
2005-09-08   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.70.0.

    * New code file versions are: Routine.pm v0.70.0 and en.pm v0.38.0.

    * Updated external dependencies on Locale::KeyedText to v1.6.0.

    * From now on, if the minimum Perl version that this distribution depends on
    (currently 5.008001) comes bundled with a satisfactory version of a module
    that we have a dependency on, then we will no longer specify any version
    number when referring to said module.  An example of such is Test::More.

    * Updated the DESCRIPTION paragraph of KeyedText.pm that refers to how easy
    to install the module is; it now says the module has few external
    dependencies, rather than specifying one.

    * Converted every distribution file to use indentations composed of space 
    characters (4 spaces per indentation level) rather than tab characters.

    * Updated the 2 Routine.pm private methods _serialize_as_[perl|xml]() to
    indent their output using spaces (4 per level) rather than tabs.

    * Updated all files containing POD (*.pm, *.pod) to re-order some POD
    sections.  Now all of the POD is after all of the code, rather than that
    being mostly true but for a bit of POD before most of the code.  The 'NAME'
    POD has been moved to just above the 'SYNOPSIS'. The 'DEPENDENCIES' has been
    moved to just above the 'SEE ALSO'.  Any 'BUGS' and 'CAVEATS' have been
    moved to just below the 'SEE ALSO'.  The 'COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE' has been
    moved to the very end of the file, except that any 'CREDITS' have been moved
    below that.  Also updated the ReadMe file to move the 'CREDITS' below the
    'COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE'.  There were zero changes to the content of any POD 
    sections, and no new POD sections were added or existing ones removed,
    except for those explicitly listed below.

    * Updated all files containing POD:  Deleted the 'SYNTAX' section, whose
    value was dubious, from any files that had one.  Renamed 'COPYRIGHT AND
    LICENSE' to 'LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT', and added a new 'AUTHOR' section just
    above it.  Renamed 'CREDITS' to 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS' in any files that had
    one.  COPYRIGHT and CREDITS were likewise renamed in the ReadMe file.

    * Updated the POD in all *.pm files:  Added a new 'VERSION' section, which
    appears just below the 'NAME'.  Added a new 'INCOMPATIBILITIES' section,
    which appears just below 'DEPENDENCIES'.  Renamed and/or merged any 'BUGS'
    and 'CAVEATS' sections into a single 'BUGS AND LIMITATIONS' section, and
    added that section to any files lacking its predecessors.  Rewrote the
    'DEPENDENCIES' into a new paragraph-resembling format that specifies where
    each dependency is, such as bundled with perl, or bundled with the current
    distribution, or available on CPAN; also rewrote the ReadMe file version.

    * Updated all *.pm files to add a new external dependency on the 'version'
    module, which has core-like functionality but isn't yet bundled with Perl;
    all 'our $VERSION' declarations were changed to qv-wrapped three-part format
    from floating point format; likewise, updated the *_00_Compile.t file to use
    'version', and also changed the tests for expected module versions to be
    performed by is() rather than cmp_ok().

    * Updated Routine.pm to add a new external dependency on the 'only' 
    module, which has core-like functionality but isn't yet bundled with Perl;
    all "use Foo N.NN" statements were changed to three-part format and now look 
    like "use only 'Foo' => 'N.N.N-'".

2005-09-01   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.69.

    * New code file versions are: Routine.pm v0.69 and en.pm v0.37.

    * Removed a long-standing erroneous "=head1" in the ReadMe file, which
    caused the search.cpan.org documentation maker to mis-format that file.

    * Corresponding changes in Routine.pm, Details.pod, en.pm:  Merged the 18
    Node interface methods named
    [get|clear|set]_[literal|enumerated|node_ref]_attribute[|s]() into the
    pre-existing 6 Node interface methods named [get|clear_set]_attribute[|s]();
    the newly size-reduced API of SQL::Routine should hopefully be less daunting
    to programmers than the old API, even though it is now a bit less
    self-documenting.  As part of this change, the 6 en.pm user text messages
    'SRT_N_SET_[LIT|ENUM|NREF]_AT_NO_ARG_VAL' were merged into the pre-existing
    2 messages 'SRT_N_METH_ARG_NO_AT_NM' and 'SRT_N_SET_AT_NO_ARG_VAL'.  There
    were also 11 other en.pm messages altered, that were used by private methods
    which the old 24 public methods had invoked.  There were also 4 en.pm
    messages moved upward in the file to just below the PP messages.  In
    Routine.pm, 9 NodeStorage private methods were slightly altered to use the
    aforementioned altered en.pm messages,
    _clear_[literal|enumerated|node_ref]_attribute[|s]() and
    _set_[literal|enumerated|node_ref]_attribute().  Besides the above, there 
    were a few trivial related documentation updates in Routine.pm, Details.pod.

    * Updated the 2 test suite files t_SRT_Verbose.pm and SRT_10_Identity.t to
    replace invocations of the removed methods with invocations of their shorter
    counterparts; SRT_10_Identity.t also had a net 2 test blocks removed.

2005-09-01   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.68.

    * New code file versions are: Routine.pm v0.68 and en.pm v0.36.

    * Added a new main title to this Changes file that matches the ReadMe file.

    * Rewrote the documentation section KEEPING UP TO DATE in the ReadMe file.

    * Corresponding changes in Routine.pm, Details.pod, en.pm:  Deleted the
    boolean property "is read only" from the ContainerStorage class, along with
    its accessor method is_read_only(); this will be replaced with alternate
    functionality called "access controls".  Also updated the Routine.pm code
    for these 21 methods to remove references to the property:
    auto_assert_deferrable_constraints(), auto_set_node_ids(),
    may_match_surrogate_node_ids(), Container.delete_node_tree(),
    ContainerStorage._new(), move_before_sibling(), NodeStorage._new(),
    _delete_node[|_tree](), _set_node_id(),
    _set_[literal|enumerated|node_ref]_attribute().  Also removed the 2 en.pm
    user text messages 'SRT_[C|N]_METH_ASS_READ_ONLY'.

    * Deleted test file t/SRT_10_ReadOnly.t, which is no longer applicable.

    * Corresponding changes in Routine.pm, Details.pod, en.pm:  Moved these 3
    boolean properties from the ContainerStorage class to the Container
    interface class: "auto assert deferrable constraints", "auto set node ids",
    "may match surrogate node ids"; from now on, setting any of these 3
    properties to true will only affect program actions done through their own
    Container interface (or child Node interfaces), and not those done through
    other interfaces.  Updated the Routine.pm code and Details.pod documentation
    of the corresponding 3 property accessor methods.  Updated the Routine.pm
    code for these 6 methods that reference those properties: Container.new(),
    new_interface(), _build_node_is_child_or_not(), ContainerStorage._new(),
    Node.new(), _set_node_ref_attribute().  Also updated the 2 en.pm user text 

    * Large update to Details.pod:  Added new main documentation section FAULT
    TOLERANCE, DATA INTEGRITY, AND CONCURRENCY; it has 4 sub-sections named
    "Structural Matters", "Function or Method Types and Exceptions", "Input
    Validation", and "Multiple Thread Concurrency".  Removed main documentation
    section FAULT TOLERANCE AND MULTI-THREADING SUPPORT; all of its contents
    have been moved into the aforementioned new main section, comprising a
    majority of all the former's sub-sections except for "Input Validation". 
    Removed all but the first SYNTAX paragraph; all of that content has been
    moved into the aforementioned new main section, mostly becoming "Input
    Validation".  FAULT ... has a small amount of new material also.

