
2005-09-08   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.48.0.

    * New code file versions are: and v0.48.0 and
    Rosetta/L/ v0.19.0 and Validator/L/ v0.14.0.

    * Updated external dependencies on Locale::KeyedText to v1.6.0 and on
    SQL::Routine to v0.70.0.

    * From now on, if the minimum Perl version that this distribution depends on
    (currently 5.008001) comes bundled with a satisfactory version of a module
    that we have a dependency on, then we will no longer specify any version
    number when referring to said module.  An example of such is Test::More.

    * Updated the DESCRIPTION paragraph of that refers to how easy
    to install the module is; it now says the module has few external
    dependencies, rather than specifying two.

    * Converted every distribution file to use indentations composed of space 
    characters (4 spaces per indentation level) rather than tab characters.

    * In Details.pod, moved the second SYNTAX paragraph to the end of STRUCTURE.

    * Updated all files containing POD (*.pm, *.pod) to re-order some POD
    sections.  Now all of the POD is after all of the code, rather than that
    being mostly true but for a bit of POD before most of the code.  The 'NAME'
    POD has been moved to just above the 'SYNOPSIS'. The 'DEPENDENCIES' has been
    moved to just above the 'SEE ALSO'.  Any 'BUGS' and 'CAVEATS' have been
    moved to just below the 'SEE ALSO'.  The 'COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE' has been
    moved to the very end of the file, except that any 'CREDITS' have been moved
    below that.  Also updated the ReadMe file to move the 'CREDITS' below the
    'COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE'.  There were zero changes to the content of any POD 
    sections, and no new POD sections were added or existing ones removed,
    except for those explicitly listed below.

    * Updated all files containing POD:  Deleted the 'SYNTAX' section, whose
    value was dubious, from any files that had one.  Renamed 'COPYRIGHT AND
    LICENSE' to 'LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT', and added a new 'AUTHOR' section just
    above it.  Renamed 'CREDITS' to 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS' in any files that had
    one.  COPYRIGHT and CREDITS were likewise renamed in the ReadMe file.

    * Updated the POD in all *.pm files:  Added a new 'VERSION' section, which
    appears just below the 'NAME'.  Added a new 'INCOMPATIBILITIES' section,
    which appears just below 'DEPENDENCIES'.  Renamed and/or merged any 'BUGS'
    and 'CAVEATS' sections into a single 'BUGS AND LIMITATIONS' section, and
    added that section to any files lacking its predecessors.  Rewrote the
    'DEPENDENCIES' into a new paragraph-resembling format that specifies where
    each dependency is, such as bundled with perl, or bundled with the current
    distribution, or available on CPAN; also rewrote the ReadMe file version.

    * Updated all *.pm files to add a new external dependency on the 'version'
    module, which has core-like functionality but isn't yet bundled with Perl;
    all 'our $VERSION' declarations were changed to qv-wrapped three-part format
    from floating point format; likewise, updated the *_00_Compile.t file to use
    'version', and also changed the tests for expected module versions to be
    performed by is() rather than cmp_ok().

    * Updated and to add a new external dependency on the 'only' 
    module, which has core-like functionality but isn't yet bundled with Perl;
    all "use Foo N.NN" statements were changed to three-part format and now look 
    like "use only 'Foo' => 'N.N.N-'".

2005-09-01   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.47.

    * New code file versions are: and v0.47 and
    Validator/L/ 0.13.

    * Updated external dependencies on SQL::Routine to v0.69.

    * Added a new main title to this Changes file that matches the ReadMe file.

    * Rewrote the documentation section KEEPING UP TO DATE in the ReadMe file.

    * Corrected an oversight from release 0.46; updated the BRIEF MODULE LIST in
    Framework.pod to include the listing of the 8 Rosetta::Interface::* classes
    that gained in that release.

    * Updated to retain compatability with a change made in
    SQL::Routine v0.66; one can no longer straight compare two SRT Node or
    Container objects to determine their equivalence, since they are now
    interfaces over a shared storage object.  Updated these 3 methods
    to use the new SQL::Routine method get_self_id() instead of the straight
    comparisons: _assert_arg_node_type(),,

    * Updated the DESCRIPTION to add a sentence on what services the 
    Rosetta core provides to Engines (mainly input and output validation).

