
2005-09-08   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine-SQLParser Release 0.2.0.

    * New code file versions are: SQLParser.pm v0.2.0 and en.pm v0.2.0.

    * Updated external dependencies on Locale::KeyedText to v1.6.0 and on
    SQL::Routine to v0.70.0.

    * From now on, if the minimum Perl version that this distribution depends on
    (currently 5.008001) comes bundled with a satisfactory version of a module
    that we have a dependency on, then we will no longer specify any version
    number when referring to said module.  An example of such is Test::More.

    * Added a new main title to this Changes file that matches the ReadMe file.

    * Rewrote the documentation section KEEPING UP TO DATE in the ReadMe file.

    * Minor SQLParser.pm documentation update so that any Perl subs which were
    referred to as "function/method" etc are now simply "function".

    * Converted every distribution file to use indentations composed of space 
    characters (4 spaces per indentation level) rather than tab characters.

    * Updated all files containing POD (*.pm, *.pod) to re-order some POD
    sections.  Now all of the POD is after all of the code, rather than that
    being mostly true but for a bit of POD before most of the code.  The 'NAME'
    POD has been moved to just above the 'SYNOPSIS'. The 'DEPENDENCIES' has been
    moved to just above the 'SEE ALSO'.  Any 'BUGS' and 'CAVEATS' have been
    moved to just below the 'SEE ALSO'.  The 'COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE' has been
    moved to the very end of the file, except that any 'CREDITS' have been moved
    below that.  Also updated the ReadMe file to move the 'CREDITS' below the
    'COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE'.  There were zero changes to the content of any POD 
    sections, and no new POD sections were added or existing ones removed,
    except for those explicitly listed below.

    * Updated all files containing POD:  Deleted the 'SYNTAX' section, whose
    value was dubious, from any files that had one.  Renamed 'COPYRIGHT AND
    LICENSE' to 'LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT', and added a new 'AUTHOR' section just
    above it.  Renamed 'CREDITS' to 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS' in any files that had
    one.  COPYRIGHT and CREDITS were likewise renamed in the ReadMe file.

    * Updated the POD in all *.pm files:  Added a new 'VERSION' section, which
    appears just below the 'NAME'.  Added a new 'INCOMPATIBILITIES' section,
    which appears just below 'DEPENDENCIES'.  Renamed and/or merged any 'BUGS'
    and 'CAVEATS' sections into a single 'BUGS AND LIMITATIONS' section, and
    added that section to any files lacking its predecessors.  Rewrote the
    'DEPENDENCIES' into a new paragraph-resembling format that specifies where
    each dependency is, such as bundled with perl, or bundled with the current
    distribution, or available on CPAN; also rewrote the ReadMe file version.

    * Updated all *.pm files to add a new external dependency on the 'version'
    module, which has core-like functionality but isn't yet bundled with Perl;
    all 'our $VERSION' declarations were changed to qv-wrapped three-part format
    from floating point format; likewise, updated the *_00_Compile.t file to use
    'version', and also changed the tests for expected module versions to be
    performed by is() rather than cmp_ok().

    * Updated SQLParser.pm to add a new external dependency on the 'only' 
    module, which has core-like functionality but isn't yet bundled with Perl;
    all "use Foo N.NN" statements were changed to three-part format and now look 
    like "use only 'Foo' => 'N.N.N-'".

2005-06-25   Darren Duncan <perl@DarrenDuncan.net>

    * SQL-Routine-SQLParser Release 0.01.

    * This release is a place-holder for other distributions to refer to; it
    contains a framework into which I can put code that does something useful
    later; for now it declares a functionally empty object.

    * Original code file versions are: SQLParser.pm v0.01 and en.pm v0.01.

    * Original external dependencies are on Locale::KeyedText v1.05 and on
    SQL::Routine v0.65.

    * This is the first release of any distribution to contain
    SQL::Routine::SQLParser.  This is the first release of any distribution for
    which some of the existing work that became the SQL-Routine-SQLParser
    distribution was in the form of executable code, and not just design

    * For historical posterity, this is this distribution's file manifest:

        META.yml                                 Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)