2001-04-23   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* Release 0.4.
	* This is the second release of HTML::Application as a distinct module.  
	It follows more extensive usability testing which resulted in a few added 
	features and bug fixes.  As a result of the new testing, this module is being 
	moved to beta status from alpha.
	* Fixed SYNOPSIS POD in "Aardvark" module relating to the $inner context; some 
	methods are now called following make_new_context() instead of before.
	* Fixed bug in private method _make_an_url(), which is used by 
	url_as_string() and recall_url(), where query parameters were not being 
	replicated when url_path_is_in_path_info() was true; now they are.
	* Fixed design flaw in make_new_context() where it had been calling 
	initialize() to give default values to the new object before copying over the 
	non default ones; now initialize() is not called and all object properties 
	are either set or copied explicitely.  The flaw being fixed relates to 
	unpleasantries when a subclass overrides the initialize() method.
	* Added new method take_context_output() which is designed to complement 
	make_new_context().  This new method copies output values from the new 
	context back to the parent object.
	* Added new utility method search_and_replace_page_body() which takes a hash 
	of tokens (or regexps) to search for in the html page body and text to 
	replace them with; this method implements search-and-replace functionality.

	* This module has become 5K larger including documentation.

	* Note: it is recommended to look at my duncand-prerelease-0.4 distribution 
	since it contains about 8 modules that demonstrate HTML::Application in use.  
	When these modules are reworked further they will be moved into this 
	distribution under new names as "demos", probably in the 
	HTML::Application::WS::* namespace.

2001-04-20   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* Release 0.38.
	* This release is the first one anticipating official registrations with 
	"The Perl 5 Module List".  The updated entry would look like this:

::Application     adpO Framework for complex portable web apps      DUNCAND
	* This release contains the first appearance of my HTML::Application module.
	Its code is derived from several related modules which had been constantly 
	renamed, split, and combined since their first CPAN release in 2000-07-23.  
	The most recent temporary names for these were "CGI::WPM::Globals", 
	"CGI::WPM::PageMaker" and "CGI::WPM::WebUserIO".  They were previously 
	released as parts of the following distributions:
		- "libdwg": v1.0 r2000-07-23, v1.11 r2000-08-23
		- "CGI-FormGenerator": v0.9 r2000-09-04, v0.9201 r2000-12-26
		- "CGI-WebsiteGenerator": v0.3 r2000-09-04, v0.36 r2001-04-10
		- "duncand-prerelease": v0.37 r2001-04-12
	* This module requires Perl version 5.004.
	* It also requires File::VirtualPath 1.0, HTML::EasyTags 1.04, 
	Data::MultiValuedhash 1.07, and CGI::MultiValuedHash 1.07.  I consider the 
	first three modules to be stable and well tested, as well as unlikely to 
	change.  The fourth module is partially tested, but production use of the 
	other functionality finds it to be working properly.
	* This release comes with the CPAN standard files "Makefile.PL", "test.pl", 
	and "MANIFEST", which were all created since the previous release.

	* Note that "test.pl" is incomplete; it only tests that this module will 
	compile but not that the methods work; it is included so that people can use 
	the Makefile in the standard way during installation.  This file will be 
	fleshed out when I have the chance.
2001-04-12   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* duncand-prerelease 0.37, the last version of any distribution to include
	CGI::WPM::Globals, was released.
2000-07-23   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* libdwg 1.0, the first version of any distribution to include
	CGI::WPM::Globals, was released on CPAN.
2000-05-15   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* Completed primary development on this module.

2000-03-07   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

	* Began development on the final version of this module.
	* Module based on a template created by h2xs 1.18.

1999-07 thru 1999-12

	* Worked on second prototype of code that ended up in this module.

1999-02 thru 1999-05

	* Created first prototypes of code that ended up in this module, which were 
	used in a production environment.