Revision history for Perl extension MAth::Geometry::Planar.
1.00 Fri Sep 6 14:36:09 2002
- First relesaseon
1.01 Fri Sep 27 12:40:17 2002
- Changed Math::Geometry_2D to Math::Geometry::Planar
1.02 Fri Sep 27 14:37:25 2002
- Include the triangulation code (which was a separate
.pl file) into the module code
1.03 Tue Oct 1 09:30:15 2002
- Corrected some typos in POD
- Added some initialization statements to overcome
'Use of uninitialized value' warnings during tests
1.04 Tue Oct 1 14:18:05 2002
- Corrected some typos in POD
- Different approach for running tests - trying
to get rid of 'dubious' thing for linux 2.4.16-6mdksmp i386-linux
(although there is not a 'real' problem afaik)
1.05 Sun Oct 6 14:16:47 2002
- Adapted module to registered namespace for GPC
1.06 Mon Oct 7 09:50:12 2002
- Small change in Makefile.PL for correct GPC version in PREREQ_PM
1.07 Mon Oct 7 14:10:02 2002
- Small change in tests
1.08 Mon Oct 7 14:12:02 2002
- another attempt to fix linux 2.4.16-6mdksmp i386-linux test
(nothing is - imho - wrong though ...)
1.09 Mon Oct 14 11:05:34 2002
- polygons operations now return polygon (contour) objects
and leave the original object unaltered
Method triangulate returns a list of polygon (contour)
- fixed a few bugs
- point missing in result convexhull2 (except for some
special cases like the one in the tests ...)
- typo in move made it work only for polygon objects and
not for contour objects
1.10 Fri May 9 09:30:00 2003
- Optimized PolygonArea for better performance
as suggested by C. David Tallman (thanks David)
1.11 Mon Jun 15 10:17:00 2003
- Added Eric Wilhelm's polygon offset module
- Moved GPC module under Planar
- Added precision to parallel and intersection routines
- Added ray intersection and all combinations of
ray/line/segment intersection
1.12 Fry Jun 15 11:07:00 2003
- Added tests for all intersections (ray/line/segment)
1.13 Wed Jun 16 17:05:00 2004
1.14 Fry Jun 18 12:14:00 2004
- Fixed bug in GPC2polygons function reported by C. Pettir
ticket 6250
1.15 Wed Dec 14 17:31:00 2005
- Fixed bug in inside function reported by Sharaba Avshalom
inconsistent results for when point tested is colinear
with an edge of the polygon.
1.16 Mon Dec 19 16:10:00 2005
- Finally got the inside function right
Points on the perimeter evaluate as being inside
1.17 Thu Jul 16 12:05:00 2009
- Bug reported by T. Fawcet
convexhull2 method returns too many points in some