2001-05-08   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* Release 0.42.
	* Added a demo called "image" to show that, yes, CGI::Portable can store 
	and output any type of file, not just HTML, but pictures and other binary 
	types too.  Contrary to some critics' statements, just because I don't use 
	all the features that my modules provide in my own websites doesn't mean 
	they aren't there.  This demo script will generate an html page with text 
	and an image, both of which are generated by the same script.  This script 
	requires the GD library to 	work so you'll need to have it installed to see 
	the picture.
	* Added explicit support for the "Window-Target" http header to 
	CGI::Portable, CGI::WebUserIO, and CGI::WPM::Base, which is needed for 
	multiple frame pages where each screen can determine for itself what frame 
	or window it goes into (meaning no messy target attributes in hyperlinks).  
	To implement this, a new property was added to CGI::Portable with the 
	accessor method http_window_target().  CGI::WPM::Base handles an additional 
	preference named "http_target" which lets you set the new property.  
	All three of the above modules were raised to version 0.42 from 0.41.
	Also, the "website" demo was updated to use this new ability by putting 
	redirected links in a different window; that "website" change is also in 
	the Synopsis POD for CGI::WPM::MultiPage, which is at version 0.4101.
	* Added explicit support for building HTML frameset pages to CGI::Portable 
	in the form of two new properties with the accessor methods like 
	page_frameset_attributes*() and page_frameset*().  These respectively hold 
	properties for the opening <FRAMESET> tag and the list of <FRAME> tags.  
	Also, a new "frameset" demo was added to show how one could use a single 
	script to implement a frameset and all member frames.  This demo has 4.
	* To help implement the frameset feature, this distribution now requires 
	version 1.05 of HTML::EasyTags, which had frameset support added to it.
	* Fixed a bug in CGI::WPM::WebUserIO where redirection headers didn't work 
	properly under mod_perl.  In fact, this led to a complete rewrite of the 
	methods relating to sending output.  The methods make_http_headers() and 
	send_user_output() were dropped entirely.  These methods were added instead: 
	send_quick_html_response(), send_quick_redirect_response().  The method 
	send_user_output_from_cgi_portable() still exists and does everything it did 
	before.  It also outputs miscellaneous http headers now, but it still doesn't 
	do anything with cookies yet.  In the future this will be addressed.
	Since the last method is the only one I actually used in my demos 
	or Synopsis, I figure that these changes are okay.  I also added the method 
	server_is_mod_perl() which returns true if we're running under mod_perl.
	* As a result of the above changes, HTTP::Headers is no longer used by any 
	of my modules, so the requirements are now simplified.

2001-05-04   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* Release 0.41.
	* This release is the first one following successful registrations with 
	"The Perl 5 Module List".  The updated entry would look like this:

::Portable        adpO Framework for server-agnostic web apps       DUNCAND
	* This is the first release of CGI::Portable, which has been renamed from 
	HTML::Application.  There are several changes to the module itself.
	This release also includes all of my CGI::WPM::* modules, which have not been 
	renamed, to serve as demonstrations of CGI::Portable in use.  Their code has 
	been updated a bit.  Similarly, this distribution has been renamed to 
	CGI-Portable from HTML-Application and duncand-prerelease.
	* This distribution now has a "demos" folder containing 40 files and folders 
	which are ready-to-use example scripts and data files that exercise 
	CGI::Portable and all of the CGI::WPM::* modules.  Many of these are exactly 
	the same as the *new* Synopsis POD for particular modules.  Some have minor 
	adjustments or demonstrate the Synopsis examples that make use of the most 
	features of the particular modules.  Many demos have extra files in them 
	that never appeared in Synopsis.  It is my hope that these demos will 
	make it an order of magnitude easier for you to adopt my modules and put 
	them to work in a productive manner.  The provided demos include: a multi-page 
	web site with usage tracking, guest books, mail and survey forms, static html 
	and plain text pages, segmented text file display, redirection, and a few 
	other strange modules that don't do anything useful but play with features.
	* All of the CGI::WPM::* modules except CountFile had their POD updated, 
	most notably with their Synopsis section.  The new Synopsis should each be 
	complete working programs now, although some of the other data files they 
	call on may not exist unless you make them.
	* All modules in this distribution are at version 0.41 whether or not there 
	was any functionality change.
	* Updated these methods of CGI::Portable to permit more descriptive error 
	messages: resolve_prefs_node_to_array(), resolve_prefs_node_to_hash().  
	Previously these methods always reported a nonexistant file or directory 
	(whatever is in $!) even if the file did exist but had a different problem.  
	The new versions will distinguish a successful runtime that returns something 
	other than a hash/array ref, and will distinguish an existing file that just 
	doesn't compile or has a runtime error.
	* Updated methods add_virtual_filename_error(), add_physical_filename_error() 
	to support custom reason strings for file-related errors as an extra method 
	argument.  Previously the "reason" was always the content of $!.
	* Modified method call_component() so that it now makes error screens itself 
	upon error conditions that it discovers, including failure of the component 
	to compile or run, or previously unhandled errors, probably related to prefs.  
	As a result, the calling structure of this method is simplified; you simply 
	take_context_output() and/or send the output as you usually do, without 
	needing extra code to report error conditions.  (You can still make a custom 
	error screen if you want.)  The second argument to call_component() was also 
	removed, and the method will now always make an error screen and return if 
	there is an unresolved error message.  Likewise to the simplified calling 
	code, the called component doesn't need code to make an error screen for 
	problems occuring prior to its invocation, and is thereby simplified.

