99  28 May 2007  BanList can now be an array ref or a hash ref

                   Repeated attributes are no longer merged, instead
                   the second value replaces the first

                   Relative URLs can now include query strings

                   Attributes now have CR, LF or TAB replaced by a space

                     - Rules (for customised tag and attribute handling)
                     - EscapeFiltered
                     - AllowMailto
                     - numerous tests

0.03  27 Apr 2004  Added the AllowRelURL option, in response to RT #6123

0.02  25 Jul 2003  Fixed some spelling errors.
                   Added a reference to HTML::Scrubber::StripScripts.

0.01  30 Mar 2003  Initial release.