Revision history for Perl extension MasonX::ApacheHandler::WithCallbacks.

1.00  Sat Jul 26 16:31:38 2003
      - Added test to validate all POD with prodding from Andy Lester.
      - Changed all tests to always run with -w. Fixed some warnings as a
        result, including one in MasonX::CallbackTester.
      - Fixed method callbacks with a priority attribute set to 0 (zero) so
        that they actually have that priority. Patch from Scott Lanning.

0.99  Wed Jul  2 01:51:52 2003
      - More intelligent handling of situations where Apache::Test isn't
        installed before running Makefile.PL (e.g., via
      - Added the exec_null_cb_values parameter. Set it to a false value to
        prevent request callbacks without a value from executing. NOTE: The
        current default for this parameter is true, but may be changed in
        a future release. Pass it explicitly to avoid the possibility of
        this change.

0.98  Sun Jun 29 20:23:34 2003
      - Eliminated declaration of package Apache::FakeRequest, so as not to
        annoy the CPAN indexer.
      - Smarter prevention of redirects in tests.
      - Require Apache::Test 1.03 or later, since that version fixes issues on
        case-insensitive file systems.
      - Fixed processing of callback parameters so that image submits won't
        cause a callback to be called twice. Patch from Scott Lanning.

0.97  Tue Jun 17 22:56:51 2003
      - Ported test suite to Apache::Test.
      - The redirected attribute of the MasonX::ApacheHandler::WithCallbacks
        no longer persists its value across requests.

0.96  Sun Jun 15 22:52:25 2003
      - Minor documentation corrections.
      - Changed documentation to refer to the register_subclass() method
        instead of the nonexistent register_instance() method, thanks to
        Scott Lanning.
      - Fixed failing test in t/02errors.t. Not sure how it ever passed
      - Added support for "MasonCbClasses" httpd.conf directive. Use "_ALL"
        instead of "ALL" to register the callback methods of all loaded
        MasonX::CallbackHandler subclasses.
      - Added support for httpd.conf directives for all of the parameters to
      - Added MasonX::CallbackTester to simplify testing callback packages and
        classes outside of a mod_perl environment (i.e., in standard
        Test::Harness test suites).

0.95  Thu May  1 05:36:38 2003
      - Changed MasonX::CallbackHandle to MasonX::CallbackHandler to
        reflect its job as a subclassable callback handler.
      - Added support for object-oriented callbacks. Callback classes can
        be created to inherit from MasonX::CallbackHandler. They have their
        own class keys, and the callbacks are named for the callback methods,
        which are themselves identified by attributes. This is a much bigger
        addition than it sounds like here. Read the MasonX::CallbackHandler
        documentation for all the details.
      - Changed the callback execution so that the same callback class objects
        are passed to all of the relevant callbacks for a single request.
      - Many spelling errors corrected thanks to Scott Lanning.

0.91  Fri Feb 14 22:45:10 2003
      - Fixed POD typos.
      - Added note about testing callbacks to documentation.
      - Altered testing methodology to allow testing of multiple
      - Added tests for invalid parameters.
      - Added tests for error conditions.

0.90  Mon Jan 20 22:22:16 2003
      - Added new class, MasonX::CallbackHandle. This class represents all
        of the data relevant to the execution of a callback, plus provides
        the utility methods redirect() and abort() that were previously
        provided by MasonX::ApacheHandler::WithCallbacks.
      - Changed callback code reference interface so that instead of taking a
        list of relevant arguments, it takes a single argument: an
        instantiation of the new MasonX::CallbackHandle class. This will allow
        new data and methods to be provided without having to change the
        interface for callbacks again.
      - Removed ToDo item about putting callbacks in a hash instead of an
        array. I benchmarked it, and found that in most cases, the array will
        be faster, even if only two of its indices are used. So callback will
        stay in an array indexed by priority.
      - Incremented version number to 0.90 because I think that this new
        interface will remain pretty stable.

0.12  Thu Jan 16 18:12:18 2003
      - Fixed redirection to actually redirect before Mason creates its
        component stack and executes components. Thanks to Garth Webb
        for the spot.

0.11  Mon Jan 13 18:32:10 2003
      - Removed some extraneous code.
      - Changed abort() to set $r->status to the aborted value.
      - Fixed mis-named exception classes. Thanks to Garth Webb for the spot.
      - Made the pre_callbacks and post_callbacks arguments optional. Thanks
        to Garth Webb for the spot.
      - Fixed a few minor POD nits.

0.10  Thu Jan  2 22:43:13 2003
      - Initial Public Release.