	* Added method search_and_replace_url_path_tokens() to CGI::Portable that 
	handles a special kind of search and replace that 
	search_and_replace_page_body() can't handle, since it deals with processing 
	and replacing text near the token being searched for rather than just the 
	token itself.  This method makes it easier to embed dynamic self-referencing 
	urls inside static screen content files used by your app.
	* Added seven new methods to CGI::Portable which handle a special set of 
	"global preferences", each of which gets its own accessor method, which can 
	be set once and used all over your program.  They are: 
	default_application_title(), default_maintainer_name(), 
	default_maintainer_email_address(), default_maintainer_email_screen_url_path(), 
	default_smtp_host(), default_smtp_timeout(), maintainer_email_html().  
	The updated call_component() uses this information in its error screens, and 
	the various CGI::WPM::* modules use it in many places as well.  During 
	release 0.4, this global info was passed using the miscellaneous objects 
	property, which was a rather user-unfriendly means in comparison; scripts 
	written to use release 0.4 will have to be updated accordingly.
	* CGI::Portable received several updates to its pod besides the appropriate 
	method updates, most notably in the Name, Synopsis, Description, 
	Similar Modules, A Different Overview.
	* Added a couple methods to CGI::WPM::SimpleUserIO which will considerably 
	reduce the size of your config shell if you use them: the method 
	give_user_input_to_cgi_portable() will take a CGI::Portable object and feed 
	it all the user input possible at once; the method 
	send_user_output_from_cgi_portable() will likewise take a CGI::Portable 
	object and send its output to the user all at once.
	* CGI::WPM::Base has been reduced to half its size as all but these 3 methods 
	were removed: main(), main_dispatch(), _get_amendment_message().  The code 
	to check for pre-existing logged error conditions was also removed.
	* Updated CGI::WPM::GuestBook in the following ways: 1. The private method 
	get_question_field_defs() had a lot of redundant code removed, reducing the 
	method to half its previous size; for one thing, it makes use of 
	CGI::Portable's resolve_prefs_node_to_array() method now instead of doing a 
	poorer job of it manually.  2. Added preference "sign_by_default" which 
	allows you to choose whether the signing or reading mode is the default 
	when one isn't specified.  3. Added self-referencing links in the signing 
	mode that takes one to the reading mode; the reverse had already existed; so 
	now the module has built-in links between all of its modes.  4. Added 
	preference "msg_list_show_email" which if true will display the email 
	addresses of book signers in the reading mode; the default of not showing 
	the emails is what always happened before, even though they were stored in 
	the message file.  5. Minor update to the screen showing a successful 
	message was just posted where the recipient's email is now shown.  
	6. Updated the functionality relating to the simplified Boulder data files 
	(used to be called SequentialFile by me) where nonexistant files are only 
	created if they are for storing messages; they are now not created when they 
	were supposed to hold field definitions, since this is an error.
	* Updated CGI::WPM::MailForm in the same ways as #s 1, 5, 6 of GuestBook; 
	regarding #6, MailForm would only ever read from such files anyway.
	* Updated CGI::WPM::Usage in the following ways: 1. Removed preference 
	'use_def_engines'; it no longer applies because there is no longer any list 
	of search engines built into the module.  To attempt such a thing here is an 
	impossible task considering how many there are and people's varying opinions 
	on what should be grouped there.  So now if you want search engine 
	differentiation in referrer listings then you can provide a complete list 
	yourself via the already existing 'search_engines' preference.
	2. Removed preference 'site_urls' since it had existed to make a big deal of 
	something that is better automated and not worried about anyway.  From now on, 
	a referring url is said to be self-referencing if its base portion matches 
	the return value of CGI::Portable's base_url() method.  While a few self urls 
	will undoubtedly end up in the normal referrer list, the majority will be 
	caught, and the ones slipping through are easy to identify in the list. 
	3. As a result of these changes, CGI::WPM::Usage is now a tenth smaller.
2001-04-23   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* duncand-prerelease 0.4, the last version of any distribution, prior to 
	this one, to include the CGI::WPM::* modules, was released.
2001-04-23   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* Release 0.4.
	* This is the second release of HTML::Application as a distinct module.  
	It follows more extensive usability testing which resulted in a few added 
	features and bug fixes.  As a result of the new testing, this module is being 
	moved to beta status from alpha.
	* Fixed SYNOPSIS POD in "Aardvark" module relating to the $inner context; some 
	methods are now called following make_new_context() instead of before.
	* Fixed bug in private method _make_an_url(), which is used by 
	url_as_string() and recall_url(), where query parameters were not being 
	replicated when url_path_is_in_path_info() was true; now they are.
	* Fixed design flaw in make_new_context() where it had been calling 
	initialize() to give default values to the new object before copying over the 
	non default ones; now initialize() is not called and all object properties 
	are either set or copied explicitely.  The flaw being fixed relates to 
	unpleasantries when a subclass overrides the initialize() method.
	* Added new method take_context_output() which is designed to complement 
	make_new_context().  This new method copies output values from the new 
	context back to the parent object.
	* Added new utility method search_and_replace_page_body() which takes a hash 
	of tokens (or regexps) to search for in the html page body and text to 
	replace them with; this method implements search-and-replace functionality.

