Revision history for Perl extension App::Info.

        - Wrote documentation on subclassing App::Info.
        - Added httpd_root() abstract method to App::Info::HTTPD abstract
          base class.
        - Added and corrected documentation in App::Info::HTTPD,
          App::Info::RDBMS, and App::Info::Lib.

0.03  Mon Jun  3 18:37:50 2002
        - Private release.
        - Changed first_cat_file() to first_cat_path() in App::Info::Util.
        - Added internal tests for various subclasses.
        - Fixed a bunch of bugs.
        - Added better support for Fink-installed libraries on Darwin.

0.02  Mon Jun  3 04:38:24 2002
        - Private release.
        - Added
        - Many changes to Util.

0.01  Fri May 31 07:54:55 2002
        - Original version.
        - Private release.