Revision history for activitymail.
1.10 Wed Aug 27 23:25:21 2003
- Added empty lines between the text of the commit message and the
attached diff. This looks neater in mail clients that display
attachments inline.
- Added -H option sending HTML email. Thanks to Hernan Otero for
the initial implementation.
- Added -V option to include revision numbers after each listed file.
Thanks to Hernan Otero for the initial implementation.
- Cut down on the number of times that data is copied in the script,
thus reducing processing time and memory requirements, especially
on big commits.
- Added -w option for a link to a CVSWeb view of the diff for each
changed file. Actually looks best when used with HTML. Thanks to
Hernan Otero for the initial implementation.
- Added check for binary files so that they won't be diffed.
- Added -B option to specify a list of binary file name extensions
to indicate files that should not be diffed.
- New files and deleted files are now diffed against /dev/null in
order to provide a more realistic diff.
- Added -j option to point to a diff executable to compare added and
deleted files. Defaults to "diff", assuming that it's in the path.
- Added -M option to prevent messages over a maximum size from being
emailed. Thanks to Sam Tregar.
- Added -S option to add directory context information to the subject.
Thanks to Kent Lindquist.
- Branch tags are now listed in the email under their own header.
Suggested by David Krembs.
- Added -v option to print the version number.
- Added POD tests.
- Switched to Module::Build for installation.
1.04 2002-11-10 22:58:36
- Turned off output buffering, which will hopefully allow status
messages to be printed as they happen.
- Added "X-Mailer" header to mail messages, so that people who see
activitymail messages in archives and such and want to know how
they were created will be able to find activitymail.
1.03 2002-08-05 18:34:51
- Added -e option so that the cvs executable can be specified.
- Added -u option to specify the From header of email messages.
- Added -g option to use $USER environment variable for grouping
commit transactions. Useful for connecting via :pserver:, where
grouping via pgrp won't work. Thanks to Derek Scherger for suggesting
these last three changes.
- Added "Bugs" section to documentation with a link to the CPAN Request
- Changed example domains in documentation to "".
1.02 2002-06-30 19:16:03
- Fixed problem with global filehandles getting closed in the wrong
places, thanks to Scott Lanning.
- Created distribution package so that activitymail can be properly
installed on a system.
1.01 2002-05-22 20:58:41
- Added -o option so that diff options can be passed through to diff.
- Untabified and rewraped source code.
- Updated documentation and corrected typos.
1.00 2002-04-08 23:47:51
- Fixed issues with precidence opening files and such, with thanks to
Sam Tregar.
0.99 2002-01-22 00:07:12
- Changed transfer encoding from quoted-printable to 8bit, with thanks
to Sam Tregar.
0.987 2002-01-20 16:05:54
- Added MIME-Version header, with thanks to Sam Tregar.
- Documented issues with forking.
0.986 2002-01-11 19:09:58
- Renamed tmp_file_basename() to tmp_base_name().
- Updated comments and ranamed tmp_file_only().
- Removed debugging. No more glob()!
- Initial release to the CPAN.