Revision history for Perl extension Exception::Class::DBI.

0.90  Thu Dec 12 20:16:14 2002
        - Updated tests for Changes in DBI 1.30. Connection failures
          can now throw exceptions!
        - Removed TODO tests in sth.t. Tim has said that DBI attributes
          that return ARRAYs or HASHes will return undef when they're
          empty, rather than return emtpy ARRAYs or HASHes.
        - Incremented version to 0.90 to indicate high level of stability.

0.02  Tue Sep 17 03:33:56 2002
        - Documentation tweaks.
        - Fixed test to pass with Perl 5.6.1 and earlier.

0.01  Fri Aug 23 19:50:45 2002
	- Initial Release to the CPAN.