
2009-01-21   Darren Duncan <>

    * Set::Relation version 0.0.1 for Perl 5 is released on CPAN as

    * (  Fixed a bug in the "quotient" method, and further
    updated it with some special-case shortcuts.

    * (  Other minor updates.

    * (README,  Previously the FORUMS pod section of and 3 parts of the README file lacked content, and now they
    have it; added documentation about where the Set::Relation version
    control and support forums are.

2009-01-19   Darren Duncan <>

    * Set::Relation version 0.0.0 for Perl 5 is released on CPAN as

    * It constitutes a rewrite of Set::Relation for Perl 6 that had been
    made in 2006 but was never functional; the large body of work going
    into the Muldis D language and Muldis Rosetta framework during the
    intervening period also fed into this new Set::Relation module; it is
    expected that this new Set::Relation for Perl 5 will be ported to Perl
    6 in the near future and so upgrade that 2006 version; meanwhile, this
    Changes entry refers only to the Perl 5 version.

    * This is the first release of the Perl 5 Set::Relation distribution,
    and the first release of any distribution to contain a Perl 5 module
    named Set::Relation.

    * This is the initial file manifest:


    * As of this release, Set::Relation is officially in pre-alpha
    development status.

    * This is the initial complement of routines; besides the "new"
    constructor submethod, there are these 40 object methods: "clone",
    "export_for_new", "freeze_identity", "which", "members", "heading",
    "body", "evacuate", "insert", "delete", "degree", "is_nullary",
    "cardinality", "is_empty", "is_member", "empty", "insertion",
    "deletion", "rename", "projection", "cmpl_projection", "restriction",
    "cmpl_restriction", "extension", "static_extension", "map",
    "is_identical", "is_subset", "is_proper_subset", "is_disjoint",
    "union", "exclusion", "intersection", "difference", "semidifference",
    "semijoin", "join", "product", "quotient", "composition".

2009-01-04   Darren Duncan <>

    The next version of the Module List will list the following module:

      modid:       Set::Relation
      DSLIP:       cmpOl
      description: Relation data type for Perl
      userid:      DUNCAND (Darren Duncan)
      chapterid:   6 (Data_Type_Utilities)
      enteredby:   BDFOY (brian d foy)
      enteredon:   Mon Jan  5 06:12:12 2009 GMT

    The resulting entry will be:

    ::Relation   cmpOl Relation data type for Perl                  DUNCAND

2006-04-14 thru 2006-11-22

    * A Perl 6 project named "Relation" is started (complementary to the
    earlier existing to-be-named Muldis Rosetta project) which was intended
    to provide native tuple and relation data types for ordinary use in
    Perl 6 programs like other built-in collection types.  The first commit
    was Pugs SVN rev 9938, on 2006-04-14, and Pugs 6.2.12 (2006-06-26)
    included it.  Hence 2006 is the start of the declared copyright date
    range for Set::Relation.

    * On 2006-07-04, renamed this Perl 6 project to "Set-Relation", which
    it remains to this day.  Pugs 6.2.13 and later included this.

    * The Perl 6 Set-Relation received various small updates thru
    2007-02-03 (Pugs SVN rev 15168), but is now stagnant; it will likely
    get un-stuck after the initially newer Perl 5 version is made to work.


    * Darren Duncan is introduced by David Wheeler to the truly relational
    model of data, in a posting on the Bricolage development list in the
    "Re: [6977] New branch for maintenance of Bricolage 1.10.x." thread.

    * David said that Darren's expressed thought, that compound data types
    in table fields was a violation of first normal form, was in fact a
    misconception about the relational model.  David then referenced a
    recent interview with C. J. Date.

    * This set off a chain of events which was the largest paradigm shift
    to ever affect what evolved into the Muldis Rosetta project, and also
    resulted in the genesis of the Set::Relation module.