package Oak::Object; use strict; =head1 NAME Oak::Object - Base for all Oak Perl Object Tree =head1 HIERARCHY Oak::Object =head1 DESCRIPTION This is the base object for all the Oak Project, it implements a set of primary functions, that will provide the main functionallity of all Oak objects. =head1 PROPERTIES =over =item __CLASSNAME__ The name of the class of the object (needed by the automated creation) =back =head1 METHODS Oak::Object implements the following methods =over =item new(PARAMS) This method should not be overriden by any module. It calls constructor passing all the parameters it received and then calls after_construction and returns the object reference. This method also creates a mandatory property __CLASSNAME__, that will be used in the internals of Oak. =back =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; my $ret; $self->{__properties__}{__CLASSNAME__} = ref($self); $self->constructor(@_); $self->after_construction; return $self; } =over 4 =item constructor(PARAMS) This method is called automatically from new. You should not call it unless you know what you are doing. The return of this function is not checked. If you want to raise an error use throw (see L<Error>). MUST CALL SUPER IN THE FUNCTION IF YOU OVERRIDES IT =back =cut sub constructor { # Abstract function. return 1; } =over 4 =item after_construction This method is called just after constructor. The return of this function will be treated in the same way of constructor. MUST CALL SUPER IN THE FUNCTION IF YOU OVERRIDES IT =back =cut sub after_construction { # Abstract function return 1; } =over 4 =item message(MESSAGE) Receives MESSAGE and execute some action associated with that message. Abstract in Oak::Object, but you can override it to provide new message handlers. But remember to call SUPER always you override this function. =back =cut sub message { # Abstract function } =over 4 =item assign(OBJECT) Assign all OBJECT properties to this object =back =cut sub assign { my $self = shift; my $obj = shift; foreach my $p ($obj->get_property_array) { $self->set($p => $obj->get($p)); } } =over 4 =item get_property_array Returns an array with all existent properties. Actually, it really uses keys of the hash $self->{__properties__}. =back =cut sub get_property_array { my $self = shift; $self->{__properties__} ||= {}; return keys %{$self->{__properties__}}; } =over 4 =item get(NAME,NAME,...) Returns a scalar if one parameter is passed, or an array if more. Do not override this function, override get_hash instead, this function is only a wraper. =back =cut sub get { my $self = shift; my @props = @_; my @ret; my %retorno = $self->get_hash(@props); foreach my $p (@props) { push @ret, $retorno{$p}; } if (scalar @ret == 1) { return $ret[0]; } else { return @ret; } } =over 4 =item get_hash(NAME,NAME,...) Retuns a hash with all the properties requested. This function is called by get. =back =cut sub get_hash { my $self = shift; my %ret; foreach my $p (@_) { $ret{$p} = $self->{__properties__}{$p}; } return %ret; } =over 4 =item set(NAME=>VALUE,NAME=>VALUE,...) Sets a property in the object. Returns true if success. =back =cut sub set { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; foreach my $p (keys %args) { $self->{__properties__}{$p} = $args{$p}; } } =over 4 =item hierarchy_tree Returns an array containing the tree of inheritance of the actual object. Including the actual object. Nice to determine the path where the object searches for methods. =back =cut sub hierarchy_tree { my $self = shift; my $actual = ref($self) || $self; my @h; my @isa = eval("\@".$actual."::ISA"); push @h, $actual; foreach my $i (@isa) { @h = ($i->hierarchy_tree,@h); } return @h; } =over =item instance_of(CLASS) Tests if this object or any of its superclasses is a instance of CLASS =back =cut sub instance_of { my $self = shift; my $class = shift; foreach my $c ($self->hierarchy_tree) { return 1 if $c eq $class; } return 0; } =over =item DESTROY Always you implement DESTROY function, remember to call SUPER. =back =cut sub DESTROY { return 1; } =head1 EXCEPTION HANDLING Oak uses the module L<Error> to handle the exceptions with the syntax try/throw/catch/except/otherwise/finally. And in this case all the errors must be classes. And this module introduces some (for now, just one :). =over =item Oak::Error::ParamsMissing This class is used in the constructors if the required params were not passed. =back =cut package Oak::Error::ParamsMissing; use base qw (Error); sub stringify { return "Missing parameters"; } 1; __END__ =head1 EXAMPLES use base qw(Oak::Object); =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001 Daniel Ruoso <> Aguimar Mendonca Neto <> All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.