package Weather::TW;

our $VERSION = '0.352';

=encoding utf-8


use 5.008006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Encode qw/encode decode/;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use HTML::Element;
use XML::Smart;
use JSON;
use YAML qw(Dump);
use utf8;
use Carp;

my %area_zh = (
  '台北市'      => '36_01_data.htm',
  '新北市'      => '36_04_data.htm',
  '台中市'      => '36_08_data.htm',
  '台南市'      => '36_13_data.htm', 
  '高雄市'      => '36_02_data.htm',
  '基隆北海岸'  => '36_03_data.htm',
  '桃園'        => '36_05_data.htm',
  '新竹'        => '36_06_data.htm',
  'è‹—æ —'        => '36_07_data.htm',
  '彰化'        => '36_09_data.htm',
  '南投'        => '36_10_data.htm',
  '雲林'        => '36_11_data.htm',
  '嘉義'        => '36_12_data.htm',
  '屏東'        => '36_15_data.htm',
  '恆春半島'    => '36_16_data.htm',
  '宜蘭'        => '36_17_data.htm',
  '花蓮'        => '36_18_data.htm',
  '台東'        => '36_19_data.htm',
  '澎湖'        => '36_20_data.htm',
  '金門'        => '36_21_data.htm',
  '馬祖'        => '36_22_data.htm',
my %area_en = (
  'Changhua' => '36_09_data.htm',
  'Chiayi' => '36_12_data.htm',
  'Hengchun Peninsula' => '36_16_data.htm',
  'Hsinchu' => '36_06_data.htm',
  'Hualien' => '36_18_data.htm',
  'Kaohsiung City' => '36_02_data.htm',
  'Keelung North Coast' => '36_03_data.htm',
  'Kinmen' => '36_21_data.htm',
  'Matsu' => '36_22_data.htm',
  'Miaoli' => '36_07_data.htm',
  'Nantou' => '36_10_data.htm',
  'New Taipei City' => '36_04_data.htm',
  'Penghu' => '36_20_data.htm',
  'Pingtung' => '36_15_data.htm',
  'Taichung City' => '36_08_data.htm',
  'Tainan City' => '36_13_data.htm',
  'Taipei City' => '36_01_data.htm',
  'Taitung' => '36_19_data.htm',
  'Taoyuan' => '36_05_data.htm',
  'Yilan' => '36_17_data.htm',
  'Yunlin' => '36_11_data.htm',
my $url_zh = "";
my $url_en = "";

=head1 NAME

Weather::TW - Fetch Taiwan weather data from L<>


  use Weather::TW;

  my $weather = Weather::TW->new;
  my $xml = $weather->area('Taipei City')->xml;
  my $json = $weather->json;
  my $yaml = $weather->yaml;
  my %hash = $weather->hash;

  foreach my $area ($weather->area_en){
    my $xml = $weather->area($area)->xml
    print $xml;

  use utf8;
  $xml = $weather->area('台北')->xml;
  # Chinese also works!


This module parse data from L<> (中央氣象局), and generates xml/json/hash/yaml data.

=head1 METHODS


=item C<< new >>

Create a new C<Weather::TW> object. Available option is C< lang >, see method C< lang >.

  $weather = Weather::TW->new( lang => 'zh' );


sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self = {
  bless $self, $class;
  return $self;

=item C<< area($area_name) >>

City name can be either Chinese or English. The returned value is C<$self> so you can use it for cascading.

    $xmlstr = $weather->area('Taipei City')->xml;

The available area names are:

   台北市         Taipei City
   新北市         New Taipei City
   台中市         Taichung City
   台南市         Tainan City
   高雄市         Kaohsiung City
   基隆北海岸     Keelung North Coast
   桃園           Taoyuan
   新竹           Hsinchu
   è‹—æ —           Miaoli
   彰化           Changhua
   南投           Nantou
   雲林           Yunlin
   嘉義           Chiayi
   屏東           Pingtung
   恆春半島       Hengchun Peninsula
   宜蘭           Yilan
   花蓮           Hualien
   台東           Taitung
   澎湖           Penghu
   金門           Kinmen
   馬祖           Matsu


sub area {
  my $self = shift;
  my $area_name = shift;
  my $area = $area_en{$area_name};
  $area = $area_zh{$area_name} unless $area;
  croak "Unknown area $area_name\n" unless $area;
  $self->{lang} eq 'zh' ? $self->_fetch($url_zh.$area) : $self->_fetch($url_en.$area);
  return $self;

=item C< lang($lang) >

Available options are 'zh' or 'en'.


sub lang{
  my ($self, $opt) = @_;

=item C<< area_zh >>

Return area names in Chinese.