    * Several other, minor Framework.pod updates, including the addition of the
    Apache Derby db to the brief Engine module list.

    * This release mainly saw the removal of the previously deprecated
    'Rosetta::Utility::EasyBake' module; a greatly simplified version of its
    functionality was merged into, which was previously its sole
    dependent.  Removed the 'easybake' class property.  Removed the
    setup_app() private method and merge its functionality into the setup_env()
    and setup_conn() private methods. gained mostly pristine
    copies of the %BC_SETUP_NODE_TYPES constant data dictionary plus the
    validate_connection_setup_options() public method, and the old
    _throw_error_message() was merged into the latter.  The old
    build_application() and build_child_environment() were both merged into each
    of setup_env() and setup_conn().  The old build_child_connection() was
    merged into setup_conn().  The old sroutine_catalog_list() was merged into
    test_catalog_list().  The old sroutine_catalog_open() and
    sroutine_catalog_close() were merged mostly into setup_conn() with a bit
    merged into test_conn_basic().  The old _build[|_child]_node_auto_name() are
    no longer used; Validator now hard-codes all generated Node Surrogate Ids,
    and all Node Ids are set to auto-generate in setup_env() and setup_conn().
    These old methods were simply deleted without adaption: new(),
    build_application_with_node_trees(), build_environment(),
    build_connection(), _assert_arg[|_intf]_obj_type().  Regarding POD
    documentation, the validate_connection_setup_options() public method came
    over almost pristine, build_connection()'s explanation of SETUP_OPTIONS was
    merged into main(), and build_child_connection()'s code example was added to
    the SYNOPSIS.  The previously deprecated Rosetta::Utility::EasyBake::L::en
    module was also removed, and its 7 user text messages were moved, mostly
    pristine, into Validator/L/  The combined size of the 4 pre-merged
    files was 63K, and the 2 post-merged files are is 36K, giving us a 43% file
    size reduction while retaining all the old functionality.  Also updated
    Framework.pod and ROS_00_Compile.t (4 numbered tests) to remove mention of
    the EasyBake modules.  Removed the DESCRIPTION paragraph that
    said the module has a multi-layered API.

    * Updated and to retain compatability with changes
    made in SQL::Routine v0.69; replaced all invocations of the Node methods
    [get|clear|set]_[literal|enumerated|node_ref]_attribute[|s]() with
    invocations of [get|clear_set]_attribute[|s]().

2005-07-07   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.46.

    * New code file versions are: and v0.46 and
    Rosetta/L/ 0.18 and Validator/L/ 0.12 and 0.01 and 
    EasyBake/L/ 0.01 (the last 2 are new, and explained below).

    * Updated external dependencies on Locale::KeyedText to v1.05 and on
    SQL::Routine to v0.65.

    * This release is a snapshot that shows a mid-way point of for large Rosetta 
    upgrade; many changes were made, and many more will be in the next few days.

    * Added new external dependency on Scalar::Util v1.11 (bundled with Perl
    5.8.x); Rosetta now uses its 'weak refs' feature internally at strategic
    places so that you no longer need to explicitly destroy Interface trees when
    you are done with them.  The circular refs between parent and child Rosetta
    Interfaces no longer prevent Perl's standard garbage collection from working
    when expected, which is when all external refs to a child-most Interface go
    away.  This change makes Rosetta much more DWIM and easier to use.  All 3
    invocations of Scalar::Util::weaken are in the new private Interface method
    _new__set_common_properties().  Parent links to children are made weak,
    while child links to parents are strong, which ensures children are always
    auto-destructed before their parents.  Removed the destroy() method from all
    3 classes, and the Interface methods
    [|_]destroy_interface_tree(), and the invocation of such in do().  Updated
    Details.pod to remove references to those methods; updated Rosetta/L/
    to remove the 'ROS_I_DESTROY_HAS_CHILD' user text message.  Updated to remove all invocations of those methods.  Since
    auto-destruction of individual Interfaces separate from their tree will
    leave undefined weak-ref elements in their parents' child lists, added new
    Interface magic method DESTROY() to purge those undefs.

    * Updated all files in this distribution that display the physical address
    of the Free Software Foundation, Inc. so it uses their current address of
    "51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA" rather than their
    previous address of "59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA";
    this affects every COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE statement in the core files and the
    'ReadMe' file, plus any 'GPL' or 'LGPL' license file.

