Revision history for Perl extension SVN::Notify

2.52  2006-02-19T18:50:24
      - Now uses File::Spec->path to search for a validate sendmail or svnlook
        when they're not specified via their respetive command-line options or
        environment variables. Suggested by Andreas Koenig. Not that they
        should probably be explicitly set anyway, as the PATH environment
        variable tends to be non-existent when running under Apache.

2.51  2006-01-02T23:28:11
      - Fixed ColorDiff HTML to once again be valid XHTML 1.1.

2.50  2005-11-10T23:27:22
      - Added "ticket-url" and "ticket-regex" options to be used by those who
        want to match ticket identifers for systems other than RT, Bugzilla,
        GNATS, and JIRA. Based on a patch from Andrew O'Brien.
      - Removed bogus 'use lib' line put into Makefile.PL by a prerelease
        version of Module::Build.
      - Fixed HTML tests to match either "'" or "'", since HTML::Entities
        can be configured differently on different systems.

2.49  2005-09-29T17:26:14
      - Now require Getopt::Long 2.34 so that the --to-regex-map option works
        correctly when it is used only once on the command-line.

2.48  2005-09-06T19:14:35
      - Swiched from <span class="add"> and <span class="rem"> to <ins> and
        <del> elements in SVN::Notify::HTML::ColorDiff in order to make the
        markup more semantic.

2.47  2005-09-03T18:54:43
      - Fixed options tests to work correctly with older versions of
        Getopt::Long. Reported by Craig McElroy.
      - Slick new CSS treatment used for the HTML and HTML::ColorDiff emails.
        Based on a patch from Bill Lynch.
      - Added "svnweb_url" option. Based on a patch from Ricardo Signes.

2.46  2005-05-05T05:22:54
      - Added support for "Copied" files to HTML::ColorDiff so that they
        display properly.

2.45  2005-05-04T20:38:18
      - Added support for links to the GNATS bug tracking system.
        Patch from Nathan Walp.

2.44  2005-03-18T06:10:01
      - Fixed Name in POD so that SVN::Notify's POD gets indexed by Reported by Ricardo Signes.

2.43  2004-11-24T18:49:40
      - Added "--strip-cx-regex" option to strip out parts of the
        context from the subject. Useful for removing parts of the
        file names you might not be interested in seeing in every
        commit message.      
      - Added "--no-first-line" option to omit the first sentence or
        line of the log message from the subject. Useful in combination
        with the "--subject-cx" option.

2.42  2004-11-19T18:47:20
      - Changed "Files" to "Paths" in hash returned by "file_label_map()"
        since directories can be listed as well as files.
      - Fixed SVN::Notify::HTML so that directories listed among the
        changed paths are not links.
      - Requiring Module::Build 0.26 to make sure that the installation
        works properly. Reported by Robert Spier.

2.41  2004-10-21T20:33:25
      - Added missing newline between the commit metadata and the log
        message in SVN::Notify.

2.40  2004-10-21T19:49:40
      - Fixed accessor generation so that accessors created for the
        attributes passed to "register_attributes()" but a subclass are
        created in the subclass' package instead of in SVN::Notify.
      - Changed parsing for JIRA keys to use any set of capital letters
        followed by a dash and then a number, rather than the literal
        string "JIRA-" followed by a number. Reported by Garrett Rooney.
      - Modified the regular expression patterns for the RT, Bugzilla,
        RT, and ViewCVS links to properly match on word boundaries, so
        that strings like "humbug 12" don't match.
      - Modified the ViewCVS link regular expression pattern so that it
        matches strings like "rev 12" as well as "revision 12".
      - Modified the RT link regular expression pattern so that it
        matches strings like "RT-Ticket: 23" as well as "Ticket 1234".
        Suggested by Jesse Vincent.
      - Added complicated example to try to show off all of the major
        features. I will keep this up-to-date going forward in order to
        post sample output on the Web.
      - Fixed the parsing of log messages so that empty lines are no
        longer eliminated.
      - HTML::ColorDiff now properly handles the listing of binary files
        in the diff, marking them with a new class, "binary", and using
        the same CSS as is used for the "propset" class.
      - In HTML::ColorDiff, Fixed CSS for the "delfile" class to properly
        wrap it in a border like the other files in the diff.
      - Added labels to the HTML::ColorDiff diff file sections to indicate
        the type of change ("Modified", "Added", "Deleted", or "Property
      - Moved the "rt_url", "bugzilla_url", and "jira_url" parameters from
        SVN::Notify::HTML to SVN::Notify, where they are used to add URLs
        to the text version of log messages.