    * Updated Routine.pm to fix a bug in _delete_node_tree() and
    _delete_node_tree__add_to_candidates(); Perl 5 hashes always stringify their
    keys, so we can't use the keys of %candidates as objects; updated
    %candidates to store the actual NodeStorage ref in the hash value, and
    updated use code to iterate values instead of keys.

    * Corresponding minor bug fix in the SYNOPSIS of Routine.pm and the code of
    t_SRT_Synopsis.pm: corrected 3 syntax errors where members of 3 key/value
    pairs were separated from their partners by ',' rather than '=>'.

    * Added new test file t/SRT_10_Identity.t, to test the new_interface() and
    get_self_id() functions that were added in release 0.66, plus other aspects
    of that all Node fetches generate new Node interface objects.  It has 22
    blocks of tests, where the first 10 are written and the last 12 are not yet
    written; those will come in some future release; however, the existing
    blocks 5 thru 10 of the present ones are like the missing ones, where the
    truly unique ones, 1-4, are done already.

    * Corresponding changes in Routine.pm, Details.pod, en.pm:  Added new core
    class SQL::Routine::Group (Group), objects of which are associated with
    Container interface objects and provide convenient means to address a group
    of Nodes as a unit, mainly in regards to defining access controls.  In
    Details.pod, added new main documentation section "ABOUT NODE GROUPS", and
    in Routine.pm, updated the "CLASSES IN THIS MODULE" documentation.  In the
    code of Routine.pm, added the Group class declaration (with 2 default
    properties, 'container' and 'member_nsrefs'), which has its own new()
    constructor function, but which currently has no other methods (some were
    started, but they're commented out); also added new SQL::Routine wrapper
    function new_group(). Added documentation for those 2 new constructor
    functions in Details.pod. Added 2 new en.pm user text messages for
    Group.new(), 'SRT_G_NEW_GROUP_[NO_ARG|BAD]_CONT'.

    * Corresponding changes in Routine.pm, Details.pod, en.pm:  Added the
    beginnings of some new core features, such as shared and exclusive locks on
    Nodes, transactions and near-ACID compliance.  In Details.pod, added 2 new
    sub-sections of FAULT TOLERANCE, "ACID Compliance and Transactions" and
    "Access Controls and Reentrancy"; they outline and describe how these
    features are intended to be once complete.  In the code of Routine.pm, added
    new properties to 3 classes; Container interface gained 2, 'explicit_groups'
    and 'default_group'; NodeStorage gained 4,
    'att_[write|pc_add|lc_add]_blocks' and 'att_mutex'; Group gained 4,
    'is_[write|pc_add|lc_add]_block' and 'is_mutex'; none of them have accessor
    methods, as of yet or ever.  Also updated the Routine.pm code for these 20
    methods to add references to the new properties: Container.new(),
    Container.new_interface(), Container.delete_node_tree(),
    move_before_sibling(), NodeStorage._new(), _delete_node[|_tree](),
    _set_node_id(), _[clear|set]_primary_parent_attribute(),
    _set_[literal|enumerated|node_ref]_attribute(), Group.new().  Also added the
    4 en.pm user text messages 'SRT_[C|N]_METH_VIOL_WRITE_BLOCKS' and

2005-07-16   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.67.

    * New code file versions are: Routine.pm v0.67.

    * This release is entirely dedicated to refactoring the functions and
    methods of Routine.pm (there were zero changes to the property lists and
    object lists); all other distribution core files had zero changes, and there
    was only a single non-version-check line changed in the test suite.  The
    public API is exactly the same, save that some thrown exceptions are now
    declared to be thrown by different methods than before.  The total function
    + method count (public and private) is now 144, up from 121 of the previous
    release.  All *Storage functions/methods are private, and most * interface 
    methods are public.

    * Split the wrapper functions new_[container|node]() into themselves and
    _new_[con|nod]stor(); all 4 belong to the 'Rosetta' superclass.  Split both
    [Container|Node].new() constructors into themselves and
    [Container|Node]Storage._new().  Split each [Container|Node]._ns_to_ni()
    private method into itself and [Container|Node]._ns_to_ni_item().

    * Renamed Container private method _assert_deferrable_constraints() to 

    * Moved these 1 private methods from Container to ContainerStorage: 

    * Split these 3 public Container methods each 2-ways into themselves and
    _*() private methods, which live in ContainerStorage:
    find_child_node_by_surrogate_id(), assert_deferrable_constraints(),

    * Moved these 20 private methods from Node to NodeStorage:
    _delete_node_tree__add_to_candidates(), _get_primary_parent_attribute(),
    _clear_primary_parent_attribute(), _set_primary_parent_attribute(),
    _get_literal_attribute(), _clear_literal_attribute(),
    _set_literal_attribute(), _get_enumerated_attribute(),
    _clear_enumerated_attribute(), _set_enumerated_attribute(),
    _get_node_ref_attribute(), _clear_node_ref_attribute(),
    _set_node_ref_attribute(), _find_node_by_surrogate_id_remotely(),

    * Split these 14 public Node methods each 2-ways into themselves and _*()
    private methods, which live in NodeStorage: delete_node(),
    delete_node_tree(), get_node_id(), set_node_id(),
    clear_literal_attributes(), clear_enumerated_attributes(),
    clear_node_ref_attributes(), get_surrogate_id_attribute(),
    get_surrogate_id_chain(), find_node_by_surrogate_id(),
    find_child_node_by_surrogate_id(), get_relative_surrogate_id(),
    assert_deferrable_constraints(), get_all_properties().

    * A 'SRT_[C|N]_METH_ASS_READ_ONLY' exception is now only thrown in about
    half of the places it used to be (the count was 41 and is now 20); the
    removed ones were higher-level functions that always (sans other exceptions)
    invoked lower level functions that threw those same exceptions.  The effect
    of this change is that some of these exceptions will claim to be thrown by
    different methods than they used to, under the same user invocation.  With 
    the remaining exception instances, they are also now thrown by the private 
    part of a method pair, rather than the public part.

    * Updated the last test in SRT_10_ReadOnly.t to expect a
    'SRT_C_METH_ASS_READ_ONLY' exception rather than a
    'SRT_N_METH_ASS_READ_ONLY' exception; this was an exactly 1 letter change.

2005-07-12   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.66.

    * New code file versions are: Routine.pm v0.66 and en.pm v0.35.

    * Corresponding data dictionary update in NodeTypes.pod, Routine.pm, en.pm:
    Added "Distinct Child Groups List" constraint on the 'tools' pseudo-Node
    that constrains the 'product_code' attribute of
    'data_[storage|link]_product' Nodes.  This means that external code can be
    confident that every one of those Nodes represents a distinct product
    without having to compare their 'product_code' attributes.  Also updated
    Routine.pm's _assert_child_comp_deferrable_constraints() method to split up
    a couple assertions into variants for Node vs pseudo-Node parents (the
    pseudo-Node version was omitted before as it was known to not be in use);
    correspondingly, these 2 en.pm user text messages were each split in 2:
    themselves plus '*_PSN' variants.

    * Minor Details.pod and Routine.pm update so that any Perl subs which were
    referred to as "function/method" etc are now simply "function".

    * The private method _normalize_primary_parent_or_node_ref_attribute_value()
    was removed; its functionality was added to _set_primary_parent_attribute()
    and _set_node_ref_attribute(), which were its only invokers before.  While
    the change introduces a small amount of duplicated functionality, the system
    should be more maintainable overall.  No corresponding en.pm changes.

