Revision history for Perl extension Class::Delegator.

0.03  2005-04-13T18:22:10
      - Added a word missing from an error message.
      - Fixed a spelling error. Reported by Ramesh R.
      - Fixed a warning in the tests.

0.02  2005-01-29T20:36:34
      - Added support for dispatching a single method call to multiple
        attributes. The "as" parameter can be used to dispatch to different
        methods in those multiple attributes. This brings things more in
        line with how Class::Delegation works.
      - Added a "Benchmarks" section to demonstrate the performance of
        Class::Delegator vs. Class::Delegation and manually-generated
        delegation methods.
      - When specified as an array reference, the "as" parameter no longer
        needs to contain the same number of items as the "send" parameter. But
        it does need to be the same number of items as in the "to" parameter
        when both "to" and "as" are array references.

0.01  2005-01-28T00:02:09
      - Initial public release.