    @names = $weather->area_zh;

sub area_zh {
  my $self = shift;
  return %area_zh;

=item C<< area_en >>

Return area names in English.

    @names = $weather->area_en;

sub area_en {
  my $self = shift;
  return %area_en;

=item C<< xml >>

Return data as xml.

sub xml{
  my $self = shift;
  my $XML = XML::Smart->new;
  $XML->{$_}= $self->{xml}{$_} for qw(short_forecasts seven_day_forecasts monthly_mean rising_time);
  return $XML->data(
    nometagen => 1,
    noheader => 1,
    nodtd => 1,

=item C<< json >>

Return data as json.

sub json{
  my $self = shift;
  return to_json($self->{data});

=item C<< json_pretty >>

Pretty json.

sub json_pretty{
  my $self = shift;
  return to_json($self->{data},{pretty =>1});

=item C<< yaml >>

Return data as yaml.

sub yaml{
  my $self = shift;
  return Dump $self->{data};

=item C<< hash >>

Return a perl hash object.

  %hash = $weather->hash;

sub hash{
  my $self=shift;
  return $self->{data};


=head1 SEE ALSO




=head1 AUTHOR

dryman, E<lt>idryman@gmail.comE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2011 by dryman

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.


sub _fetch{
  my $self = shift;
  my $url = shift;
  my $tree = new HTML::TreeBuilder;
  my %hash;
  my $response = LWP::UserAgent->new->request(
    HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url)

  croak "Cannot fetch url $url\n" unless $response->is_success;
  croak "Content is empty in $url\n" unless $response->content;
  $tree->parse(decode("big5",$response->content)) and $tree->eof;

  my @tables = $tree->find_by_attribute('class','datatable');
  $hash{short_forecasts} = [{forecast => $self->_short_forecasts(shift @tables)}];
  $hash{seven_day_forecasts} = [{area => $self->_seven_day_forecasts(shift @tables)}];
  if (scalar @tables == 3){
    my $areas = $self->_seven_day_forecasts(shift @tables);
    my $ref = $hash{seven_day_forecasts}[0]{area};
    push @{$ref},@{$areas};
  $hash{monthly_mean} = $self->_monthly_mean(shift @tables);
  $hash{rising_time} = $self->_rising_time(shift @tables);


sub _monthly_mean{
  my ($self,$table)=@_;
  my @ths = $table->find('th');
  my $zh = $self->{lang} eq 'zh';
  my $th = shift @ths;
  my %hash;
  @hash{qw(month max_temp min_temp rain_mm)}=
      map {$_->as_text} $table->find('td'),
  return \%hash;
sub _rising_time{
  my ($self,$table)=@_;
  my %hash;
  @hash{qw(sunrise sunset moonrise roonset)}= map{$_->as_text} $table->find('td');
  return \%hash;

sub _short_forecasts {
  my ($self, $table) = @_;
  my $zh = $self->{lang} eq 'zh';
  my @forecasts=();
  my @trs = $table->find('tr');
  shift @trs;
  foreach my $tr (@trs){
    my %forecast;
    my $img;
    my @children = $tr->content_list;
    $forecast{time}    = (shift @children)->as_text;
    $forecast{temp}    = (shift @children)->as_text;
    $forecast{weather} = (${(shift @children)->content}[0])->attr('title');
    $forecast{confort} = (shift @children)->as_text;
    $forecast{rain}    = (shift @children)->as_text;

    push @forecasts, \%forecast;
  return \@forecasts;
sub _seven_day_forecasts{
  my ($self, $table) = @_;
  my @areas = ();
  my @trs = $table->find('tr');
  my @dates = map {$_->as_text} (shift @trs)->find('th');
  shift @dates;

  foreach my $tr (@trs){
    my %area=();
    my @forecasts=();
    my @ths = map{$_->as_text}$tr->find('th');
    my @tds = $tr->find('td');
    croak "There should be seven days in a weak!" unless 7 == scalar @tds;

    foreach my $i (0..6){
      my @imgs = $tds[$i]->find('img');
      my $img = shift @imgs;
      push @forecasts, {
        date => $dates[$i],
        weather => $img->attr('title'),
        temp => $tds[$i]->as_text,
    push @areas,\%area;
  return \@areas;