    * Updated the INSTALL file so that it is more generic, and all of my
    distributions now use an identical copy of it.

    * Updated the main heading in the ReadMe file to state the distribution's
    name rather than a terse description of it.

    * The 'Rosetta' core module has been split into itself and a new module
    'Rosetta::Utility::EasyBake'; the latter is an optional extension to the
    former. contains 10 public functions from the old
    validate_connection_setup_options(), build_application[|_with_node_trees](),
    sroutine_catalog_[list|open|close]().  It also contains the
    %BC_SETUP_NODE_TYPES file-scope constant and the 2 private functions
    _build[|_child]_node_auto_name().  Everything else that was in the old is in the new one, sans other edits to that module.  The
    corresponding portions of Details.pod were removed from there and added to  The corresponding parts of Rosetta/L/ were removed from
    there and became the new Rosetta::Utility::EasyBake::L::en module.  Any
    moved functions that used to be Interface object methods now take those
    objects as their first argument; all of the moved functions are now
    stateless.  Updated to use the moved functions correctly.
    Updated Rosetta_Engine_Generic.t, and the Validator/L/ SYNOPSIS, to add
    'Rosetta::Utility::EasyBake::L::' to the Translator Sets list.  Note that should be considered deprecated, for quick-and-dirty programs or
    experiments; large programs or other CPAN modules should write directly to
    the Rosetta module and/or a different wrapper instead.

    * Corresponding updates to, Rosetta/L/, and Details.pod:
    split the 2 Interface properties 'parent interface', 'child interface' into
    4 more specialized properties, 'parent-by-[creation|context] interface',
    'child-by-[creation|context] interface'; likewise their 2 parent/child
    accessor methods were split into 4.  Some interface types use both of these
    new properties, and some use only one, and 'Application' still none.  The
    PARENT_INTF argument of was similarly split into 2
    arguments.  Also removed the get_sibling_interfaces() accessor method, which
    isn't currently in use anywhere.

    * Also split up the 1 'srt node' property and accessor into
    5 more specialized ones: 'application instance node', 'data link product
    node', 'catalog link node', 'external cursor node', 'routine node'; they are
    specific to these 5 Interface types respectively: Application, Environment,
    Connection, Cursor, Preparation.

    * Removed the 1 'routine' Interface property, and get_routine() accessor
    method; now, rather than storing a prepared anonymous Perl subroutine to
    execute, the Interface method execute() will now pass through to an Engine's
    execute() method instead; added execute() to the Engine class and Dispatcher
    class; added new Dispatcher property 'prep routine' for that class to store
    its Perl sub in; removed the ROUTINE argument from

    * Removed the routine_source_code() methods from the Interface and Engine 
    classes since they aren't currently in use; a replacement may come later.

    * Reconfigured to invoke itself, and removed
    its ENGINE argument.  Updated Dispatcher method _prepare__srtn_cat_list() to
    first create a new Interface and then set it's new Engine's properties,
    rather than creating the new Engine prior to the Interface.  The reordering 
    of these related creations should greatly help make Rosetta easier to use.

    * The Dispatcher class is no longer a sub-class of the Engine class, but
    rather of just 'Rosetta', as 'Interface' and 'Engine' are.  Removed
    Rosetta/L/ message 'ROS_I_PREPARE_ENGINE_YES_DISPATCHER', since it is 
    no longer possible for an 'Engine' sub-class to trigger this error.

    * Rewrote part of Dispatcher.features() to fix a potential or actual bug
    regarding how the Engines' features() results are amalgamated.

