
2009-02-02   Darren Duncan <>

    * Set::Relation version 0.3.0 for Perl 5 is released on CPAN as

    * (  Added these 5 object methods (still 20 to go):
    "slice", "attr", "has_attrs", "attr_names", "transitive_closure".

    * (  Other minor updates and fixes.

2009-02-01   Darren Duncan <>

    * Set::Relation version 0.2.0 for Perl 5 is released on CPAN as

    * (  Added full documentation for the remaining 25 object
    methods that Set::Relation expects to have implemented prior to being
    moved to alpha development status; each is marked TODO in its title;
    this change item doesn't have a list of said methods, but when they are
    implemented in the next 1-3 releases, the change log will mention them
    simply as being new, same as if they hadn't been pre-documented now
    (and the TODO marker on their docs will be silently removed).

    * (  Added placeholder code for said 25 TODO methods, each
    of which will die with an "unimplemented" message if invoked.

    * (  Other minor code updates.

2009-01-31   Darren Duncan <>

    * Set::Relation version 0.1.0 for Perl 5 is released on CPAN as

    * This release features a few API changes, some significant feature
    additions, and bug fixes to existing routines, but no public facing
    routines have been added or removed.  New routines should feature in
    the next 0.Y.0 release.

    * (  Updated each of the 5 functional methods ["union",
    "exclusion", "intersection", "join", "product"] so it is now an N-adic
    operator rather than a dyadic operator.  Each method's "other"
    parameter was renamed to "others" and now takes either a single
    Set::Relation object as before or an Array of 0..N Set::Relation
    objects which is new.  With this change, these operators are now at
    feature parity with the Muldis D functions they are based on, except
    that they never handle the niladic option; being object methods, there
    is always at least one operand which is the invocant.

    * (  Updated each of the 4 functional methods
    ["(|cmpl_)restriction", "extension", "map"] to remove its optional
    "assuming" parameter.  This parameter was a fossil left over from the
    original Muldis D versions of these operators that the Perl version was
    ported from; the parameter was necessary in Muldis D to have reasonable
    flexibility due to Muldis D lacking certain other features that Perl
    has, which make this parameter unnecessary in Perl.  The removal was to
    keep the Perl simpler; it also sets the stage for the next change item.

    * (, Set_Relation_51_Database_in_Depth_Example.t)  Updated
    each of the 4 functional methods ["(|cmpl_)restriction", "extension",
    "map"] so that the Perl routine supplied as its "func" argument is now
    assumed to have zero parameters rather than one, and the Perl routine
    is now supplied its input tuple/Hash in $_, same as how Perl's built-in
    map/grep operators work, rather than as a first/only argument.  Thanks
    to Todd Hepler for proposing that design change to "restriction" to
    make it more DWIM.

    * (, Set_Relation_51_Database_in_Depth_Example.t)  Updated
    each of the 4 functional methods ["(|cmpl_)projection", "extension",
    "map"] so that the "(|result_)attrs" parameter can also take a Str
    argument rather than just an Array of Str argument.  Thanks to Todd
    Hepler for proposing that design change to "projection" to make it more
    DWIM.  Also updated the Set::Relation constructor submethod similarly,
    so its "members" parameter may also take a Str argument; this would
    produce a relation object with 1 attribute and zero tuples.

    * (  Fixed an "insert" mutator method bug so it detects
    and blocks attempts to insert the invocant Set::Relation object into
    itself as a value-typed component, which would have had the side-effect
    of freezing the invocant, or would have conceptually been an infinite
    recursive deep copy operation; also fixed the "delete" mutator with
    the same detector since it would have had the same freezing problem.

    * (  Updated all routines that take tuple-representing Hash
    values from the user, either directly or as tuple-valued attrs, either
    as a routine argument or a closure return value, so that each Hash is
    tested for circular references between itself or its value-typed
    components; this update fixes a general bug where the module could
    infinitely recurse when processing that input, since tuple-representing
    input from the user is deep-copied.

    * (  Some POD reformatting:  Took what used to be the 5
    level-2 headings under the INTERFACE level-1 heading and changed said 5
    into level-1 headings, but did not uppercase their text.  Then
    converted the routine lists from being "=over/=item <routine>/=back" to
    each routine having its own level-2 heading.  For each routine, the new
    heading is just the short name of the routine, and the full signature
    of the routine displays just as its own paragraph.  All these changes
    combined should look visually like we are faking 3 levels of headings,
    with top and middle being upcased and mixed case "=head1" respectively.

    * (  Minor code and POD updates and fixes.

