Revision history for activitymail.

       - Added -e option so that the cvs executable can be specified.
       - Added -u option to specify the From header of email messages.
       - Added -g option to use $USER environment variable for grouping
         commit transactions. Useful for connecting via :pserver:, where
         grouping via pgrp won't work. Thanks to Derek Scherger for suggesting
         these last three changes.
       - Added "Bugs" section to documentation with a link to the CPAN Request
       - Changed example domains in documentation to "".

1.02   2002-06-30 19:16:03
       - Fixed problem with global filehandles getting closed in the wrong
         places, thanks to Scott Lanning.
       - Created distribution package so that activitymail can be properly
         installed on a system.

1.01   2002/05/22 20:58:41
       - Added -o option so that diff options can be passed through to diff.
       - Untabified and rewraped source code.
       - Updated documentation and corrected typos.

1.00   2002/04/08 23:47:51
       - Fixed issues with precidence opening files and such, with thanks to
         Sam Tregar.
0.99   2002/01/22 00:07:12
       - Changed transfer encoding from quoted-printable to 8bit, with thanks
         to Sam Tregar.
0.987  2002/01/20 16:05:54
       - Added MIME-Version header, with thanks to Sam Tregar.
       - Documented issues with forking.

0.986  2002/01/11 19:09:58
       - Renamed tmp_file_basename() to tmp_base_name().
       - Updated comments and ranamed tmp_file_only().
       - Removed debugging. No more glob()!
       - Initial release to the CPAN.