    * This release primarily serves to split up the two SQL::Routine::* classes
    into 2 tightly bound classes each, ::Container into itself and
    ::ContainerStorage, and ::Node into itself and ::NodeStorage.  With of this
    release, the 2 'Storage' classes contain all of the old properties and the 2
    suffix-less (interface) classes contain all of the old methods.  Each
    'Storage' class is an inner class of its corresponding interface class, and
    external code can only access the former by way of the latter.  Each
    interface object has a single Storage object as its sole (almost) property.
    For all intents and purposes, the 2 'Storage' classes are the same as the
    old 2 classes, in that their own properties only refer to each other and not
    to any interface classes.  The interface objects are loosely bound, and
    multiples of them can now exist for the same Storage objects.  The result of
    this change is fully backwards compatible but for one thing; you can no
    longer reliably do a straight comparison between 2 Container or Node
    interface objects to test that they are the same object (eg, like "$foo_node
    eq $bar_node").  Instead, you must now invoke the newly added get_self_id()
    method on both interface objects you wish to compare; its character string
    return value is reliable for this purpose of determing that 2 objects are
    the same aka have a Storage object in common.  Also added new private method
    _ns_to_ni() to each interface class, and they are invoked in 45 places; the
    list of other methods and functions is unchanged from before.  Except for
    adding new_interface() and get_self_id() to the method documentation in
    Details.pod and adding a new RELATING INTERFACE AND STORAGE CLASSES section
    there, the entirety of changes for this release item are in Rosetta.pm
    itself, and almost entirely in the code.  A side benefit of this update is
    you can once again keep a SQL::Routine model in existence by holding a
    reference to a Container or a Node, but this time no strong circular
    references are in use.

    * Added some TODO file items.

2005-06-17   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.65.

    * New code file versions are: Routine.pm v0.65 and en.pm v0.34.

    * Updated external dependencies on Locale::KeyedText to v1.05.

    * Updated all files in this distribution that display the physical address
    of the Free Software Foundation, Inc. so it uses their current address of
    "51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA" rather than their
    previous address of "59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA";
    this affects every COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE statement in the core files and the
    'ReadMe' file, plus any 'GPL' or 'LGPL' license file.

    * Updated the INSTALL file so that it is more generic, and all of my
    distributions now use an identical copy of it.

    * Updated the main heading in the ReadMe file to state the distribution's
    name rather than a terse description of it.

    * Updated Routine.pm and Details.pod to split the Container property
    'def_con_tested' into itself and 'edit_count'; where the old property was a
    boolean, the two new ones are both integers.  The new 'edit_count' property
    exists to track that changes were made to a Container's Node set; it is
    incremented each time a Node is edited, added, or deleted; its actual value
    isn't important, only that two arbitrary samplings of it will be different
    if an edit happened between them.  This feature is designed to assist
    external code that caches information derived from a SQL::Routine model,
    such as generated SQL strings or Perl closures, so that it can easily tell
    when the cache may have become stale (leading to a cache flush).  The new
    'def_con_tested' stores a sampled copy of 'edit_count'.  Within Routine.pm
    itself, every line of code that used to set 'def_con_tested' to false now
    increments 'edit_count' instead; the single code line that used to set
    'def_con_tested' to true now copies the value of 'edit_count' to it instead;
    the 2 lines of code that used to read the old 'def_con_tested' value now
    compare its value to 'edit_count' instead.  Added new read-accessor method
    for 'edit_count' named get_edit_count().  Updated the POD documentation for
    deferrable_constraints_are_tested() and
    Container.assert_deferrable_constraints(); but their behaviour is unchanged.

    * In Details.pod, updated get_next_free_node_id() POD; no behaviour changes.

    * Updated data dictionary in Routine.pm and NodeTypes.pod and Language.pod:
    Now 'view' Nodes can no longer be primary-children of 'routine' Nodes;
    instead, they can now be primary-children of either 'routine_var' or
    'routine_stmt' Nodes; do the first with all cursor definitions (only where
    the cursor is to be declared, not for any other routine_var that may hold it
    later), and do the second usually with SELECT or DML statement definitions. 
    A result of this change is that the Node tree for a routine now looks more
    natural when compared to the routine string-SQL that would be generated from
    it; moreover, one no longer has to concern themselves to ensure that the
    relevant 'view' Node si_names are distinct relative to all variable etc
    names in the routine, which was an artificial constraint to begin with.

    * Updated data dictionary in Routine.pm and NodeTypes.pod and Language.pod
    (with mention also in Details.pod):  Added new Node type 'external_cursor'
    which lives under 'elements'; it contains no attributes of importance and
    exists simply as a common point to be referred to by all routines that share
    a cursor (one of those pointing to it will hold the cursor definition); also
    renamed all 3 'curs_view' attributes (in 'routine_[context|arg|var]' Nodes)
    to 'curs_ext', and they all point to an 'external_cursor' Node now instead
    of a 'view' Node.

    * Updated data dictionary in Routine.pm and NodeTypes.pod:  Added 2 new
    'routine' Node attributes, 'return_conn_link' and 'return_curs_ext', plus
    related constraints; these are used in the same way as the 'conn_link' and
    'curs_ext' attributes of the 'routine_context' and 'routine_arg' Nodes.

    * Updated the SYNOPSIS documentation of Routine.pm to adjust for all the
    abovementioned data dictionary updates.  Likewise updated all 4 core
    t_SRT_*.pm test files to remain compatible with the changes.  Mostly this
    involved rearranging the order of Nodes; but in Terse|Abstract there were
    also 4 new external_cursor Nodes added plus corresponding 'routine' attrs.

    * The documentation file API_C.pod no longer exists as its own entity; all
    of its distinct content was merged into the file Details.pod, occupying a
    new main documentation section at its end named OLDER DOCUMENTATION.  Since
    any possibility of making a C version won't be realized for a long time,
    with a Parrot-based version more imminent, I've decided to de-emphasize (but
    not discard) the C-specific details; the lack of their own file makes these
    details a lot less visible.

    * Added TODO file item about adding better support for arguments to cursors
    that are shared between multiple routines.

    * The core files en.pm and EnumTypes.pod had zero changes aside from the FSF
    address update.

2005-06-10   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.64.

    * New code file versions are: Routine.pm v0.64 and en.pm v0.33.

    * Updated Routine.pm and Details.pod to change the semantics of a
    Container's "deferrable constraints are tested" property such that it is
    always set false by default on a new Container (rather than true) since a
    Container completely devoid of Nodes may violate a deferrable constraint;
    aside from the initial valuation change made in Container.new() and related
    documentation updates by the property's declaration and the
    deferrable_constraints_are_tested() method, there were no other changes
    concerning this property.

    * Updated Routine.pm, Details.pod, en.pm:  Added new Routine.pm Node public
    method delete_node_tree(), which will remove a Node plus all of its direct
    descendant Nodes.  This method is mainly intended for use by long-lived
    applications that continuously generate database commands at run-time and
    only use each one once, such as a naive interactive SQL shell (or a naive
    DBI module emulator, which ties this function's use to a $sth destruction),
    so to save on memory use.  Also added new en.pm user text message
    'SRT_N_DEL_NODE_TREE_HAS_EXT_CHILD' which is used by it.  Also added new
    private helper method _delete_node_tree__add_to_candidates().  Also added
    new Container method delete_node_tree() which deletes all Nodes in a
    Container.  Also made an execution speed optimization to delete_node(), and
    updated its 'SRT_N_DEL_NODE_HAS_CHILD' message to give more details.