2009-01-26   Darren Duncan <>

    * Set::Relation version 0.0.2 for Perl 5 is released on CPAN as

    * (  Fixed two instances of a bug in the "rename" method.
    Thanks to Todd Hepler for spotting the bug and providing a patch.

    * Added new test file "t/Set_Relation_51_Database_in_Depth_Example.t",
    which exercises more than a half-dozen Set::Relation methods that
    previously had no tests; the "rename" bugs were exposed when writing
    this.  Thanks to Todd Hepler who authored and contributed this file.

    * This distribution has gained a new direct external dependency on the
    Test::Deep module, which currently is only used by the new test file.

    * (  Minor code comment fixes and POD updates.

2009-01-21   Darren Duncan <>

    * Set::Relation version 0.0.1 for Perl 5 is released on CPAN as

    * (  Fixed a bug in the "quotient" method, and further
    updated it with some special-case shortcuts.

    * (  Other minor updates.

    * (README,  Previously the FORUMS pod section of and 3 parts of the README file lacked content, and now they
    have it; added documentation about where the Set::Relation version
    control and support forums are.

2009-01-19   Darren Duncan <>

    * Set::Relation version 0.0.0 for Perl 5 is released on CPAN as

    * It constitutes a rewrite of Set::Relation for Perl 6 that had been
    made in 2006 but was never functional; the large body of work going
    into the Muldis D language and Muldis Rosetta framework during the
    intervening period also fed into this new Set::Relation module; it is
    expected that this new Set::Relation for Perl 5 will be ported to Perl
    6 in the near future and so upgrade that 2006 version; meanwhile, this
    Changes entry refers only to the Perl 5 version.

    * This is the first release of the Perl 5 Set::Relation distribution,
    and the first release of any distribution to contain a Perl 5 module
    named Set::Relation.

    * This is the initial file manifest:


    * As of this release, Set::Relation is officially in pre-alpha
    development status.

    * This is the initial complement of routines; besides the "new"
    constructor submethod, there are these 40 object methods: "clone",
    "export_for_new", "freeze_identity", "which", "members", "heading",
    "body", "evacuate", "insert", "delete", "degree", "is_nullary",
    "cardinality", "is_empty", "is_member", "empty", "insertion",
    "deletion", "rename", "projection", "cmpl_projection", "restriction",
    "cmpl_restriction", "extension", "static_extension", "map",
    "is_identical", "is_subset", "is_proper_subset", "is_disjoint",
    "union", "exclusion", "intersection", "difference", "semidifference",
    "semijoin", "join", "product", "quotient", "composition".

2009-01-04   Darren Duncan <>

    The next version of the Module List will list the following module:

      modid:       Set::Relation
      DSLIP:       cmpOl
      description: Relation data type for Perl
      userid:      DUNCAND (Darren Duncan)
      chapterid:   6 (Data_Type_Utilities)
      enteredby:   BDFOY (brian d foy)
      enteredon:   Mon Jan  5 06:12:12 2009 GMT

    The resulting entry will be:

    ::Relation   cmpOl Relation data type for Perl                  DUNCAND

2006-04-14 thru 2006-11-22

    * A Perl 6 project named "Relation" is started (complementary to the
    earlier existing to-be-named Muldis Rosetta project) which was intended
    to provide native tuple and relation data types for ordinary use in
    Perl 6 programs like other built-in collection types.  The first commit
    was Pugs SVN rev 9938, on 2006-04-14, and Pugs 6.2.12 (2006-06-26)
    included it.  Hence 2006 is the start of the declared copyright date
    range for Set::Relation.

    * On 2006-07-04, renamed this Perl 6 project to "Set-Relation", which
    it remains to this day.  Pugs 6.2.13 and later included this.

    * The Perl 6 Set-Relation received various small updates thru
    2007-02-03 (Pugs SVN rev 15168), but is now stagnant; it will likely
    get un-stuck after the initially newer Perl 5 version is made to work.


    * Darren Duncan is introduced by David Wheeler to the truly relational
    model of data, in a posting on the Bricolage development list in the
    "Re: [6977] New branch for maintenance of Bricolage 1.10.x." thread.

    * David said that Darren's expressed thought, that compound data types
    in table fields was a violation of first normal form, was in fact a
    misconception about the relational model.  David then referenced a
    recent interview with C. J. Date.

    * This set off a chain of events which was the largest paradigm shift
    to ever affect what evolved into the Muldis Rosetta project, and also
    resulted in the genesis of the Set::Relation module.