
2005-09-08   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Locale-KeyedText Release 1.6.0.

    * New code file versions are: KeyedText.pm v1.6.0.

    * From now on, if the minimum Perl version that this distribution depends on
    (currently 5.008001) comes bundled with a satisfactory version of a module
    that we have a dependency on, then we will no longer specify any version
    number when referring to said module.  An example of such is Test::More.

    * Added a new main title to this Changes file that matches the ReadMe file.

    * Rewrote the documentation section KEEPING UP TO DATE in the ReadMe file.

    * Minor KeyedText.pm documentation update so that any Perl subs which were
    referred to as "function/method" etc are now simply "function".

    * Updated the DESCRIPTION paragraph of KeyedText.pm that refers to how easy
    to install the module is; it now says the module has few external
    dependencies, rather than specifying zero.

    * Converted every distribution file to use indentations composed of space 
    characters (4 spaces per indentation level) rather than tab characters.

    * Updated all files containing POD (*.pm, *.pod) to re-order some POD
    sections.  Now all of the POD is after all of the code, rather than that
    being mostly true but for a bit of POD before most of the code.  The 'NAME'
    POD has been moved to just above the 'SYNOPSIS'. The 'DEPENDENCIES' has been
    moved to just above the 'SEE ALSO'.  Any 'BUGS' and 'CAVEATS' have been
    moved to just below the 'SEE ALSO'.  The 'COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE' has been
    moved to the very end of the file, except that any 'CREDITS' have been moved
    below that.  Also updated the ReadMe file to move the 'CREDITS' below the
    'COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE'.  There were zero changes to the content of any POD 
    sections, and no new POD sections were added or existing ones removed,
    except for those explicitly listed below.

    * Updated all files containing POD:  Deleted the 'SYNTAX' section, whose
    value was dubious, from any files that had one.  Renamed 'COPYRIGHT AND
    LICENSE' to 'LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT', and added a new 'AUTHOR' section just
    above it.  Renamed 'CREDITS' to 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS' in any files that had
    one.  COPYRIGHT and CREDITS were likewise renamed in the ReadMe file.

    * Updated the POD in all *.pm files:  Added a new 'VERSION' section, which
    appears just below the 'NAME'.  Added a new 'INCOMPATIBILITIES' section,
    which appears just below 'DEPENDENCIES'.  Renamed and/or merged any 'BUGS'
    and 'CAVEATS' sections into a single 'BUGS AND LIMITATIONS' section, and
    added that section to any files lacking its predecessors.  Rewrote the
    'DEPENDENCIES' into a new paragraph-resembling format that specifies where
    each dependency is, such as bundled with perl, or bundled with the current
    distribution, or available on CPAN; also rewrote the ReadMe file version.

    * Updated all *.pm files to add a new external dependency on the 'version'
    module, which has core-like functionality but isn't yet bundled with Perl;
    all 'our $VERSION' declarations were changed to qv-wrapped three-part format
    from floating point format; likewise, updated the *_00_Compile.t file to use
    'version', and also changed the tests for expected module versions to be
    performed by is() rather than cmp_ok().

2005-06-14   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Locale-KeyedText Release 1.05.

    * New code file versions are: KeyedText.pm v1.05.

    * This release contains a large batch of changes that were done
    simultaneously in the Perl 5 and Perl 6 versions of Locale::KeyedText; the
    Perl 6 versions can be seen on CPAN in the upcoming Perl6-Pugs-6.2.8
    distribution beneath its /ext/Locale-KeyedText directory.

    * Updated all files in this distribution that display the physical address
    of the Free Software Foundation, Inc. so it uses their current address of
    "51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA" rather than their
    previous address of "59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA";
    this affects every COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE statement in the core files and the
    'ReadMe' file, plus any 'GPL' or 'LGPL' license file.

    * Updated the INSTALL file so that it is more generic, and all of my
    distributions now use an identical copy of it.

    * Updated the main heading in the ReadMe file to state the distribution's
    name rather than a terse description of it.

    * Updated KeyedText.pm to remove superfluous input restrictions that were
    present for all Message and Translator properties.  Now each element of said
    properties can be any defined value, including the empty string, and there
    are no invalid characters.  Previously you could mainly just use
    alphanumeric characters for them.  Updated methods Message.new() and
    Translator.new() to implement the change, and also updated the POD sections
    that overview the Message and Translator classes concerning this.

    * Added a restriction to the Translator class such that each of its array
    properties must have at least 1 element (which can be the empty string);
    previously, zero elements were allowed.  Corresponding POD update in the 
    Translator class overview.

    * Removed the translate_message() code comment about an assumption of
    properties being previously cleaned.  Added an item in the TODO file
    concerning a future policy change being required to handle literal '{' and
    '}' in Message Variable Names.

    * Removed the BUGS documentation in KeyedText.pm; it simply referred to the
    quality of the French user-text examples in the POD.

    * A few other minor POD bug fixes or updates.

    * In t_LKT_Util.pm, reorganized the serialize() function's dispatch order.

    * Large updates to the 2 LKT_[10_Msg|20_Trn]Props.t files where about half
    of the tests were added and/or removed, and some otherwise edited.  In
    summary, there are a lot fewer tests that dealt with expected failure cases
    and some extra that deal with expected success cases.  LKT_10_MsgProps.t now
    has 5 fewer tests, LKT_20_TrnProps.t has the same number, and
    LKT_30_TrnMsg.t now has 1 fewer.  

