package App::Sqitch::Engine::oracle; # Environment variables required to test: # * ORAUSER # * ORAPASS # * TWO_TASK use 5.010; use Mouse; use utf8; use Path::Class; use DBI; use Try::Tiny; use App::Sqitch::X qw(hurl); use Locale::TextDomain qw(App-Sqitch); use App::Sqitch::Plan::Change; use List::Util qw(first); use namespace::autoclean; extends 'App::Sqitch::Engine'; sub dbh; # required by DBIEngine; with 'App::Sqitch::Role::DBIEngine'; our $VERSION = '0.973'; BEGIN { # We tell the Oracle connector which encoding to use. The last part of the # environment variable NLS_LANG is relevant concerning data encoding. $ENV{NLS_LANG} = 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8'; # Disable SQLPATH so that no start scripts run. $ENV{SQLPATH} = ''; } has client => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', lazy => 1, required => 1, default => sub { my $sqitch = shift->sqitch; $sqitch->db_client || $sqitch->config->get( key => '' ) || file( ($ENV{ORACLE_HOME} || ()), 'sqlplus' . ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '.exe' : '' ) )->stringify; }, ); has username => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Maybe[Str]', lazy => 1, required => 0, default => sub { my $sqitch = shift->sqitch; $sqitch->db_username || $sqitch->config->get( key => '' ); }, ); has password => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Maybe[Str]', lazy => 1, required => 0, default => sub { shift->sqitch->config->get( key => '' ); }, ); has db_name => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Maybe[Str]', lazy => 1, required => 0, default => sub { my $self = shift; my $sqitch = $self->sqitch; $sqitch->db_name || $sqitch->config->get( key => '' ); }, ); has destination => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', lazy => 1, required => 1, default => sub { my $self = shift; $self->db_name || $ENV{TWO_TASK} || ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? $ENV{LOCAL} : undef ) || $ENV{ORACLE_SID} || $self->username || $self->sqitch->sysuser }, ); has host => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Maybe[Str]', lazy => 1, required => 0, default => sub { my $sqitch = shift->sqitch; $sqitch->db_host || $sqitch->config->get( key => '' ); }, ); has port => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Maybe[Int]', lazy => 1, required => 0, default => sub { my $sqitch = shift->sqitch; $sqitch->db_port || $sqitch->config->get( key => '' ); }, ); has sqitch_schema => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Maybe[Str]', lazy => 1, required => 1, default => sub { shift->sqitch->config->get( key => '' ) }, ); has sqlplus => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef', lazy => 1, required => 1, auto_deref => 1, default => sub { my $self = shift; [ $self->client, qw(-S -L /nolog) ]; }, ); has dbh => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'DBI::db', lazy => 1, default => sub { my $self = shift; # XXX require DBD::Oracle 1.23. try { require DBD::Oracle } catch { hurl oracle => __ 'DBD::Oracle module required to manage Oracle' if $@; }; my $dsn = 'dbi:Oracle:'; if ($self->host || $self->port) { $dsn .= join ';' => map { "$_->[0]=$_->[1]" } grep { $_->[1] } ( [ sid => $self->db_name ], [ host => $self->host ], [ port => $self->port ], ); } else { $dsn .= $self->db_name if $self->db_name; } DBI->connect($dsn, $self->username, $self->password, { PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 1, FetchHashKeyName => 'NAME_lc', HandleError => sub { my ($err, $dbh) = @_; $@ = $err; @_ = ($dbh->state || 'DEV' => $dbh->errstr); goto &hurl; }, Callbacks => { connected => sub { my $dbh = shift; $dbh->do("ALTER SESSION SET $_='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZR'") for qw( nls_date_format nls_timestamp_format nls_timestamp_tz_format ); if (my $schema = $self->sqitch_schema) { $dbh->do("ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = $schema"); } return; }, }, }); } ); sub config_vars { return ( client => 'any', username => 'any', password => 'any', db_name => 'any', host => 'any', port => 'int', sqitch_schema => 'any', ); } sub _log_tags_param { [ map { $_->format_name } $_[1]->tags ]; } sub _log_requires_param { [ map { $_->as_string } $_[1]->requires ]; } sub _log_conflicts_param { [ map { $_->as_string } $_[1]->conflicts ]; } sub _ts2char_format { q{to_char(%1$s AT TIME ZONE 'UTC', '"year":YYYY:"month":MM:"day":DD') || to_char(%1$s AT TIME ZONE 'UTC', ':"hour":HH24:"minute":MI:"second":SS:"time_zone":"UTC"')} } sub _ts_default { 'current_timestamp' } sub _char2ts { my $dt = $_[1]; join ' ', $dt->ymd('-'), $dt->hms(':'), $dt->time_zone->name; } sub _listagg_format { # return q{COLLECT(%s)}; } sub _regex_op { 'REGEXP_LIKE(%s, ?)' } sub _simple_from { ' FROM dual' } sub _multi_values { my ($self, $count, $expr) = @_; return join "\nUNION ALL ", ("SELECT $expr FROM dual") x $count; } sub _dt($) { require App::Sqitch::DateTime; return App::Sqitch::DateTime->new(split /:/ => shift); } sub _cid { my ( $self, $ord, $offset, $project ) = @_; return try { return $self->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(qq{ SELECT change_id FROM ( SELECT change_id, rownum as rnum FROM ( SELECT change_id FROM changes WHERE project = ? ORDER BY committed_at $ord ) ) WHERE rnum = ? }, undef, $project || $self->plan->project, ($offset // 0) + 1)->[0]; } catch { return if $self->_no_table_error; die $_; }; } sub _cid_head { my ($self, $project, $change) = @_; return $self->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(qq{ SELECT change_id FROM ( SELECT change_id FROM changes WHERE project = ? AND change = ? ORDER BY committed_at DESC ) WHERE rownum = 1 }, undef, $project, $change)->[0]; } sub current_state { my ( $self, $project ) = @_; my $cdtcol = sprintf $self->_ts2char_format, 'c.committed_at'; my $pdtcol = sprintf $self->_ts2char_format, 'c.planned_at'; my $tagcol = sprintf $self->_listagg_format, 't.tag'; my $dbh = $self->dbh; # XXX Oy, placeholders do not work with COLLECT() in this query. # # my $qproj = $dbh->quote($project // $self->plan->project); my $state = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(qq{ SELECT * FROM ( SELECT c.change_id , c.change , c.project , c.note , c.committer_name , c.committer_email , $cdtcol AS committed_at , c.planner_name , c.planner_email , $pdtcol AS planned_at , $tagcol AS tags FROM changes c LEFT JOIN tags t ON c.change_id = t.change_id WHERE c.project = $qproj GROUP BY c.change_id , c.change , c.project , c.note , c.committer_name , c.committer_email , c.committed_at , c.planner_name , c.planner_email , c.planned_at ORDER BY c.committed_at DESC ) WHERE rownum = 1 }) or return undef; $state->{committed_at} = _dt $state->{committed_at}; $state->{planned_at} = _dt $state->{planned_at}; return $state; } sub deployed_changes { my $self = shift; my $tscol = sprintf $self->_ts2char_format, 'c.planned_at'; my $tagcol = sprintf $self->_listagg_format, 't.tag'; # XXX Oy, placeholders do not work with COLLECT() in this query. # # my $qproj = $self->dbh->quote($self->plan->project); return map { $_->{timestamp} = _dt $_->{timestamp}; $_; } @{ $self->dbh->selectall_arrayref(qq{ SELECT c.change_id AS id, c.change AS name, c.project, c.note, $tscol AS timestamp, c.planner_name, c.planner_email, $tagcol AS tags FROM changes c LEFT JOIN tags t ON c.change_id = t.change_id WHERE c.project = $qproj GROUP BY c.change_id, c.change, c.project, c.note, c.planned_at, c.planner_name, c.planner_email, c.committed_at ORDER BY c.committed_at ASC }, { Slice => {} } ) }; } sub deployed_changes_since { my ( $self, $change ) = @_; my $tscol = sprintf $self->_ts2char_format, 'c.planned_at'; my $tagcol = sprintf $self->_listagg_format, 't.tag'; # XXX Oy, placeholders do not work with COLLECT() in this query. # # my $qproj = $self->dbh->quote($self->plan->project); return map { $_->{timestamp} = _dt $_->{timestamp}; $_; } @{ $self->dbh->selectall_arrayref(qq{ SELECT c.change_id AS id, c.change AS name, c.project, c.note, $tscol AS timestamp, c.planner_name, c.planner_email, $tagcol AS tags FROM changes c LEFT JOIN tags t ON c.change_id = t.change_id WHERE c.project = $qproj AND c.committed_at > (SELECT committed_at FROM changes WHERE change_id = ?) GROUP BY c.change_id, c.change, c.project, c.note, c.planned_at, c.planner_name, c.planner_email, c.committed_at ORDER BY c.committed_at ASC }, { Slice => {} }, $change->id) }; } sub load_change { my ( $self, $change_id ) = @_; my $tscol = sprintf $self->_ts2char_format, 'c.planned_at'; my $tagcol = sprintf $self->_listagg_format, 't.tag'; # XXX Oy, placeholders do not work with COLLECT() in this query. # # my $qcid = $self->dbh->quote($change_id); my $change = $self->dbh->selectrow_hashref(qq{ SELECT c.change_id AS id, c.change AS name, c.project, c.note, $tscol AS timestamp, c.planner_name, c.planner_email, $tagcol AS tags FROM changes c LEFT JOIN tags t ON c.change_id = t.change_id WHERE c.change_id = $qcid GROUP BY c.change_id, c.change, c.project, c.note, c.planned_at, c.planner_name, c.planner_email }, undef) || return undef; $change->{timestamp} = _dt $change->{timestamp}; return $change; } sub is_deployed_change { my ( $self, $change ) = @_; $self->dbh->selectcol_arrayref( 'SELECT 1 FROM changes WHERE change_id = ?', undef, $change->id )->[0]; } sub initialized { my $self = shift; return $self->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q{ SELECT 1 FROM all_tables WHERE owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SESSION_SCHEMA') AND table_name = 'CHANGES' })->[0]; } sub _log_event { my ( $self, $event, $change, $tags, $requires, $conflicts) = @_; my $dbh = $self->dbh; my $sqitch = $self->sqitch; $tags ||= $self->_log_tags_param($change); $requires ||= $self->_log_requires_param($change); $conflicts ||= $self->_log_conflicts_param($change); # Use the sqitch_array() constructor to insert arrays of values. my $tag_ph = 'sqitch_array('. join(', ', ('?') x @{ $tags }) . ')'; my $req_ph = 'sqitch_array('. join(', ', ('?') x @{ $requires }) . ')'; my $con_ph = 'sqitch_array('. join(', ', ('?') x @{ $conflicts }) . ')'; my $ts = $self->_ts_default; $dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO events ( event , change_id , change , project , note , tags , requires , conflicts , committer_name , committer_email , planned_at , planner_name , planner_email , committed_at ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, $tag_ph, $req_ph, $con_ph, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, $ts) }, undef, $event, $change->id, $change->name, $change->project, $change->note, @{ $tags }, @{ $requires }, @{ $conflicts }, $sqitch->user_name, $sqitch->user_email, $self->_char2ts( $change->timestamp ), $change->planner_name, $change->planner_email, ); return $self; } sub changes_requiring_change { my ( $self, $change ) = @_; # Why CTE: return @{ $self->dbh->selectall_arrayref(q{ WITH tag AS ( SELECT tag, committed_at, project, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by project ORDER BY committed_at) AS rnk FROM tags ) SELECT c.change_id, c.project, c.change, t.tag AS asof_tag FROM dependencies d JOIN changes c ON c.change_id = d.change_id LEFT JOIN tag t ON t.project = c.project AND t.committed_at >= c.committed_at WHERE d.dependency_id = ? AND (t.rnk IS NULL OR t.rnk = 1) }, { Slice => {} }, $change->id) }; } sub name_for_change_id { my ( $self, $change_id ) = @_; # Why CTE: return $self->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q{ WITH tag AS ( SELECT tag, committed_at, project, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by project ORDER BY committed_at) AS rnk FROM tags ) SELECT change || COALESCE(t.tag, '') FROM changes c LEFT JOIN tag t ON c.project = t.project AND t.committed_at >= c.committed_at WHERE change_id = ? AND (t.rnk IS NULL OR t.rnk = 1) }, undef, $change_id)->[0]; } sub change_offset_from_id { my ( $self, $change_id, $offset ) = @_; # Just return the object if there is no offset. return $self->load_change($change_id) unless $offset; # Are we offset forwards or backwards? my ( $dir, $op ) = $offset > 0 ? ( 'ASC', '>' ) : ( 'DESC' , '<' ); my $tscol = sprintf $self->_ts2char_format, 'c.planned_at'; my $tagcol = sprintf $self->_listagg_format, 't.tag'; my $change = $self->dbh->selectrow_hashref(qq{ SELECT id, name, project, note, timestamp, planner_name, planner_email, tags FROM ( SELECT id, name, project, note, timestamp, planner_name, planner_email, tags, rownum AS rnum FROM ( SELECT c.change_id AS id, c.change AS name, c.project, c.note, $tscol AS timestamp, c.planner_name, c.planner_email, $tagcol AS tags FROM changes c LEFT JOIN tags t ON c.change_id = t.change_id WHERE c.project = ? AND c.committed_at $op ( SELECT committed_at FROM changes WHERE change_id = ? ) GROUP BY c.change_id, c.change, c.project, c.note, c.planned_at, c.planner_name, c.planner_email, c.committed_at ORDER BY c.committed_at $dir ) ) WHERE rnum = ? }, undef, $self->plan->project, $change_id, abs $offset) || return undef; $change->{timestamp} = _dt $change->{timestamp}; return $change; } sub is_deployed_tag { my ( $self, $tag ) = @_; return $self->dbh->selectcol_arrayref( 'SELECT 1 FROM tags WHERE tag_id = ?', undef, $tag->id )->[0]; } sub initialize { my $self = shift; my $schema = $self->sqitch_schema; hurl engine => __ 'Sqitch already initialized' if $self->initialized; # Load up our database. (my $file = file(__FILE__)->dir->file('oracle.sql')) =~ s/"/""/g; my $meth = $self->can($self->sqitch->verbosity > 1 ? '_run' : '_capture'); $self->$meth( ( $schema ? ( "DEFINE sqitch_schema=$schema" ) : ( # Select the current schema into &sqitch_schema. # 'COLUMN sname for a30 new_value sqitch_schema', q{SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SESSION_SCHEMA') AS sname FROM DUAL;}, ) ), qq{\@"$file"} ); $self->dbh->do("ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = $schema") if $schema; return $self; } # Override for special handling of regular the expression operator and # LIMIT/OFFSET. sub search_events { my ( $self, %p ) = @_; # Determine order direction. my $dir = 'DESC'; if (my $d = delete $p{direction}) { $dir = $d =~ /^ASC/i ? 'ASC' : $d =~ /^DESC/i ? 'DESC' : hurl 'Search direction must be either "ASC" or "DESC"'; } # Limit with regular expressions? my (@wheres, @params); for my $spec ( [ committer => 'committer_name' ], [ planner => 'planner_name' ], [ change => 'change' ], [ project => 'project' ], ) { my $regex = delete $p{ $spec->[0] } // next; push @wheres => "REGEXP_LIKE($spec->[1], ?)"; push @params => $regex; } # Match events? if (my $e = delete $p{event} ) { my ($in, @vals) = $self->_in_expr( $e ); push @wheres => "event $in"; push @params => @vals; } # Assemble the where clause. my $where = @wheres ? "\n WHERE " . join( "\n ", @wheres ) : ''; # Handle remaining parameters. my ($lim, $off) = (delete $p{limit}, delete $p{offset}); hurl 'Invalid parameters passed to search_events(): ' . join ', ', sort keys %p if %p; # Prepare, execute, and return. my $cdtcol = sprintf $self->_ts2char_format, 'committed_at'; my $pdtcol = sprintf $self->_ts2char_format, 'planned_at'; my $sql = qq{ SELECT event , project , change_id , change , note , requires , conflicts , tags , committer_name , committer_email , $cdtcol AS committed_at , planner_name , planner_email , $pdtcol AS planned_at FROM events$where ORDER BY events.committed_at $dir }; if ($lim || $off) { my @limits; if ($lim) { $off //= 0; push @params => $lim + $off; push @limits => 'rnum <= ?'; } if ($off) { push @params => $off; push @limits => 'rnum > ?'; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROWNUM AS rnum, i.* FROM ($sql) i ) WHERE " . join ' AND ', @limits; } my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(@params); return sub { my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref or return; delete $row->{rnum}; $row->{committed_at} = _dt $row->{committed_at}; $row->{planned_at} = _dt $row->{planned_at}; return $row; }; } # Override to lock the changes table. This ensures that only one instance of # Sqitch runs at one time. sub begin_work { my $self = shift; my $dbh = $self->dbh; # Start transaction and lock changes to allow only one change at a time. $dbh->begin_work; $dbh->do('LOCK TABLE changes IN EXCLUSIVE MODE'); return $self; } sub run_file { my $self = shift; (my $file = shift) =~ s/"/""/g; $self->_run(qq{\@"$file"}); } sub run_verify { my $self = shift; (my $file = shift) =~ s/"/""/g; # Suppress STDOUT unless we want extra verbosity. my $meth = $self->can($self->sqitch->verbosity > 1 ? '_run' : '_capture'); $self->$meth(qq{\@"$file"}); } sub run_handle { my ($self, $fh) = @_; my $target = $self->_script; open my $tfh, '<:utf8_strict', \$target; $self->sqitch->spool( [$tfh, $fh], $self->sqlplus ); } # Override to take advantage of the RETURNING expression, and to save tags as # an array rather than a space-delimited string. sub log_revert_change { my ($self, $change) = @_; my $dbh = $self->dbh; my $cid = $change->id; # Delete tags. my $sth = $dbh->prepare( 'DELETE FROM tags WHERE change_id = ? RETURNING tag INTO ?', ); $sth->bind_param(1, $cid); $sth->bind_param_inout_array(2, my $del_tags = [], 0, { ora_type => DBD::Oracle::ORA_VARCHAR2() }); $sth->execute; # Retrieve dependencies. my ($req, $conf) = $dbh->selectrow_array(q{ SELECT ( SELECT COLLECT(dependency) FROM dependencies WHERE change_id = ? AND type = 'require' ), ( SELECT COLLECT(dependency) FROM dependencies WHERE change_id = ? AND type = 'conflict' ) FROM dual }, undef, $cid, $cid); # Delete the change record. $dbh->do( 'DELETE FROM changes where change_id = ?', undef, $change->id, ); # Log it. return $self->_log_event( revert => $change, $del_tags, $req, $conf ); } sub _ts2char($) { my $col = shift; return qq{to_char($col AT TIME ZONE 'UTC', 'YYYY:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS')}; } sub _no_table_error { return defined $DBI::err && $DBI::err == 942; # ORA-00942: table or view does not exist } sub _script { my $self = shift; my $target = $self->username // ''; if (my $pass = $self->password) { $pass =~ s/"/""/g; $target .= qq{/"$pass"}; } if (my $db = $self->db_name) { $target .= '@'; $db =~ s/"/""/g; if ($self->host || $self->port) { $target .= '//' . ($self->host || ''); if (my $port = $self->port) { $target .= ":$port"; } $target .= qq{/"$db"}; } else { $target .= qq{"$db"}; } } my %vars = $self->variables; return join "\n" => ( 'SET ECHO OFF NEWP 0 SPA 0 PAGES 0 FEED OFF HEAD OFF TRIMS ON TAB OFF', 'WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT 9;', 'WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT SQL.SQLCODE;', (map {; (my $v = $vars{$_}) =~ s/"/""/g; qq{DEFINE $_="$v"} } sort keys %vars), "connect $target", @_ ); } sub _run { my $self = shift; my $script = $self->_script(@_); open my $fh, '<:utf8_strict', \$script; return $self->sqitch->spool( $fh, $self->sqlplus ); } sub _capture { my $self = shift; my $target = $self->_script(@_); my @out; require IPC::Run3; IPC::Run3::run3( [$self->sqlplus], \$target, \@out ); if (my $err = $?) { # Ugh, send everything to STDERR. $self->sqitch->vent(@out); hurl io => __x( '{command} unexpectedly returned exit value {exitval}', command => $self->client, exitval => ($err >> 8), ); } return wantarray ? @out : \@out; } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; no Mouse; __END__ =head1 Name App::Sqitch::Engine::oracle - Sqitch Oracle Engine =head1 Synopsis my $oracle = App::Sqitch::Engine->load( engine => 'oracle' ); =head1 Description App::Sqitch::Engine::oracle provides the Oracle storage engine for Sqitch. It supports Oracle 8.4.0 and higher. =head1 Interface =head3 Class Methods =head3 C<config_vars> my %vars = App::Sqitch::Engine::oracle->config_vars; Returns a hash of names and types to use for variables in the C<> section of the a Sqitch configuration file. The variables and their types are: client => 'any' username => 'any' password => 'any' db_name => 'any' host => 'any' port => 'int' sqitch_schema => 'any' =head2 Instance Methods =head3 C<initialized> $oracle->initialize unless $oracle->initialized; Returns true if the database has been initialized for Sqitch, and false if it has not. =head3 C<initialize> $oracle->initialize; Initializes a database for Sqitch by installing the Sqitch metadata schema. =head1 Author David E. Wheeler <> =head1 License Copyright (c) 2012-2013 iovation Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =cut