Revision history for activitymail.

1.04   2002-11-10 22:58:36
       - Turned off output buffering, which will hopefully allow status
         messages to be printed as they happen.
       - Added "X-Mailer" header to mail messages, so that people who see
         activitymail messages in archives and such and want to know how
         they were created will be able to find activitymail.

1.03   2002-08-05 18:34:51
       - Added -e option so that the cvs executable can be specified.
       - Added -u option to specify the From header of email messages.
       - Added -g option to use $USER environment variable for grouping
         commit transactions. Useful for connecting via :pserver:, where
         grouping via pgrp won't work. Thanks to Derek Scherger for suggesting
         these last three changes.
       - Added "Bugs" section to documentation with a link to the CPAN Request
       - Changed example domains in documentation to "".

1.02   2002-06-30 19:16:03
       - Fixed problem with global filehandles getting closed in the wrong
         places, thanks to Scott Lanning.
       - Created distribution package so that activitymail can be properly
         installed on a system.

1.01   2002-05-22 20:58:41
       - Added -o option so that diff options can be passed through to diff.
       - Untabified and rewraped source code.
       - Updated documentation and corrected typos.

1.00   2002-04-08 23:47:51
       - Fixed issues with precidence opening files and such, with thanks to
         Sam Tregar.
0.99   2002-01-22 00:07:12
       - Changed transfer encoding from quoted-printable to 8bit, with thanks
         to Sam Tregar.
0.987  2002-01-20 16:05:54
       - Added MIME-Version header, with thanks to Sam Tregar.
       - Documented issues with forking.

0.986  2002-01-11 19:09:58
       - Renamed tmp_file_basename() to tmp_base_name().
       - Updated comments and ranamed tmp_file_only().
       - Removed debugging. No more glob()!
       - Initial release to the CPAN.