package Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Direct::Indices; $Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Direct::Indices::VERSION = '1.99'; use Moo; with 'Search::Elasticsearch::Role::API::0_90'; with 'Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client::Direct'; __PACKAGE__->_install_api('indices'); 1; =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Search::Elasticsearch::Client::0_90::Direct::Indices - A client for running index-level requests =head1 VERSION version 1.99 =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides methods to make index-level requests, such as creating and deleting indices, managing type mappings, index settings, warmers, index templates and aliases. It does L<Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client::Direct>. =head1 INDEX METHODS =head2 C<create()> $result = $e->indices->create( index => 'my_index' # required body => { # optional index settings mappings warmers } ); The C<create()> method is used to create an index. Optionally, index settings, type mappings and index warmers can be added at the same time. Query string parameters: C<master_timeout>, C<timeout> See the L<create index docs|> for more information. =head2 C<exists()> $bool = $e->indices->exists( index => 'index' | \@indices # required ); The C<exists()> method returns C<1> or the empty string to indicate whether the specified index or indices exist. See the L<index exists docs|> for more information. =head2 C<delete()> $response = $e->indices->delete( index => 'index' | \@indices # required ); The C<delete()> method deletes the specified indices. Query string parameters: C<master_timeout>, C<timeout> See the L<delete index docs|> for more information. =head2 C<close()> $response = $e->indices->close( index => 'index' | \@indices # required ); The C<close()> method closes the specified indices, reducing resource usage but allowing them to be reopened later. Query string parameters: C<master_timeout>, C<timeout> See the L<close index docs|> for more information. =head2 C<open()> $response = $e->indices->open( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional ); The C<open()> method opens closed indices. Query string parameters: C<master_timeout>, C<timeout> See the L<open index docs|> for more information. =head2 C<clear_cache()> $response = $e->indices->clear_cache( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional ); The C<clear_cache()> method is used to clear the in-memory filter, fielddata, or id cache for the specified indices. Query string parameters: C<allow_no_indices>, C<expand_wildcards>, C<fielddata>, C<fields>, C<filter>, C<filter_cache>, C<filter_keys>, C<id>, C<ignore_indices>, C<ignore_unavailable>, C<index>, C<recycler> See the L<clear_cache docs|> for more information. =head2 C<refresh()> $response = $e->indices->refresh( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional ); The C<refresh()> method refreshes the specified indices (or all indices), allowing recent changes to become visible to search. This process normally happens automatically once every second by default. Query string parameters: C<allow_no_indices>, C<expand_wildcards>, C<ignore_indices>, C<ignore_unavailable> See the L<refresh index docs|> for more information. =head2 C<flush()> $response = $e->indices->flush( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional ); The C<flush()> method causes the specified indices (or all indices) to be written to disk with an C<fsync>, and clears out the transaction log. This process normally happens automatically. Query string parameters: C<allow_no_indices>, C<expand_wildcards>, C<force>, C<full>, C<ignore_indices>, C<ignore_unavailable>, C<refresh> See the L<flush index docs|> for more information. =head2 C<optimize()> $response = $e->indices->optimize( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional ); The C<optimize()> method rewrites all the data in an index into at most C<max_num_segments>. This is a very heavy operation and should only be run with care, and only on indices that are no longer being updated. Query string parameters: C<allow_no_indices>, C<expand_wildcards>, C<flush>, C<ignore_indices>, C<ignore_unavailable>, C<max_num_segments>, C<only_expunge_deletes>, C<refresh>, C<wait_for_merge> See the L<optimize index docs|> for more information. =head2 C<snapshot_index()> $response = $e->indices->snapshot_index( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional ); Deprecated. See the L<snapshot_index docs|> for more information. =head1 MAPPING METHODS =head2 C<put_mapping()> $response = $e->indices->put_mapping( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional, type => 'type', # required body => { mapping } # required ) The C<put_mapping()> method is used to create or update a type mapping on an existing index. Mapping updates are allowed to add new fields, but not to overwrite or change