    * Corresponding updates in NodeTypes.pm, Routine.pm to correct a small data
    dictionary design flaw concerning the "Ancestor Attribute Correlation List",
    which affects view_expr and routine_expr Nodes.  The flaw is summarized that
    certain steps while navigating a Node tree are assumed to always result in
    the observer sitting on a Node of a specific type, whereas they may
    sometimes be sitting on a different type instead; any subsequent steps would
    then be invalid.  The fix involves making such subsequent steps conditional
    on the current Node's type.  Updated data dictionary entries for 5 view_expr
    (3) and routine_expr (2) Node attributes to be conditional.  Added a few
    code lines to the _find_node_by_surrogate_id_using_path() method which
    implements the added conditional logic.

    * Corresponding updates in NodeTypes.pm, Routine.pm, en.pm to add a new
    "Related Parent Enumerated Attributes List" deferrable constraint.  Its main
    purpose is to assert that any arguments given to invocations of standard
    routines have correct names; previously, an argument name that was valid for
    any single standard routine could be passed to any other standard routine
    without being flagged; now, only argument names specifically for the routine
    being invoked are allowed.  Updated the data dictionary entries for
    view_expr and routine_expr Nodes to use this new constraint.  Added new
    global constant hash %P_C_REL_ENUMS in Routine.pm, which specifies the valid
    relations between pairs of enumerated type values.  Also added a new code
    block to the _assert_parent_ref_scope_deferrable_constraints() method which
    implements the new constraint assertion; also added 4 related new
    messages to en.pm.

    * Corresponding updates in NodeTypes.pm, Routine.pm, en.pm to add a new
    "Mandatory Related Child Enumerated Attributes List" deferrable constraint.
    Its main purpose is to assert that all invocations of standard routines have
    with them a complete set of standard routine arguments (and context), and
    that no extra child Nodes exist for the invocation Node that don't provide
    args/context; previously, missing arguments were not flagged.  Updated the
    data dictionary entries for view_expr and routine_stmt and routine_expr
    Nodes to use this new constraint.  Added new global constant hash
    %OPT_P_C_REL_ENUMS in Routine.pm, which specifies which arguments in
    %P_C_REL_ENUMS are optional.  Also added a new code block to the
    _assert_child_comp_deferrable_constraints() method which implements the new
    constraint assertion; also added 3 related new
    messages to en.pm.  Also updated _build_node_is_child_or_not() to catch the
    new 'SRT_N_ASDC_MA_REL_ENUM_MISSING_VALUES' exceptions when auto-asserting
    deferrable constraints.

    * Updated all 4 main t_SRT_*.pm files to perform bug fixes for input errors
    that were flagged by the new "Mandatory ..." constraint (no fixes were made
    concerning the other new or corrected constraints, as the tests already
    obeyed them); also updated the corresponding expected XML strings.  In
    t_SRT_Synopsis.pm, modified 2 Node definitions; also made identical
    corrections in the SYNOPSIS of Routine.pm, which that test mirrors.  In
    t_SRT_Verbose.pm, modified 4 Node definitions.  In each of t_SRT_Terse.pm
    and t_SRT_Abstract.pm, added 9 Node definitions, deleted 1 other, and
    modified 10 others; also did some code reformatting.

    * A few trivial updates to a few Node.assert_deferrable_constraints()
    methods in Routine.pm.  Changed any error message arguments that interpolate
    arrays into strings so they pass an array ref instead (which is later
    interpolated in a different way).  Corrected any code comments to refer to
    NodeTypes.pod rather than Language.pod.  Updated some other code comments.

    * Zero changes to these core files: Language.pod, EnumTypes.pod, API_C.pod.

2005-06-01   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.63.

    * New code file versions are: Routine.pm v0.63 and en.pm v0.32.

    * In summary, this release primarily serves to improve the ease of use and
    reliability of the build_*() methods, such that their allowed argument
    options are now more consistent and predictable.  The allowed argument
    formats are now more terse and user-friendly than before.  The
    get_all_properties() methods will now return the more terse format as well.
    Finally, the number of static error messages has been greatly reduced,
    replaced with a much smaller number of dynamic ones, so the total is easier
    to work with.

    * Refactored a lot of user text messages in en.pm by combining 46
    method-specific messages into 9 method-generic messages taking more
    variables (an 80% compression rate); in the process, en.pm became 22%
    (7K/33K) smaller.  Routine.pm also had its corresponding methods updated to
    use the replacement messages.  The 1 'SRT_C_METH_ARG_UNDEF' replaced these
    'SRT_N_METH_ARG_UNDEF' replaced these 24:
    'SRT_N_GET_REL_SID_NO_ARGS'.  The 1 'SRT_N_METH_ARG_NO_HASH' replaced these
    1 'SRT_N_METH_ARG_NO_NODE' replaced these 3:
    'SRT_N_METH_NO_PP_AT' replaced these 3:
    'SRT_N_METH_ARG_NO_[LIT|ENUM]_AT_NM' replaced these 6:
    'SRT_N_METH_ARG_NO_NREF_AT_NM' replaced these 5:
    replaced these 3: 'SRT_N_[GET|CLEAR|SET]_AT_INVAL_NM'.

    * In Routine.pm, refactored Container.build_child_node_tree() to inline what
    build_child_node() does rather than invoking it; corresponding to this,
    en.pm saw the user text message 'SRT_C_BUILD_CH_ND_NO_PSND' split into
    itself and 'SRT_C_BUILD_CH_ND_TR_NO_PSND'.  Node.build_child_node_tree() was
    likewise refactored to inline build_child_node(), and Node.build_node() to
    inline Container.build_node(), but for both there were no en.pm messages
    affected by this.

    * Minor _build_node_is_child_or_not() correction to invoke user text message

    * Updated Routine.pm and Details.pod to rename all LIST arguments to
    CHILDREN, which affects these methods: add_child_nodes(),
    build_child_node[|_tree]s(), build_container().  Also renamed
    add_child_node() argument from NEW_CHILD to CHILD.

    * Corresponding updates in Routine.pm, Details.pod, en.pm that remove global
    support for the alternate method input format of "named arguments in a
    single hash-ref argument"; all of the [Container|Node].build_*() methods
    were affected, with these 6 being the ones edited: build_node(),
    build_child_node(), build_child_node_tree().

    * Updated Routine.pm, Details.pod, en.pm so that it is now mandatory for any
    defined CHILDREN arguments to be array refs where each element is an array
    ref having the details for one child or child tree (mapping to
    build[_child]_node() positional arguments).  It was previously possible to
    pass just the details for a single child Node in place of the first array
    ref, but that is no longer valid.  A further change is that, for the
    build_child_nod[e_tree]s() methods, the CHILDREN argument is now enforced
    mandatory; previously those methods would no-op if it was undefined, which
    permitted other methods to invoke them regardless of the passed argument
    being valued.  Updated these methods to only invoke the aforementioned if
    they have defined CHILDREN to pass: build_child_node_tree(),
    build_container().  Added these 6 new method-generic user text messages to
    en.pm, which are used by the newly updated 4 build_*s() methods:

    * Updated the populate_model() functions in t_SRT_[Terse|Abstract].pm to
    invoke the build_*() methods with the same argument formats that
    t_SRT_Synopsis.pm has already been using, since they are now the only valid
    build_*() input formats following the above-mentioned Routine.pm changes; 
    the expected XML output strings are identical to before.  Following the 
    changes, each of those test suite files is 4K smaller than before.

