Net::SNMP Changes

RELEASE 1.20 NOV-06-1998

- Now use gensym() from the Symbol module to generate typeglob references 
  for socket handles, correcting a memory leak.
- All private methods renamed to Perl programming style recommendations. 

RELEASE 1.10 OCT-14-1998

- New method trap() for sending SNMP Trap-PDUs added.
- New method error_status() which retrieves the SNMP error-status contained
  in the last SNMP GetResponse-PDU added.
- Named arguments for the method session() are now validated.
- New export tags ":asn1", ":generictrap", and ":ALL" added.
- New exportable symbols for generic-trap types added. 
- A comma contained in an OCTET STRING no longer causes the decoded result 
  of a GetResponse-PDU to be converted to a hexadecimal representation if 
  translation is enabled.
- The control characters \n\r\t no longer trigger an OCTET STRING in a
  GetResponse-PDU to be converted to a hexadecimal representation if 
  translation is enabled.
RELEASE 1.00 SEP-09-1998

Initial release.


    $Id: Changes,v 1.2 1998/11/06 13:59:51 dtown Exp $