Revision history for Perl extension Widget::Meta.
0.06 2011-07-16T23:47:26
- Fixed test failures on Windows.
0.05 2011-06-26T06:37:56
- Moved repostitory to [GitHub](
- Switched to a "traditional" `Makefile.PL`.
0.04 2008-05-05T19:22:15
- Added the "configure_requires" and "recommends" parameters to Build.PL.
- Updated copyright.
0.03 2004-09-18T19:58:04
- Changed the "kind" attribute to "type".
0.02 2004-09-17T04:19:30
- Added description to README.
- Added Test::Simple to build requirements.
0.01 2004-09-17T04:02:27
- Initial public release.