	* This module has become 5K larger including documentation.

2001-04-20   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* Release 0.38.
	* This release is the first one anticipating official registrations with 
	"The Perl 5 Module List".  The updated entry would look like this:

::Application     adpO Framework for complex portable web apps      DUNCAND
	* This release contains the first appearance of my HTML::Application module.
	Its code is derived from several related modules which had been constantly 
	renamed, split, and combined since their first CPAN release in 2000-07-23.  
	The most recent temporary names for these were "CGI::WPM::Globals", 
	"CGI::WPM::PageMaker" and "CGI::WPM::WebUserIO".  They were previously 
	released as parts of the following distributions:
		- "libdwg": v1.0 r2000-07-23, v1.11 r2000-08-23
		- "CGI-FormGenerator": v0.9 r2000-09-04, v0.9201 r2000-12-26
		- "CGI-WebsiteGenerator": v0.3 r2000-09-04, v0.36 r2001-04-10
		- "duncand-prerelease": v0.37 r2001-04-12
	* This module requires Perl version 5.004.
	* It also requires File::VirtualPath 1.0, HTML::EasyTags 1.04, 
	Data::MultiValuedhash 1.07, and CGI::MultiValuedHash 1.07.  I consider the 
	first three modules to be stable and well tested, as well as unlikely to 
	change.  The fourth module is partially tested, but production use of the 
	other functionality finds it to be working properly.
	* This release comes with the CPAN standard files "Makefile.PL", "test.pl", 
	and "MANIFEST", which were all created since the previous release.

	* Note that "test.pl" is incomplete; it only tests that this module will 
	compile but not that the methods work; it is included so that people can use 
	the Makefile in the standard way during installation.  This file will be 
	fleshed out when I have the chance.
2001-04-12   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* duncand-prerelease 0.37, the last version of any distribution to include
	CGI::WPM::Globals, was released.
2000-07-23   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* libdwg 1.0, the first version of any distribution to include
	CGI::WPM::Globals and other CGI::WPM::* modules, was released on CPAN.
2000-05-15   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* Completed primary development on these modules, but POD mostly nonexistant.

2000-03-07   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* Began development on the final versions of these modules.
	* Module based on a template created by h2xs 1.18.

1999-07 thru 1999-12

	* Worked on second prototype of code that ended up in these modules.  The 
	effects of this development, as far as this distribution's own modules go, 
	were mostly confined to CGI::Portable.

	* As a separate but parallel project, I also implemented a complete and
generic Threaded Discussion Board object using some of my low level modules *and*
CGI.pm.  This board is possibly still in use today in a corporate Intranet site.

1999-02 thru 1999-05

	* Created first prototypes of code that ended up in these modules and used 
in a production environment for a year to generate my web sites. Many present-day
features were present at that time, including static pages, segmented text pages,
e-mail forms and guest books with unlimited questions (but were text only),
redirection, and usage tracking.  The implementation was just a hell of a lot
uglier.  These modules also used CGI.pm to do some things that have since become 
implemented by my own more focused modules: HTML::FormTemplate, HTML::EasyTags, 
Data::MultiValuedHash, CGI::MultiValuedHash, CGI::Portable, CGI::WPM::SimpleUserIO.