existing fields. For instance: $response = $e->indices->put_mapping( index => 'users', type => 'user', body => { user => { properties => { name => { type => 'string' }, age => { type => 'integer' } } } } ); Query string parameters: C<ignore_conflicts>, C<master_timeout>, C<timeout> See the L<put_mapping docs|> for more information. =head2 C<get_mapping()> $result = $e->indices->get_mapping( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional, type => 'type' | \@types # optional ); The C<get_mapping()> method returns the type definitions for one, more or all types in one, more or all indices. See the L<get_mapping docs|> for more information. =head2 C<get_field_mapping()> $result = $e->indices->get_field_mapping( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional, type => 'type' | \@types # optional, field => 'field' | \@fields # required include_defaults => 0 | 1 ); The C<get_field_mapping()> method returns the field definitions for one, more or all fields in one, more or all types and indices. See the L<get_mapping docs|> for more information. =head2 C<exists_type()> $bool = $e->indices->exists_type( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional, type => 'type' | \@types # required ); The C<exists_type()> method checks for the existence of all specified types in all specified indices, and returns C<1> or the empty string. Query string parameters: C<allow_no_indices>, C<expand_wildcards>, C<ignore_indices>, C<ignore_unavailable> See the L<exists_type docs|> for more information. =head2 C<delete_mapping()> $response = $e->indices->delete_mapping( index => 'index' | \@indices # required, type => 'type' # required ); The C<delete_mapping()> method deletes the type mappings (and all documents of that type) in all specified indices. Query string parameters: C<master_timeout> See the L<delete_mapping docs|> for more information. =head1 ALIAS METHODS =head2 C<update_aliases()> $response = $e->indices->update_aliases( body => { actions } # required ); The C<update_aliases()> method changes (by adding or removing) multiple index aliases atomically. For instance: $response = $e->indices->update_aliases( body => { actions => [ { add => { alias => 'current', index => 'logs_2013_09' }}, { remove => { alias => 'current', index => 'logs_2013_08' }} ] } ); Query string parameters: C<master_timeout>, C<timeout> See the L<update_aliases docs|> for more information. =head2 C<get_aliases()> The C<get_aliases()> method is deprecated in favour of L</get_alias()>. $result = $e->indices->get_aliases( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional ); The C<get_aliases()> method returns a list of aliases per index for all the specified indices. Query string parameters: C<timeout> See the L<get_aliases docs|> for more information. =head2 C<put_alias()> $response = $e->indices->put_alias( index => 'index', # required name => 'alias', # required body => { alias defn } # optional ); The C<put_alias()> method creates a single index alias. For instance: $response = $e->indices->put_alias( index => 'my_index', name => 'twitter', body => { filter => { term => { user_id => 'twitter' }} } ); Query string parameters: C<master_timeout>, C<timeout> See the L<put_alias docs|> for more information. =head2 C<get_alias()> $result = $e->indices->get_alias( index => 'index' | \@indices, # optional name => 'alias' | \@aliases # optional ); The C<get_alias()> method returns the alias definitions for the specified aliases in the specified indices. Query string parameters: C<allow_no_indices>, C<expand_wildcards>, C<ignore_indices>, C<ignore_unavailable> See the L<get_alias docs|> for more information. =head2 C<exists_alias()> $bool = $e->indices->exists_alias( index => 'index' | \@indices, # optional name => 'alias' | \@aliases # optional ); The C<exists_alias()> method returns C<1> or the empty string depending on whether the specified aliases exist in the specified indices. Query string parameters: C<allow_no_indices>, C<expand_wildcards>, C<ignore_indices>, C<ignore_unavailable> See the L<exists_alias docs|> for more information. =head2 C<delete_alias()> $response = $e->indices->delete_alias( index => 'index', # required name => 'alias' # required ); The C<delete_alias()> method deletes a single alias in a single index. Query string parameters: C<master_timeout>, C<timeout> See the L<delete_alias docs|> for more information. =head1 SETTINGS METHODS =head2 C<put_settings()> $response = $e->indices->get_settings( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional body => { settings } ); The C<put_settings()> method sets the index settings for the specified indices or all indices. For instance: $response = $e->indices->put_settings( body => { "index.refresh_interval" => -1 } ); Query string parameters: C<master_timeout> See the L<put_settings docs|> for more information. =head2 C<get_settings()> $result = $e->indices->get_settings( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional ); The C<get_settings()> method retrieves the index settings for the specified indices or all indices. See the L<get_settings docs|> for more information. =head1 TEMPLATE METHODS =head2 C<put_template()> $response = $e->indices->put_template( name => 'template' # required body => { template defn } # required ); The C<put_template()> method is used to create or update index templates. Query string parameters: C<master_timeout>, C<order>, C<timeout> See the L<put_template docs|> for more information. =head2 C<get_template()> $result = $e->indices->get_template( name => 'template' # required ); The C<get_template()> method is used to retrieve a named template. See the L<get_template docs|> for more information. =head2 C<delete_template()> $response = $e->indices->delete_template( name => 'template' # required ); The C<delete_template()> method is used to delete a named template. Query string parameters: C<master_timeout>, C<timeout> See the L<delete_template docs|> for more information. =head1 WARMER METHODS =head2 C<put_warmer()> $response = $e->indices->put_warmer( index => 'index' | \@indices, # optional name => 'warmer', # required body => { warmer defn } # required ); The C<put_warmer()> method is used to create or update named warmers which are used to I<warm up> new segments in the index before they are exposed to user searches. For instance: $response = $e->indices->put_warmer( index => 'my_index', name => 'date_field_warmer', body => { sort => 'date' } ); Query string parameters: C<master_timeout> See the L<put_warmer docs|> for more information. =head2 C<get_warmer()> $response = $e->indices->get_warmer( index => 'index' | \@indices, # optional name => 'warmer' | \@warmers, # optional ); The C<get_warmer()> method is used to retrieve warmers by name. See the L<get_warmer docs|> for more information. =head2 C<delete_warmer()> $response = $e->indices->get_warmer( index => 'index' | \@indices, # required name => 'warmer' | \@warmers, # optional ); The C<delete_warmer()> method is used to delete warmers by name. Query string parameters: C<master_timeout> See the L<delete_warmer docs|> for more information. =head1 STATS METHODS =head2 C<stats()> $result = $e->indices->stats( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional ); The C<stats()> method returns statistical information about one, more or all indices. Use the query string parameters to specify what information you want returned. Query string parameters: C<all>, C<allow_no_indices>, C<clear>, C<completion>, C<completion_fields>, C<docs>, C<expand_wildcards>, C<fielddata>, C<fielddata_fields>, C<fields>, C<filter_cache>, C<flush>, C<get>, C<groups>, C<id_cache>, C<ignore_indices>, C<ignore_unavailable>, C<indexing>, C<merge>, C<refresh>, C<search>, C<store>, C<warmer> See the L<stats docs|> for more information. =head2 C<status()> $result = $e->indices->status( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional ); Deprecated. Query string parameters: C<allow_no_indices>, C<expand_wildcards>, C<ignore_indices>, C<ignore_unavailable>, C<recovery>, C<snapshot> See the L<status docs|> for more information. =head2 C<segments()> $result = $e->indices->segments( index => 'index' | \@indices # optional ); The C<segments()> method is used to return information about the segments that an index contains. Query string parameters: C<allow_no_indices>, C<expand_wildcards>, C<ignore_indices>, C<ignore_unavailable> See the L<segments docs|> for more information. =head1 QUERY AND ANALYSIS METHODS =head2 C<analyze()> $result = $e->indices->analyze( index => 'index' # optional, body => 'text to analyze' ); The C<analyze()> method passes the text in the C<body> through the specified C<analyzer>, C<tokenizer> or token C<filter> - which may be global, or associated with a particular index or field - and returns the tokens. Very useful for debugging analyzer configurations. Query string parameters: C<analyzer>, C<field>, C<filters>, C<format>, C<index>, C<prefer_local>, C<text>, C<tokenizer> See the L<analyze docs|> for more information. =head2 C<validate_query()> $result = $e->indices->validate_query( index => 'index' | \@indices, # optional body => { query } ); The C<validate_query()> method accepts a query in the C<body> and checks whether the query is valid or not. Most useful when C<explain> is set to C<true>, in which case it includes an execution plan in the output. Query string parameters: C<allow_no_indices>, C<expand_wildcards>, C<explain>, C<ignore_indices>, C<ignore_unavailable>, C<q>, C<source> See the L<validate_query docs|> for more information. =head1 AUTHOR Clinton Gormley <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Elasticsearch BV. This is free software, licensed under: The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 =cut __END__ # ABSTRACT: A client for running index-level requests