    * Updated Routine.pm and Details.pod to alter the data format that
    get_all_properties() and get_all_properties_as_perl_str() return, such that
    each Node is represented by a 3-element array-ref, rather than a 3-element
    hash-ref; the get_all_properties_as_xml_str() method's return values did not
    change at all, however.  To implement this, the only methods that actually
    saw a code change were: [Container|Node].get_all_properties(),
    _serialize_as_perl(), _serialize_as_xml().

    * Updated the SRT_50_Cloning.t test script so it invokes build_container() 
    with an array ref wrapped around the get_all_properties() return value.

    * There were zero data dictionary updates in this release, and zero changes 
    to the Verbose and Synopsis test suites, and no other documentation changes.

2005-05-13   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.62.

    * New code file versions are: Routine.pm v0.62 and en.pm v0.31.

    * Updated external dependencies on Locale::KeyedText to v1.04.

    * Updated every instance of the COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE documentation in this
    distribution to correct the declared date range in which the core
    SQL::Routine files were created.  The new dates are 2002 thru 2005, which is
    when I actually committed documentation describing or code implementing what
    became the SQL::Routine core.  The old dates were 1999 thru 2005, which goes
    back to the time that I started conceiving a larger project which the
    aforementioned module started out being related to; however, those earlier
    years did not contain any work on what specifically became the
    aforementioned module, so they are now excluded.

    * Updated every instance of the COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE documentation in this
    distribution so that you may now choose between licensing it under the GPL
    version 2 or any later GPL version, rather than only under version 2.

    * Renamed the "LICENSE" file to "GPL", and correspondingly updated all
    references to it in this distribution, most of them being in COPYRIGHT AND
    LICENSE statements.  This change was made to reduce user confusion in
    situations where files from this distribution may be aggregated with other
    files that have different licenses; the old name was too generic.

    * Updated every instance of the COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE documentation in this
    distribution to remove the parenthetical references to "libSQLRT"; there
    are no references left to a possible C library's name except in API_C.pod.

    * Updated SRT_00_Compile.t to add 14 tests, bringing the total to 22; the
    new tests are all can_ok(), one for each of the test suite modules' methods.

    * Updated data dictionary in Routine.pm, EnumTypes.pm, NodeTypes.pm: Updated
    standard-routines CURSOR_FETCH() and SELECT() to add a new INTO argument to
    each, which takes a ROW or RW_ARY variable to put the query result in; added
    corresponding routine_expr Node attribute 'query_dest' to use when the
    Node's call_sroutine_arg is 'INTO'.  Removed 'view' Node attribute
    'set_p_routine_item', which is how the 'into' information used to be stored
    in a model.  This change was made so that cursors can be used more easily,
    such as when you want different cursor-fetch calls to put their results in
    different variables, or you want to open a cursor in one routine while
    fetching from it in another.  Updated the Routine.pm SYNOPSIS code/XML and
    the test file t_SRT_Verbose.pm to remain compatible with the changes.

    * Added 2 new test suite files, t/lib/t_SRT_Synopsis.pm and
    t/SRT_43_Synopsis.t, which mirror the Routine.pm SYNOPSIS code/XML and makes
    sure it works; this adds 6 numbered tests.  Updated SRT_00_Compile.t to test
    that the new test module compiles; this adds 5 numbered tests.

    * Updated data dictionary in Routine.pm, NodeTypes.pm: Updated the
    'assign_dest' attribute of routine_stmt Nodes so that 'routine_context' is
    no longer a valid Node type to refer to; it does not make sense to assign to
    a routine's context, which is analagous to $self.

    * Small documentation updates in EnumTypes.pm concerning standard-routines.

    * Updated every t/SRT_*.t file except 00_Compile to remove its explicit "use
    SQL::Routine::L::en;" line, which is redundant with what LKT does.

2005-04-27   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.61.

    * New code file versions are: Routine.pm v0.61 and en.pm v0.30.

    * This release saw a large reorganization of the test suite.  The file
    t/SQL_Routine.t was split-up into these 6 parts (numbers in parens are the
    portion of the original 35 numbered tests that each part got):
    t/lib/t_SRT_Util.pm (zero), t/SRT_11_Circular.t (2), t/SRT_40_Verbose.t (6),
    t/SRT_41_Terse.t (6), t/SRT_42_Abstract.t (6), t/SRT_50_Cloning.t (15).  The
    test utility module t_SRT_Util.pm contains the message() and
    error_to_string() functions used by most of the other test scripts; the
    message() function also received a minor update such that its output is
    prefixed with '#' rather than '--', like Test::More does for comments.

    * Added new test script t/SRT_00_Compile.t which contains 8 brand new
    numbered tests; 6 of these use Test::More's use_ok() function to cleanly
    test that the 2 core modules and 4 test modules will load without errors; 2
    of these test, with cmp_ok(), that the 2 core modules are of the correct
    versions.  This new script runs prior to all of the others.  Before this
    change, the original test script would simply die without any ok/not ok.

    * Updated Routine.pm and Details.pod and en.pm:  Added new boolean Container
    property, "is read only", plus an accessor method named is_read_only(); any
    attempt to modify or add/remove the Container's Nodes or most of its other
    properties will throw an exception when the property is true.  Updated 8
    Container methods plus 31 Node methods to perform the assertions; also added
    2 related user text messages to en.pm, 'SRT_[C|N]_METH_ASS_READ_ONLY', which
    are shared by all the methods.

    * Added new test script t/SRT_10_ReadOnly.t, which has 17 numbered tests, 
    to test the new read-only functionality.

    * Updated the FAULT TOLERANCE AND MULTI-THREADING SUPPORT main documentation
    section of Details.pod, concerning types of input validation.

    * Updated the MANIFEST for the 8 added files and 1 removed file.  Also
    updated the INSTALL file.

    * There were zero changes to all 4 of the other /lib/SQL/Routine/* files and
    all 3 of the other /t/lib/t_SRT_*.pm files.

2005-04-25   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.60.

    * New code file versions are: Routine.pm v0.60 and en.pm v0.29.

    * The primary purpose of this release is the removal of the long-standing
    feature where a SQL::Routine Node is valid to exist either on its own or
    inside a Container; these 2 states of a Node were referred to as "alone" and
    "well known" respectively; as of this release, there is only a single valid
    state, which corresponds to the old "well known".  One result of this change
    is that the SQL::Routine code can be greatly simplified, and it probably
    executes faster too.  Note that this constitutes an API change, but the only
    external code that would be affected is that which directly invokes these
    low-level functions and methods: new_node(), Node.new(), clear_node_id(),
    put_in_container(), take_from_container(), build_lonely_node().  Any code
    not invoking these, such as because they use the other high-level build*()
    functions instead (including all of the SYNOPSIS code), will not break.

    * All changes in this release are restricted to just the following 3 files
    unless otherwise explicitly mentioned: Routine.pm and Details.pod and en.pm.

    * Reversed the change in release 0.59 that removed the Node.delete_node()
    method; its concept is useful after all.

    * It is now the case that every Node's "container" and "node id" properties
    are always set and never empty, from the moment the Node object is created
    and up to its destruction.  Any branch conditionals that tested those
    properties for definedness were reduced to just the result of the 'yes'
    branch; this includes the removal of many throwable exceptions.

