Revision history for Perl extension ClearCase::Argv.
0.01 Thu Sep 2 17:38:37 1999
- A simple subclass of the Argv module for cleartool-
specific use.
0.10 Tue Nov 16 18:00:33 EST 1999
- added integration with Argv->ipc_childsafe (allows
IPC::ClearTool to be used for speed).
0.12 Wed Dec 8 22:45:07 EST 1999
- Added hacks required to get $obj->comment method working.
This works around a flaw in cleartool quoting rules such that
there's no way to specify a multiline comment on the
command line, in interactive mode. The workaround is to
now use $obj->comment("my multi-\nline comment here").
This hack is only needed in "ipc mode" but is supported
in regular mode as well for consistency.
0.13 Wed Dec 22 13:12:37 EST 1999
- New README.html/pod overview document.
0.14 Tue Jan 4 10:20:15 EST 2000
- Some syntax mods to track Argv cleanup.
0.15 Mon Jan 10 11:33:07 EST 2000
- First public release.
0.16 Fri Jan 14 17:45:23 EST 2000
- Added ccqv() alias to ccqx() for consistency.
0.17 Sun Jan 16 21:19:19 EST 2000
- Clean up, add comments, more POD sections.
- Track similar cleanups in Argv 0.46.
0.18 Tue Jan 18 08:28:38 EST 2000
- Improved behavior in setuid/root case, cleaned up PATH setting
0.19 Tue Feb 1 09:51:54 EST 2000
- Renamed ccsystem() et al to ctsystem() et al.
Apologies to anyone inconvenienced but my hope is that
the module is still young enough that nobody's depending
heavily on it. The new names are more in line with their
semantics (they prepend 'cleartool') and this frees up future
namespace for possible 'mtsystem()' or whatever.
- Renamed 'systemxargs' to 'syxargs'.
- Renamed 'pathnorm' to 'inpathnorm', and added
an 'outpathnorm' method as well.
- Renamed 'cmd' method to 'argv' (to avoid confusion
with the $self->ipc_cleartool->cmd() method).
- Added ->syfail and ->qxfail attributes.
- Allow hashref attr specifiers to have a leading '-'.
- Modified the ipc_cleartool method to return the underlying
ChildSafe object when called with no args and a non-void context.
0.20 Wed Feb 2 14:53:50 EST 2000
- Cleaned up ipc_cleartool/Win32 error handling from COM object.
0.21 Thu Feb 10 22:54:32 EST 2000
- Fixed typo in previous (affected only 'comment' method).
- Fixed 'comment' method to stop piling up -cq flags.
0.23 Wed May 31 15:43:08 EDT 2000
- Bugfix: allow single-string commands to manipulate
files matching /.*cleartool.*/ without it being mistaken
for a command prefix.
- Fixed spurious warning.
0.24 Fri Aug 4 14:37:07 EDT 2000
- Changed the test script to abort more gracefully (exit 0)
if not run within a VOB.
- Require Argv 0.53 (no particular reason).
0.25 Sat Dec 9 23:16:25 EST 2000
- Scripts in ./examples had drifted out of alignment with module,
as reported by Martina Riedel.
0.26 Fri Apr 6 11:24:16 EDT 2001
- Minor improvements to documentation.
1.00 Sat Aug 25 10:14:16 EDT 2001
= Test Env: Solaris8/Win2KSP2/Perl5.6/CC4.2
- Recognizing that the API has reached maturity,
I've moved the version to indicate a released state.
I'll try hard to stay compatible with 1.00 in
subsequent releases.
1.02 Tue Sep 25 11:16:37 EDT 2001
- Subclass Argv->outpathnorm attribute (to change \ to / after @@).
- Removed stdopts() backward compatibility alias
1.06 Fri Dec 21 07:50:06 EST 2001
= Test Env: Solaris8/Win2KSP2/Perl5.6.1/CC5.0
- Added support for CtCmd.
- Require use of Argv 1.06 since there are a couple
significant bugfixes there.
1.07 Sun Jan 13 22:24:55 EST 2002
- Work around the spurious "bad free" warning emitted by CtCmd
(not clear whether the bug is in Perl, CtCmd, or Solaris
but in any case we suppress it here with a scoping hack).
1.08 Fri Apr 12 12:43:19 EDT 2002
- Added ->purpose method subclass (see Argv 1.08+ PODs).
Extends Argv->purpose to allow a value of 'auto'.
- The CtCmd module (see) was renamed to ClearCase::CtCmd,
necessitating a renaming of its uses here.
1.09 Mon Apr 15 07:24:35 EDT 2002
- Fixed a versioning typo. The previous version was incorrectly
requiring a version of 'Argv' (1.08) which wasn't yet
released. This was just a finger fumble.
1.10 Sun Apr 21 12:22:31 EDT 2002
- The integration of ClearCase::Argv and ClearCase::CtCmd
didn't work with ClearCase::CtCmd 1.00 due to a bug.
The bug was fixed in CtCmd 1.01; this version simply
indicates that fact by requiring CtCmd 1.01.
- Added a :functional tag for completeness.
1.11 Wed May 8 16:49:48 EDT 2002
- Modified quoting code to fix bugs in IPC::ClearTool mode.