Revision history for Perl extension Apache::FakeTable.
0.03 2008-04-02T00:14:25
- Updated pod.t to use newer version of Test::Pod.
- Added the "configure_requires", "build_requires", and "recommends"
parameters to Build.PL.
- Fixed syntax error under Perl 5.10. Reported by IMACAT via
0.02 Thu Sep 4 05:32:22 2003
- Fixed behavior of each to match that of Apache::Table. It will now
return multiple key/value pairs for a single key that has multiple
- Changed behavior of new() to require an Apache object as its first
object to bring it more in line with the behavior of
- Assigning a value of undef no longer deletes the key from the table,
but goes ahead and assigns it. When warnings are enabled, this will
cause Apache::FakeTable to issue a "Use of uninitialized value in
null operation" warning.
- The merge() method will now only merge the new value with the first
value when a key has multiple existing values. It also now uses a
comma and a space to separate the values, instead of just a comma.
0.01 Sun Aug 31 22:58:05 2003
- Original version, poached from a patch for HTML::Mason.