    * Corresponding updates to, Rosetta/L/, and Details.pod:
    Split up the Rosetta::Interface class into itself and 8 sub-classes whose
    names are in the format Rosetta::Interface::*, where * is one of:
    Application, Environment, Connection, Cursor, Literal, Success, Preparation,
    Error.  There is no longer an Interface property named "interface type", as
    its 8 possible types now have their own classes instead.  The 1 'Rosetta'
    wrapper method new_application() became 8 Interface wrapper methods, named
    new_*_interface().  The method is gone, and each of
    other 8 sub-classes now have their own specialized new().  All 8 Interface
    classes have the 4 parent/child properties plus the 'root interface' and
    'engine' properties in common; they also have in common the 4 parent/child
    accessor methods plus get_root_interface() and get_engine().  Now only the
    Application class has these 3 properties, though accessors for them are on
    all 8 classes: 'srt container', 'application instance node', 'trace
    filehandle'.  Now only the Error class has the 'error message' property and
    accessor.  The other 4 above-mentioned SRT properties and their accessor
    methods are now only with their respective Interface classes.  Now only
    these 3 classes have a features() method: Application, Environment,
    Connection.  Now only those 3 classes plus Cursor have prepare() and do()
    methods.  Now only the Preparation class has an execute() method.  Added 5
    new (wrapper) methods to the Engine class, which Engines must implement, as
    the Interface' new() will invoke them: new_*_engine() for environment,
    connection, cursor, literal, preparation; the Engine class also no longer
    has a plain new() method, though other Engines can if they want to.  Added 3
    new (wrapper) methods to the Dispatcher class: new_*_engine() for
    application, literal, preparation.  The old _prepare_lpn() private Interface
    method, plus relevant parts of the old prepare() and execute() methods, has
    been merged into the new  These private Interface methods
    are now gone, as their functionality has been moved into the various new()
    methods and/or new refactorings: _validate_properties_to_be(),
    _validate_parent_intf(), _validate_srt_node().

    * Refactored various Interface methods and brought out common functionality
    into these 4 new 'Rosetta' private functions/methods, which complement
    _throw_error_message(): _assert_arg_[obj|intf_obj|node]_type(); they can be
    invoked on self by either Interface or Engine or Dispatcher objects.  More
    Interface method refactoring brought out these 5 new Interface private
    methods; they can only be invoked on self by Interface classes: 
    _assert_engine_made_errors(), _new__assert_args_intfs_same_tree(), 
    _new__set_common_properties(), _features(), _prepare().

    * Added some new input and output validation code to the prepare(),
    execute(), and payload() methods, but they are filled with TODO comments and
    don't actually throw any exceptions yet; effectively they are no-ops.

    * Added a paragraph to's DESCRIPTION to specify that Rosetta has
    no intention of being an object-relational mapper but speaks just in
    relational database terms.

    * Rewrote half of Details.pod's STRUCTURE documentation, mainly the
    explanation of now the various Interface types relate to each other, in
    light of there now being 2 types of parent/child relationships.

    * Replaced most of the user text messages in Rosetta/L/ with a smaller
    number of different and more generic ones.

    * Rewrote the TODO file such as with concern LOB support that is as elegant
    as current cursor support.

    * Minor updates to Framework.pod.  Updated the BRIEF MODULE LIST: 1. added a
    brief paragraph that gives an analogy of the Rosetta framework parts in
    terms of the DBI framework; 2. removed SQL::Routine::API_C following a
    rearrangement in the SQL-Routine distribution that merged it into
    SQL::Routine::Details; 3. added modules Rosetta::Utility::EasyBake and
    Rosetta::Utility::EasyBake::L::en to the Rosetta distro; 4.
    SQL::Routine::SQLBuilder and ::SQLParser each gained an; 5.
    Rosetta::Emulator::DBI is now in its own distribution and has an

    * Various other minor updates throughout the distribution.

    * Note that Features.pod had zero changes besides in the copyright notice.

2005-05-13   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.45.

    * New code file versions are: and v0.45 and
    Rosetta/L/ 0.17 and Validator/L/ 0.11.

    * Updated external dependencies on Locale::KeyedText to v1.04 and on
    SQL::Routine to v0.62.

    * Updated every instance of the COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE documentation in this
    distribution to correct the declared date range in which the core Rosetta
    files were created.  The new dates are 2002 thru 2005, which is when I
    actually committed documentation describing or code implementing what became
    the Rosetta core.  The old dates were 1999 thru 2005, which goes back to the
    time that I started conceiving a larger project which the aforementioned
    module started out being related to; however, those earlier years did not
    contain any work on what specifically became the aforementioned module, so
    they are now excluded.

    * Updated every instance of the COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE documentation in this
    distribution so that you may now choose between licensing it under the GPL
    version 2 or any later GPL version, rather than only under version 2.