    * Zero changes were made to the 4 t_LKT_[A|B]_L_[Eng|Fre].pm files.

2005-05-13   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Locale-KeyedText Release 1.04.

    * New code file versions are: KeyedText.pm v1.04.

    * Updated every instance of the COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE documentation in this
    distribution to correct the declared date range in which the core
    Locale::KeyedText files were created.  The new dates are 2003 thru 2005,
    which is when I actually committed documentation describing or code
    implementing what became the Locale::KeyedText core.  The old dates were
    1999 thru 2005, which goes back to the time that I started conceiving a
    larger project which the aforementioned module started out being related to;
    however, those earlier years did not contain any work on what specifically
    became the aforementioned module, so they are now excluded.

    * Updated every instance of the COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE documentation in this
    distribution so that you may now choose between licensing it under the LGPL
    version 2.1 or any later LGPL version, rather than only under version 2.1.

    * Renamed the "LICENSE" file to "LGPL", and correspondingly updated all
    references to it in this distribution, most of them being in COPYRIGHT AND
    LICENSE statements.  This change was made to reduce user confusion in
    situations where files from this distribution may be aggregated with other
    files that have different licenses; the old name was too generic.

    * This release saw a large reorganization of the test suite.  The file
    t/Locale_KeyedText.t was split-up into these 5 parts (numbers in parens are
    the portion of the original 102 numbered tests that each part got):
    t/lib/t_LKT_Util.pm (zero), t/LKT_00_Compile.t (4), t/LKT_10_MsgProps.t
    (29), t/LKT_20_TrnProps.t (34), t/LKT_30_TrnMsg.t (35).  The test utility
    module t_LKT_Util.pm contains the message() and serialize() functions used
    by most of the other test scripts; the message() function also received a
    minor update such that its output is prefixed with '#' rather than '--',
    like Test::More does for comments.  Also renamed the 4
    t_Locale_KeyedText_*.pm files to t_LKT_*.pm.

    * Updated the new test script t/LKT_00_Compile.t to add 9 brand new numbered
    tests for a total of 13; 6 of these 13 use Test::More's use_ok() function to
    cleanly test that the 1 core module and 5 test modules will load without
    errors; 1 of these tests, with cmp_ok(), that the 1 core module is of the
    correct version; 6 of these test, with can_ok(), that the 5 test modules
    declare the required functions.  This new script runs prior to all of the
    others.  Before this change, the original test script would simply die
    without any ok/not ok.

    * Renamed this file to 'Changes' from 'ChangeLog'; the new name is more
    descriptive to its free-form structure, and more consistent with CPAN (which
    uses both names but 'Changes' seems to be more common these days).  Also
    truncated this Changes file to remove all detail entries for releases v1.00
    thru v1.03; in their place was added a change summary for releases v0.01
    thru v1.03 that mainly just said what the names and versions of all the
    predecessor distributions and modules are.

2005-04-03   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Locale-KeyedText Release 1.03, containing Locale::KeyedText v1.03, was
    released on CPAN.

2004-09-23   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Locale-KeyedText Release 1.00, containing Locale::KeyedText v1.00, was
    released on CPAN.  This is the first release of this module following its
    official registration on the Perl 5 Module List.

2004-09-23   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    The next version of the Module List will list the following module:

      modid:       Locale::KeyedText
      DSLIP:       RdpOl
      description: Refer to user messages in programs by keys
      userid:      DUNCAND (Darren Duncan)
      chapterid:   13 (Internationalization_Locale)
      enteredby:   KSTAR (Kurt D. Starsinic)
      enteredon:   Thu Sep 23 18:35:01 2004 GMT

    The resulting entry will be:

    ::KeyedText       RdpOl Refer to user messages in programs by keys   DUNCAND

2004-08-31   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Locale-KeyedText Release 0.07, containing Locale::KeyedText v0.07, was
    released on CPAN.  This is the last release of this module prior to its
    official registration on the Perl 5 Module List.

2004-01-15   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Locale-KeyedText Release 0.01, containing Locale::KeyedText v0.01, was
    released on CPAN.  This is the first release of any distribution to contain
    Locale::KeyedText.  This is the first release of any distribution for which
    some of the existing work that became the Locale-KeyedText distribution was
    in the form of executable code, and not just design documentation.

2003-09-29   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Began active code development on the proposed Locale::KeyedText module.

    * Module based on a template created by h2xs 1.18.

2003-06-03   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.11 was released on CPAN.  This is the first release of
    any distribution where the proposal documentation for Locale::KeyedText uses
    that name for it; it was renamed from Rosetta::Locale.

2003-05-28   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.10 was released on CPAN.  This is the last release of
    any distribution for which the documented name of the proposed module that
    became Locale::KeyedText was given the name Rosetta::Locale.

2003-03-04   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.05 was released on CPAN.  This is the first release of
    any distribution to contain design documentation that became the
    Locale-KeyedText distribution, specifically in the STRUCTURE and BRIEF
    MODULE LIST portions of the documentation file Rosetta::Framework.  It
    described an upcoming new module to make it easy to separate human-readable
    messages from code, intending that each user language can have their own
    separate human text file.  The proposed core module name is Rosetta::Locale.

    * Given that I started publishing details about what became
    Locale::KeyedText here, 2003 is the start of my declared copyright date
    range for Locale::KeyedText.