    * In Details.pod, deleted the entire NODE EVOLUTION STATES main
    documentation section, since there is no longer a multiplicity of Node
    states as it describes.  Many other small bits of POD documentation and code
    comments were updated to remove any references to 'alone' or 'well known';
    any documentation that described an either/or scenario pair was reduced to
    one always-true scenario.

    * Changed the declaration order of a Node's "container" property so it
    appears just above "node type"; also moved the method get_container()
    upwards to just above get_node_type().

    * Merged the method put_in_container(), plus a copy of set_node_id(), into
    Node.new(); the post-merge new() now creates a Node that lives in a
    Container and has a set Node Id; it does not create links with any other
    Nodes, but only the pseudo-Node parent; it now takes 3 arguments: a
    Container, a Node Type, and a Node Id.  The merged method has 7 associated
    user text messages in en.pm, down from the 9 its 2 main constituents had. 
    Updated the new_node() wrapper function to match the new 3 arg signature.

    * Merged the method take_from_container() into delete_node(); the post-merge
    delete_node() unlinks the invocant Node from everything else and then gets
    it garbage collected.  The merged method has 1 user text message in en.pm,
    down from the 2 its constituents had.  Updated the method 
    Container.build_child_node() to invoke it rather than take_from_container().

    * Deleted method clear_node_id(), along with its single en.pm message.  Also
    removed its invocation from clear_attributes(), and updated the invocations
    in clear_surrogate_id_attribute() and clear_attribute() to throw an
    exception where they had used to invoke it; also added 2 new '*_MAND_NID'
    en.pm messages to go with those last 2 methods.

    * Updated _normalize_primary_parent_or_node_ref_attribute_value() and en.pm
    to remove 2 assertions and 4 associated exception messages that will no
    longer be triggered, SRT_N_SET_[PP|NREF]_AT_[ONE_CONT|MISS_NID].

    * Updated these 4 methods so that they always run their payload rather than
    only doing so if the nref-attr value (that was or to be) is an object
    reference: _[clear|set]_[primary_parent|node_ref]_attribute().

    * Removed function build_lonely_node().  Then merged private function
    _build_node_normalize_attrs() into its only remaining invoker, private
    method _build_node_is_child_or_not().

    * Updated private method _assert_in_node_deferrable_constraints() so that it 
    no longer tests for the Node Id being defined; that is now redundant.  Also, 
    a related piece of documentation in NodeTypes.pod was updated, to say that 
    the 'id' attribute now has a constantly applied mandatory constraint.

    * Fixed a bug in _build_node_is_child_or_not() where it only trapped
    SRT_N_ASDC_CH_N_TOO_FEW_SET exceptions and not the similar
    SRT_N_ASDC_CH_N_TOO_FEW_SET_PSN exceptions.

    * Fixed a bug in _assert_child_comp_deferrable_constraints() where the 
    SRT_N_ASDC_CH_N_TOO_FEW_SET_PSN exception was missing a variable value.

    * Updated _build_node_is_child_or_not() so that it always sets the new
    Node's surrogate id attribute prior to any other non-id/pp attribute; this
    ensures that if any other attribute settings fail, the error messages are
    more user friendly.

    * Updated the following 7 methods to not assert their invocant Node is in a
    Container, and removed their corresponding '*_NOT_IN_CONT' en.pm messages:
    move_before_sibling(), get_surrogate_id_chain(),
    find[|_child]_node_by_surrogate_id(), get_relative_surrogate_id(),
    build[|_child]_node().  Also updated all 15 Node methods that conditionally
    (based on the Container's presence) set the 'deferrable constraints tested'
    property to false so they don't test.

    * Merged _get_surrogate_id_chain() into get_surrogate_id_chain().

    * Merged each _get_all_properties() into its partner get_all_properties().

    * Updated the UNDERSTANDING NODE ATTRIBUTE ... section of NodeTypes.pod to
    remove references to Node states and to say that the mandatory constraint
    Node Ids is now constantly enforced rather than being deferrable.

    * In Routine.pm, deleted the second CAVEATS paragraph, concerning Nodes that 
    outlive their host Container; deleted a similar section in the TODO file.

    * Updated the sqlrt_dt_node struct definition in API_C.pod so that the
    'pp_nref' and 'at_nrefs' members are plain refs/pointers and not unions of
    pointers and unsigned integers.  This corresponds to the Routine.pm changes.

    * Small test suite update: Updated the 2 make_a_[|child_]node small utility
    functions in t_SRT_Verbose.pm; folded the set_node_id() and
    put_in_container() invocations into the new_node() invocation.  No changes
    in SQL_Routine.t besides the usual upping of the 'used' module versions.

    * These core files had exactly zero changes: EnumTypes.pod, Language.pod,
    t_SRT_Terse.pm, t_SRT_Abstract.pm.

    * Following all of the above changes, the disk space for all 7 core /lib/SQL
    files in release 0.60 is 430K, which is 16K (or 4%) less than the 446K used
    by the same files in release 0.59.  Specifically with the executable
    function+method code (including spaces and dividers and f+m code comments)
    in Routine.pm, 0.60 is 82K, which is 7K (or 9%) less than the 89K for 0.59;
    by line count, 0.60 is 2092 f+m code lines, which is 162 (or 7%) lines less
    than the 2254 lines of 0.59.

    * For speed comparisions between 0.60 and 0.59, based on 100 iterations of
    most of the test suite; as we can see, 0.60 performs a bit faster by up to
    15% or so:

        Version 0.60:

        Benchmark: timing 100 iterations of A_AssDefCon, A_ConvertToXML_NID, A_ConvertToXML_SID, A_MakeAndBreak, T_AssDefCon, T_ConvertToXML_NID, T_ConvertToXML_SID, T_MakeAndBreak, V_AssDefCon, V_ConvertToXML_NID, V_ConvertToXML_SID, V_MakeAndBreak...
        A_AssDefCon: 13 wallclock secs (12.72 usr +  0.00 sys = 12.72 CPU) @  7.86/s (n=100)
        A_ConvertToXML_NID:  2 wallclock secs ( 2.38 usr +  0.02 sys =  2.40 CPU) @ 41.67/s (n=100)
        A_ConvertToXML_SID:  6 wallclock secs ( 6.20 usr +  0.04 sys =  6.24 CPU) @ 16.03/s (n=100)
        A_MakeAndBreak: 14 wallclock secs (13.35 usr +  0.01 sys = 13.36 CPU) @  7.49/s (n=100)
        T_AssDefCon: 12 wallclock secs (12.81 usr +  0.01 sys = 12.82 CPU) @  7.80/s (n=100)
        T_ConvertToXML_NID:  2 wallclock secs ( 2.51 usr +  0.02 sys =  2.53 CPU) @ 39.53/s (n=100)
        T_ConvertToXML_SID:  7 wallclock secs ( 6.41 usr +  0.03 sys =  6.44 CPU) @ 15.53/s (n=100)
        T_MakeAndBreak:  7 wallclock secs ( 7.88 usr +  0.00 sys =  7.88 CPU) @ 12.69/s (n=100)
        V_AssDefCon:  6 wallclock secs ( 5.66 usr +  0.01 sys =  5.67 CPU) @ 17.64/s (n=100)
        V_ConvertToXML_NID:  1 wallclock secs ( 1.33 usr +  0.00 sys =  1.33 CPU) @ 75.19/s (n=100)
        V_ConvertToXML_SID:  3 wallclock secs ( 2.97 usr +  0.00 sys =  2.97 CPU) @ 33.67/s (n=100)
        V_MakeAndBreak:  3 wallclock secs ( 2.95 usr +  0.00 sys =  2.95 CPU) @ 33.90/s (n=100)