    * Renamed the "LICENSE" file to "GPL", and correspondingly updated all
    references to it in this distribution, most of them being in COPYRIGHT AND
    LICENSE statements.  This change was made to reduce user confusion in
    situations where files from this distribution may be aggregated with other
    files that have different licenses; the old name was too generic.

    * Updated and Routine/L/ in correspondence to the recent
    SQL::Routine change where Nodes now always live in Containers.  Updated
    private method _validate_srt_node() so it no longer asserts that the given
    SRT_NODE is in a Container; we can now assume that is the case.  Removed 2
    related user text messages, 'ROS_I_[NEW_INTF|PREPARE]_NODE_NOT_IN_CONT'.

    * A few trivial Framework.pod updates.

    * Renamed Rosetta.t to ROS_00_Compile.t and rewrote it to contain 8 tests; 4
    of these use Test::More's use_ok() function to cleanly test that the 4 core
    modules will load without errors; 4 of these test, with cmp_ok(), that the 4
    core modules are of the correct versions.  Before this change, the original
    test script would simply die without any ok/not ok if the core modules were
    missing. The old test script simply printed 'ok 1' to show it was running.

2005-04-22   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.44.

    * New code file versions are: and v0.44.

    * Updated external dependencies on SQL::Routine to v0.59.

    * This release is entirely about maintaining compatability with
    SQL::Routine, whose Container objects now auto-destruct when all external
    refs to them go away, and holding an external ref to a Container's Node is
    no longer sufficient to prevent the auto-destruction; Containers no longer 
    have any manual destroy() methods.

    * Updated  Added 1 new Interface property, 'srt_cont', which is
    defined to store a direct ref to the SRT Container object that 'srt_node'
    lives in.  This is necessary when external code expects an Interface tree to
    maintain the sole reference to the SRT Container it is using.  The 2
    Interface methods new() and get_srt_container() were updated accordingly.

    * Updated and Details.pod and  Removed the
    Interface.destroy_interface_tree_and_srt_container() method declaration; any
    invocations of it now call destroy_interface_tree(), having the same effect.

    * A few trivial Framework.pod updates.

    * Renamed this file to 'Changes' from 'ChangeLog'; the new name is more
    descriptive to its free-form structure, and more consistent with CPAN (which
    uses both names but 'Changes' seems to be more common these days).  Also
    truncated this Changes file to remove all detail entries for releases v0.28
    thru v0.43; in their place was added a change summary for releases v0.01
    thru v0.43 that mainly just said what the names and versions of all the
    predecessor distributions and modules are.

2005-04-03   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.43, containing Rosetta 0.43 and Rosetta::Validator 0.43,
    was released on CPAN.

2004-10-26   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.37, containing Rosetta 0.37 and Rosetta::Validator 0.37,
    was released on CPAN.  This is the first release for this distribution where
    Rosetta and Rosetta::Validator explicitly have matching version numbers.

2004-10-04   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.36, containing Rosetta 0.36 and Rosetta::Validator 0.06,
    was released on CPAN.  This is the last release for this distribution where
    Rosetta and Rosetta::Validator do not explicitly have matching version

2004-08-16   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.33, containing Rosetta 0.33 and Rosetta::Validator 0.03,
    was released on CPAN.  This is the first release for this distribution and
    Rosetta module where they both explicitly have matching version numbers,
    aside from the explicitly matched releases 0.01 thru 0.061.

2004-08-12   Darren Duncan <>

    Record update in the PAUSE modules database:

    description: [Rigorous database portability] was [Rigorous database portability framework]

    The resulting entry will be:

    Rosetta           cdpOg Rigorous database portability                DUNCAND

2004-08-12   Darren Duncan <>

    Record update in the PAUSE modules database:

    description: [Rigorous database portability framework] was [Framework for RDBMS-generic apps and schemas]

    The resulting entry will be:

    Rosetta           cdpOg Rigorous database portability framework      DUNCAND

2004-08-06   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.32, containing Rosetta 0.16 and Rosetta::Validator 0.02,
    was released on CPAN.  This is the last release for this distribution and
    Rosetta module where they both do not explicitly have matching version

2004-07-07   Darren Duncan <>

    Record update in the PAUSE modules database:

    statl: [p] was [h]

    The resulting entry will be:

    Rosetta           cdpOg Framework for RDBMS-generic apps and schemas DUNCAND

2004-07-05   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.31, containing Rosetta 0.15 and Rosetta::Validator 0.01,
    was released on CPAN.  This is the first release of any distribution to
    contain Rosetta::Validator.

