Revision history for Perl extension Convert::Ethiopic.
0.07 Wed Jun 30 03:02:48 EET DST 1999
- updates to "" to better detect typeface names in HTML
0.06 Sat May 15 21:49:26 EET DST 1999
- emergency bug fix release for Convert::System.
- rechristianed "Convert-Ethiopic".
0.05 Sun May 9 17:53:15 EET DST 1999
- the Et module is now the "Convert::Ethiopic" module.
- Ethiopic/ is now Ethiopic/
- "ROADMAP" file added.
0.04 Sat Apr 17 23:47:39 EET 1999
- the LibEth module in now the "Et" module.
- and added (similar to Cz structure).
- in sync with libeth-0.34b and Zobel-0.01
0.03 Sat Apr 10 19:01:14 EET 1999
- extended APIs to work with libeth-0.34 "options".
- as much C code as possible moved out of LibEth.xs and into libeth.
- "ConvertEthiopicFileByLine" is removed.
0.02 Sun Feb 28 10:29:14 1999
- additional interfaces added to calendar routines, some calendar
routines also renamed
0.01 Tue Dec 1 01:49:41 1998
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18