        Version 0.59

        Benchmark: timing 100 iterations of A_AssDefCon, A_ConvertToXML_NID, A_ConvertToXML_SID, A_MakeAndBreak, T_AssDefCon, T_ConvertToXML_NID, T_ConvertToXML_SID, T_MakeAndBreak, V_AssDefCon, V_ConvertToXML_NID, V_ConvertToXML_SID, V_MakeAndBreak...
        A_AssDefCon: 12 wallclock secs (12.81 usr +  0.00 sys = 12.81 CPU) @  7.81/s (n=100)
        A_ConvertToXML_NID:  2 wallclock secs ( 2.38 usr +  0.01 sys =  2.39 CPU) @ 41.84/s (n=100)
        A_ConvertToXML_SID:  6 wallclock secs ( 6.31 usr +  0.02 sys =  6.33 CPU) @ 15.80/s (n=100)
        A_MakeAndBreak: 15 wallclock secs (14.66 usr +  0.00 sys = 14.66 CPU) @  6.82/s (n=100)
        T_AssDefCon: 13 wallclock secs (13.03 usr +  0.00 sys = 13.03 CPU) @  7.67/s (n=100)
        T_ConvertToXML_NID:  3 wallclock secs ( 2.54 usr +  0.01 sys =  2.55 CPU) @ 39.22/s (n=100)
        T_ConvertToXML_SID:  6 wallclock secs ( 6.45 usr +  0.03 sys =  6.48 CPU) @ 15.43/s (n=100)
        T_MakeAndBreak:  9 wallclock secs ( 9.01 usr +  0.00 sys =  9.01 CPU) @ 11.10/s (n=100)
        V_AssDefCon:  6 wallclock secs ( 5.70 usr +  0.00 sys =  5.70 CPU) @ 17.54/s (n=100)
        V_ConvertToXML_NID:  1 wallclock secs ( 1.28 usr +  0.01 sys =  1.29 CPU) @ 77.52/s (n=100)
        V_ConvertToXML_SID:  3 wallclock secs ( 3.02 usr +  0.00 sys =  3.02 CPU) @ 33.11/s (n=100)
        V_MakeAndBreak:  4 wallclock secs ( 3.53 usr +  0.01 sys =  3.54 CPU) @ 28.25/s (n=100)

    The RAM usage was roughly the same for both, or slightly less for 0.60.

2005-04-20   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.59.

    * New code file versions are: Routine.pm v0.59 and en.pm v0.28.

    * Added new external dependency on Scalar::Util v1.11 (bundled with Perl
    5.8.x); SQL::Routine now uses its 'weak refs' feature internally at
    strategic places so that you no longer need to explicitly destroy Containers
    when you are done with them.  The circular references between SRT Nodes and
    their Container no longer prevent Perl's standard garbage collection from
    working when expected, which is when all external references to a Container
    go away.  This change makes SQL::Routine much more DWIM and easier to use.

    * Updated Routine.pm and Details.pod:  Removed the Container.destroy()
    method.  Removed the CAVEATS documentation concerning it.  Updated
    SQL_Routine.t to remove all destroy() invocations, which also reduced the
    test count by 6 to 35.  Removed the corresponding TODO file item.

    * Updated Routine.pm:  Updated the definitions of 3 Node properties to
    indicate that they now store weak Perl refs rather than strong ones:
    'pp_nref', 'at_nrefs', 'container'.  Those 3 properties are all 'upwards' or
    'parent pointing' references; each has one or more corresponding 'child
    pointing' properties which remain strong refs.  As such, every conceptual
    circular reference now has one strong and one weak member.  A total of 5
    Scalar::Util::weaken() invocations are now used (up from zero): 1 is in
    Node._set_primary_parent_attribute(); 1 is in Node._set_literal_attribute();
    3 are in Node.put_in_container(), one per property.

    * Updated Routine.pm and Details.pod and en.pm:  Removed the
    Node.delete_node() method, which was a no-op routine and never invoked; a
    SRT Node has always been garbage collected by Perl as is normal.  This
    method had existed as a place-holder for an eventual C implementation that
    actually did something, but since a C version is very far away, if it ever
    comes, this has been removed meanwhile.  Also removed the corresponding
    en.pm user text message 'SRT_N_DEL_NODE_IN_CONT'.

    * Updated both CREDITS copies regarding Stevan Little's contribution, to add 
    that he introduced me to Scalar::Util::weaken() last month.

    * Added new CAVEATS item and TODO file item concerning external refs to
    Nodes whose host Container was garbage collected.

    * Renamed this file to 'Changes' from 'ChangeLog'; the new name is more
    descriptive to its free-form structure, and more consistent with CPAN (which
    uses both names but 'Changes' seems to be more common these days).  Also
    truncated this Changes file to remove all detail entries for releases v0.28
    thru v0.58; in their place was added a change summary for releases v0.01
    thru v0.58 that mainly just said what the names and versions of all the
    predecessor distributions and modules are.

2005-04-03   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.58, containing SQL::Routine 0.58, was released on

2005-03-06   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    Record update in the PAUSE modules database:

    statd: [a] was [c]

    The resulting entry will be:

    ::Routine         adpOg Specify all database tasks with SQL routines DUNCAND

2004-11-05   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.48, containing SQL::Routine 0.48, was released on
    CPAN.  This is the first release of SQL::Routine following its merger with

2004-11-02   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine-Castaways Release 0.33, containing SQL::Routine::SkipID 0.33,
    was released on CPAN; this is the last release of the SQL-Routine-Castaways
    distribution.  This is the last release of SQL::Routine::SkipID prior to its
    merger with SQL::Routine.

2004-11-01   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.47, containing SQL::Routine 0.47, was released on
    CPAN.  This is the last release of SQL::Routine prior to its merger with
    SQL::Routine::SkipID.  This is the first release of SQL::Routine following
    its merger with SQL::Routine::ByTree.

2004-10-29   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.46, containing SQL::Routine 0.46, was released on
    CPAN.  This is the last release of SQL::Routine prior to its merger with

2004-10-04   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine Release 0.43, containing SQL::Routine 0.43, was released on
    CPAN; this is the first release of the SQL-Routine distribution.  This is
    the first release of any distribution to contain SQL::Routine, which was
    renamed from SQL::SyntaxModel.  This is the first release of this module
    following its official registration on the Perl 5 Module List.

    * SQL-Routine-Castaways Release 0.31, containing SQL::Routine::ByTree 0.31
    and SQL::Routine::SkipID 0.31, was released on CPAN; this is the first
    release of the SQL-Routine-Castaways distribution.  This is the last release
    of SQL::Routine::ByTree prior to its merger with SQL::Routine.  This is the
    first release of any distribution to contain SQL::Routine::ByTree or
    SQL::Routine::SkipID; they were renamed from SQL::SyntaxModel::ByTree and
    SQL::SyntaxModel::SkipID respectively.

2004-10-04   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    The next version of the Module List will list the following module:

      modid:       SQL::Routine
      DSLIP:       cdpOg
      description: Specify all database tasks with SQL routines
      userid:      DUNCAND (Darren Duncan)
      chapterid:   11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc)
      enteredby:   BDFOY (brian d foy)
      enteredon:   Mon Oct  4 20:04:46 2004 GMT

    The resulting entry will be:

    ::Routine         cdpOg Specify all database tasks with SQL routines DUNCAND

2004-09-13   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-SyntaxModel Release 0.42, containing SQL::SyntaxModel 0.42, was
    released on CPAN; this is the last release of the SQL-SyntaxModel
    distribution.  This is the last release of any distribution to contain
    SQL::SyntaxModel.  This is the last release of this module prior to its
    official registration on the Perl 5 Module List.