2003-04-27   Darren Duncan <>

    Record update in the PAUSE modules database:

    statl: [h] was [p]

    The resulting entry will be:

    Rosetta           cdhOg Framework for RDBMS-generic apps and schemas DUNCAND

2003-04-16   Darren Duncan <>

    Record update in the PAUSE modules database:

    statp: [g] was [p]

    The resulting entry will be:

    Rosetta           cdpOg Framework for RDBMS-generic apps and schemas DUNCAND

2003-04-15   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.07, containing Rosetta 0.062, was released on CPAN. 
    This is the first release for this distribution and Rosetta module where
    they both do not explicitly have matching version numbers.

2003-03-09   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.061, containing Rosetta 0.061, was released on CPAN.
    This is the last release for this distribution and Rosetta module where they
    both explicitly have matching version numbers, aside from the explicitly
    matched releases 0.33 and later.

2003-01-27   Darren Duncan <>

    * Rosetta Release 0.02, containing Rosetta 0.02, was released on CPAN; this
    is the first release of the Rosetta distribution, which was renamed from
    DBIx-Portable.  This is the first release of any distribution to contain
    Rosetta, which at this time contains no executable code but for declaring a
    name and version.  Early versions of the design documentation that became
    the Rosetta distribution were included.

2003-01-21   Darren Duncan <>

    The next version of the Module List will list the following module:

      modid:       Rosetta
      DSLIP:       cdpOp
      description: Framework for RDBMS-generic apps and schemas
      userid:      DUNCAND (Darren Duncan)
      chapterid:    7 (Database_Interfaces)
      enteredby:   ANDK (Andreas J. König)
      enteredon:   Tue Jan 21 08:20:47 2003 GMT

    The resulting entry will be:

    Rosetta           cdpOp Framework for RDBMS-generic apps and schemas DUNCAND

2003-01-05   Darren Duncan <>

    * DBIx-Portable Release 0.01, containing DBIx::Portable 0.01, was released
    on CPAN; this is the only release of the DBIx-Portable distribution, which
    was subsequently renamed to Rosetta.  This is the only release of any
    distribution to contain DBIx::Portable, which at this time contains no
    executable code but for declaring a name and version.  This is the first
    release of any distribution to contain design documentation that became the
    Rosetta distribution.

2002-11-12   Darren Duncan <>

    * Began development on the modules which became the Rosetta
    distribution as their own entity that is separate from my application, for
    open-source distribution on CPAN.  The modules were to comprise an
    RDBMS-generic DB framework for any application to use.

    * Modules based on a template created by h2xs 1.18.


    * Posted the first significant update to the second prototype, which added
    an index or cache for data that was expensive to calculate for each page
    request, and involved rewriting about a fourth of the perl code.


    * Posted to my website the second public prototype demo of the new
    self-proprietary database driven application, whose database schema, user
    interface, feature set, and Perl application code was almost completely
    rewritten. The new version explicitly had separate modules for database
    communication and the web interface logic, with MySQL-specific code and
    database generic or data dictionary code in separate files, and separate
    files for parts of the web interface.  The program used the same generic
    CPAN modules as in the first prototype, DBI/MySQL and CGI::Portable.

    * This is when I started writing self-contained code components that were
    explicitly designed to enable external code that used them to work
    seamlessly on multiple database products, and hence 2002 is the start of my
    declared copyright date range for Rosetta.


    * Posted the last update to the first prototype.


    * Posted to my website the first public prototype demo of a new
    self-proprietary database driven application, which is like a cross between
    a multimedia metadata catalogue and a repository for historical or
    genealogical data.  This application contained the first prototypes of code
    that ended up in these modules.  All of this application's code, for
    database communication and web interface logic, was situated in a single
    module, with the rest of the program being more generic CPAN modules like
    DBI (and DBD for MySQL) and CGI::Portable.


    * Requested MySQL database privileges on my web host so I have something to
    start developing, testing and deploying database driven applications on.