2.30  2004-10-19T05:20:02
      - Added "register_attributes()" class method so that subclasses can
        easily specify their own attributes and the corresponding command-
        line options. This method will also create accessors for such
      - Moved the command-line option parsing to the new "get_options()"
        class method, so options specified via the "register_attributes()"
        class method can centrally be parsed from the command-line.
      - Removed the deprecated "format" option and parameter to new().
      - Added the "language" attribute to specify the language of the
        message, file names, and file contents.
      - Added the "linkize" attribute to SVN::Notify::HTML. When this
        attribute is set to a true value, URLs and email addresses in the
        log message will be turned into links.
      - Added new "bugzilla_url", "jira_url", and "rt_url" attributes to
        SVN::Notify. If present, these URLs will be used to create
        links from certain strings in the log message.
      - Changed the "viewcvs_url" attribute to require an "%s" format
        for the placement of the revision number to match the way the
        new URL attributes work. As an interim measure, SVN::Notify will
        append what it has always appended and emit a warning if there is
        no "%s" in the "viewcvs_url" string.
      - Fixed SVN::Notify::HTML::ColorDiff so that it does not output two
        separate sections for a single file that was both modified (or
        added or deleted) and had properties set.

2.22  2004-10-15T06:12:46
      - Fixed diff parsing in SVN::Notitfy::HTML and
        SVN::Notitfy::HTML::ColoDiff to recognize added and deleted files.
      - Added links to files for which properties were set down into
        their place in the diff in SVN::Notitfy::HTML and
      - Changed the class for each file in the diff output by
        SVN::Notitfy::HTML::ColoDiff to be specific to whether the file
        was modified, added, deleted, or just had its properties set.

2.21  2004-10-09T22:37:34
      - Tweaked HTML to make it all XHTML 1.1 compliant.
      - Switched to using attribute accessors instead of direct hash
        access in the subclasses to serve as a better example for others.
      - Changed the diff output methods to accept the diff input file
        handle as the second argument, so that it is created in only
        one place.

2.20  2004-10-09T20:01:28
      - Subclassing Module::Build in Build.PL to move and set the shebang
        line in test scripts during "./Build" instead of simply changing
        the shebang line in-place during "perl Build.PL".
      - Split the "start_message()" method into two methods, the second
        one called "output_metadata()", to separate starting the message
        and outputting content.
      - Added "output_css()" method to SVN::Notify::HTML, called by its
        "start_message()" method to output CSS for the HTML email.
      - Added CSS to the email in SVN::Notify::HTML.
      - Added links from the changed file list in HTML email to the
        included diff.
      - Added SVN::Notify::HTML::ColorDiff, a new subclass that colorizes
        the diff when it is included in the HTML email message.

2.10  2004-10-07T06:18:59
      - Added many new methods to break up the various activities of
        assembling a notification message. This will make subclassing
      - Moved all HTML notification functionality into a new subclass,
      - Added new "handler" parameter to new() and "--handler" option to
        svnnotify to specify what subclass should handle sending the
        notification. Just specify the name of a subclass, such as "HTML"
        for SVN::Notify::HTML. This replaces the "format" parameter, which
        is now deprecated.
      - Added code to Build.PL to set the shebang line in the test
        scripts. Reported by Robert Spier.
      - Changed name of attached diff file to be named for the revision
        and the committer, rather than the committer and the date.
        Suggested by Robert Spier.
      - Added Author, Date, and Revision information to the top of each
      - The ViewCVS URL is no longer output for each file. A single link
        for the entire revision number is put at the top of the email,
        instead. ViewCVS Revision URL syntax pointed out by Peter
        Valdemar Morch.
      - Changed the C<send()> method to C<execute()> to better reflect
        its generalized use as the method that executes actions in
        response to Subversion activity.
      - The tests no longer require HTML::Entities to run. The HTML
        email tests will be skipped if it is not installed.
      - Added accessor methods for the attributes of SVN::Notify.

2.00  2004-10-04T05:09:17
      - First release, ported from activitymail 1.11, but completely
        rewritten, with a new script interface and a separate class
        that manages everything.
      - Added "to_cx_regex" parameter to control the recipients based
        on how regular expressions match directory names.
      - Added "charset" parameter.
      - Added "user_domain" parameter.
      - Added "sendmail" parameter.