2004-09-01   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-SyntaxModel-ByTree Release 0.30, containing SQL::SyntaxModel::ByTree
    0.30, was released on CPAN; this is the last release of the
    SQL-SyntaxModel-ByTree distribution.  This is the last release of any
    distribution to contain SQL::SyntaxModel::ByTree.  This is the first release
    for this distribution and module where they both explicitly have matching
    version numbers.

    * SQL-SyntaxModel-SkipID Release 0.30, containing SQL::SyntaxModel::SkipID
    0.30, was released on CPAN; this is the last release of the
    SQL-SyntaxModel-SkipID distribution.  This is the last release of any
    distribution to contain SQL::SyntaxModel::SkipID.  This is the first release
    for this distribution and module where they both explicitly have matching
    version numbers.

2004-08-16   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-SyntaxModel Release 0.38, containing SQL::SyntaxModel 0.38, was
    released on CPAN.  This is the first release for this distribution and
    module where they both explicitly have matching version numbers.

2004-08-06   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-SyntaxModel Release 0.37, containing SQL::SyntaxModel 0.24, was
    released on CPAN.  This is the last release for this distribution and
    module where they both do not explicitly have matching version numbers.

2004-06-29   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-SyntaxModel-ByTree Release 0.29, containing SQL::SyntaxModel::ByTree
    0.14, was released on CPAN.  This is the last release for this distribution
    and module where they both do not explicitly have matching version numbers.

    * SQL-SyntaxModel-SkipID Release 0.29, containing SQL::SyntaxModel::SkipID
    0.14, was released on CPAN.  This is the last release for this distribution
    and module where they both do not explicitly have matching version numbers.

2004-03-22   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-SyntaxModel Release 0.28, containing SQL::SyntaxModel 0.15, was
    released on CPAN; this is the first release of the SQL-SyntaxModel

    * SQL-SyntaxModel-ByTree Release 0.28, containing SQL::SyntaxModel::ByTree
    0.13, was released on CPAN; this is the first release of the
    SQL-SyntaxModel-ByTree distribution.

    * SQL-SyntaxModel-SkipID Release 0.28, containing SQL::SyntaxModel::SkipID
    0.13, was released on CPAN; this is the first release of the
    SQL-SyntaxModel-SkipID distribution.

2004-03-21   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.27, containing SQL::SyntaxModel 0.14 and
    SQL::SyntaxModel::ByTree 0.12 and SQL::SyntaxModel::SkipID 0.12, was
    released on CPAN.  This is the last release of the Rosetta distribution to
    contain any version of those 3 modules.

2003-12-21   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.20, containing SQL::SyntaxModel 0.08 and
    SQL::SyntaxModel::ByTree 0.08 and SQL::SyntaxModel::SkipID 0.08, was
    released on CPAN.  This is the first release of any distribution to contain
    SQL::SyntaxModel::ByTree, which was split off from SQL::SyntaxModel; this is
    the first release of SQL::SyntaxModel following that split.

2003-12-18   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.19, containing SQL::SyntaxModel 0.07 and
    SQL::SyntaxModel::SkipID 0.07, was released on CPAN.  This is the last
    release of SQL::SyntaxModel prior to its split into itself and

2003-09-26   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.18, containing SQL::SyntaxModel 0.06 and
    SQL::SyntaxModel::SkipID 0.06, was released on CPAN.  This is the first
    release of any distribution to contain either SQL::SyntaxModel or
    SQL::SyntaxModel::SkipID, which are the results of splitting up the renamed

2003-09-16   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.17, containing SQL::ObjectModel 0.05, was released on
    CPAN.  This is the last release of any distribution to contain
    SQL::ObjectModel; its subsequent release has it renamed and split in two.

2003-06-11   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.13, containing SQL::ObjectModel 0.01, was released on
    CPAN.  This is the first release of any distribution to contain
    SQL::ObjectModel; it is the result of merging 3 pre-existing and renamed
    modules, Rosetta::Schema::DataType and Rosetta::Schema::Table and

2003-06-10   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.12, containing Rosetta::Schema::DataType 0.021 and
    Rosetta::Schema::Table 0.011 and Rosetta::Schema::View 0.012, was released
    on CPAN.  This is the last release of those 3 modules prior to their
    three-way merger into SQL::ObjectModel.

2003-03-08   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.06, containing Rosetta::Schema::DataType 0.02 and
    Rosetta::Schema::Table 0.01 and Rosetta::Schema::View 0.01, was released on
    CPAN.  This is the first release of any distribution to contain either
    Rosetta::Schema::Table or Rosetta::Schema::View.

2003-03-04   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.05, containing Rosetta::Schema::DataType 0.01, was
    released on CPAN.  This is the first release of any distribution to contain
    Rosetta::Schema::DataType.  This is the first release of any distribution
    for which some of the existing work that became the SQL-Routine distribution
    was in the form of executable code, and not just design documentation.

2003-02-10   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.04 was released on CPAN.  This is the last release of
    any distribution for which all of the existing work that became the
    SQL-Routine distribution was purely in the form of design documentation,
    without executable code of any kind.

2003-01-27   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Rosetta Release 0.02 was released on CPAN; this is the first release of
    the Rosetta distribution.  Early versions of the design documentation that
    became the SQL-Routine distribution were included.

2003-01-05   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * DBIx-Portable Release 0.01 was released on CPAN; this is the only release
    of the DBIx-Portable distribution.  This is the first release of any
    distribution to contain design documentation that became the SQL-Routine

2002-11-12   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * Began development on the modules which became the SQL-Routine
    distribution as their own entity that is separate from my application, for
    open-source distribution on CPAN.  The modules were to comprise an
    RDBMS-generic DB framework for any application to use.

    * Modules based on a template created by h2xs 1.18.


    * Posted the first significant update to the second prototype, which added
    an index or cache for data that was expensive to calculate for each page
    request, and involved rewriting about a fourth of the perl code.


    * Posted to my website the second public prototype demo of the new
    self-proprietary database driven application, whose database schema, user
    interface, feature set, and Perl application code was almost completely
    rewritten. The new version explicitly had separate modules for database
    communication and the web interface logic, with MySQL-specific code and
    database generic or data dictionary code in separate files, and separate
    files for parts of the web interface.  The program used the same generic
    CPAN modules as in the first prototype, DBI/MySQL and CGI::Portable.

    * This is when I started writing self-contained code components that were
    explicitly designed to enable external code that used them to work
    seamlessly on multiple database products, and hence 2002 is the start of my
    declared copyright date range for SQL::Routine.


    * Posted the last update to the first prototype.


    * Posted to my website the first public prototype demo of a new
    self-proprietary database driven application, which is like a cross between
    a multimedia metadata catalogue and a repository for historical or
    genealogical data.  This application contained the first prototypes of code
    that ended up in these modules.  All of this application's code, for
    database communication and web interface logic, was situated in a single
    module, with the rest of the program being more generic CPAN modules like
    DBI (and DBD for MySQL) and CGI::Portable.


    * Requested MySQL database privileges on my web host so I have something to
    start developing, testing and deploying database driven applications on.