Revision history for Perl extension TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::MyTAP.

3.26 2015-06-19T23:43:55Z
     - The `--ext` option to `my_prove` now always identifies MyTAP tests. Use
       `prove` with the `--mytap-option` option to mix MyTAP tests
       with other tests.
     - Expanded option documentation.

3.25 2013-12-18T00:45:29Z
     - Removed Pod tests.
     - Restored to CPAN (not sure when it was deleted or why).

3.24 2011-03-30T18:24:32 
     - Fixed exit code in `my_prove`. It no longer returns 0 on fail and 1 on
       pass. Thanks to Rod Taylor for the report!

3.23  2010-09-08T22:40:39
      - Minor documentation tweaks.
      - Disabled output buffering in `my_prove`, so that test output appears
        as tests run.
      - Enable comments by default. This is so that failure diagnostics will
        always appear, not just when run with --verobse. Use --no-comments or
        --quiet to disable comment output.

3.22  2010-07-24T00:08:11
      - Initial version, with code borrowed from