package Convert::Ethiopic::Lite::Number;

use utf8;  # can't find a way to conditionally load this with
           # the scope applying throughout

	use strict;
	use vars qw($VERSION @ENumbers %ENumbers);

	$VERSION = '0.13';

	require 5.000;

	@ENumbers =(
		"፩", "፪", "፫", "፬", "፭", "፮", "፯", "፰", "፱",
		"፲", "፳", "፴", "፵", "፶", "፷", "፸", "፹", "፺",
		"፻", "፼"
	%ENumbers =(
		'፩'	=> 1,
		'፪'	=> 2,
		'፫'	=> 3,
		'፬'	=> 4,
		'፭'	=> 5,
		'፮'	=> 6,
		'፯'	=> 7,
		'፰'	=> 8,
		'፱'	=> 9,
		'፲'	=> 10,
		'፳'	=> 20,
		'፴'	=> 30,
		'፵'	=> 40,
		'፶'	=> 50,
		'፷'	=> 60,
		'፸'	=> 70,
		'፹'	=> 80,
		'፺'	=> 90,
		'፻'	=> 100,
		'፼'	=> 10000


sub _setArgs
my $self = shift;

	if ( $#_ > 1 ) {
		warn (  "to many arguments" );

	$self->{number} = $_ if ( /^\d+$/ );

sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self  = {};

	my $blessing = bless $self, $class;

	$self->{number} = undef;

	$self->_setArgs ( @_ ) || return if ( @_ );


sub _fromEthiopic

	# just return if its a single char
	return ( $ENumbers{$_[0]->{number}} ) if ( length($_[0]->{number}) == 1);

	$_ = $_[0]->{number};

	#  tack on a ፩ to avoid special condition check

	# what we do now is pad 0s around ፻ and ፼, these regexi try to kill
	# two birds with one stone but could be split and simplified

	# pad 0 around ones and tens
	s/([፻፼])([፩-፱])/$1."0$2"/ge;    # add 0 if tens place empty
	s/([፲-፺])([^፩-፱])/$1."0$2"/ge;  # add 0 if ones place empty
	s/([፲-፺])$/$1."0"/e;            # repeat at end of string

	# print "$_ => ";

	# pad 0s for meto
	#  s/(፻)$/$1."00"/e;  # this is stupid but tricks perl 5.6 into working

	# pad 0s for ilf
	s/፼፼/፼0000፼/g;  # since /g doesn't work the first time..
	s/፼፼/፼0000፼/g;  # ...we do it again!
	s/፼0([፩-፱])$/፼000$1/;          # repeat at end of string
	s/፼([፲-፺]0)$/፼00$1/;           # repeat at end of string
	s/፼([፩-፺]{2})$/፼00$1/;         # repeat at end of string

	# s/፼/፻፻/g;
	s/(፻)$/$1."00"/e;  # this is stupid but tricks perl 5.6 into working


	# fold tens:

	# translit:

	# print "$_ => ";


sub _toEthiopic
my $number = $_[0]->{number};

	my $n = length ( $number ) - 1;

	# map and return a single digit number
	# don't waste time with the loop:
	return ( $ENumbers[$number-1] ) unless ( $n );

	unless ( $n % 2 ) {
		#  Add dummy leading 0 to precondition the number for
		#  the algorithm and reduce one logic test within the
		#  for loop
		$number = "0$number";

	my @aNumberString = split ( //, $number );
	my $eNumberString = "";

	#  read number from most to least significant digits:
	for ( my $place = $n; $place >= 0; $place-- ) {
		#  initialize values to emptiness:
		my ($aTen, $aOne) = ( 0, 0);  #    ascii ten's and one's place
		my ($eTen, $eOne) = ('','');  # ethiopic ten's and one's place

		#  populate our tens and ones places from the number string:
		$aTen = $aNumberString[$n-$place]; $place--;
		$aOne = $aNumberString[$n-$place];
		$eTen = $ENumbers[$aTen-1+9]       if ( $aTen );
		$eOne = $ENumbers[$aOne-1]         if ( $aOne );

		#  pos tracks our 'pos'ition in a sequence of 4 digits
		#  to help determine what separator we need between
		#  a groupings of tens and ones.
		my $pos = ( $place % 4 ) / 2;  # make even/odd 

		#  find a separator, if any, to follow ethiopic ten and one:
		my $sep
		= ( $place )
		  ? ( $pos ) # odd
		    ? ( ($eTen ne '') || ($eOne ne '') )
		      ? '፻'
		      : ''
		    : '፼'
		  : ''

		#  if $eOne is an Ethiopic '፩' we want to clear it under
		#  under special conditions.  These ellision rules could be
		#  combined into a single big test but gets harder to read
		#  and manage:
		# if ( ( $eOne eq '፩' ) && ( $eTen eq '' ) && ( $n > 1 ) ) {
		if ( ( $eOne eq '፩' ) && ( $eTen eq '' ) ) {
			if ( $sep eq '፻' ) {
				#  A superflous implied ፩ before ፻
				$eOne = '';
			elsif ( ($place+1) == $n ) {   # recover from initial $place--
				#  ፩ is the leading digit.
				$eOne = '';

		#  put it all together and append to our output number:
		$eNumberString .= "$eTen$eOne$sep";	


sub convert
my $self = shift;

	# reset string if we've been passed one:
	$self->number ( @_ ) if ( @_ );

	( $self->number =~ /^[0-9]+$/ )
	  ? $self->_toEthiopic
	  : $self->_fromEthiopic

sub number
my $self = shift;

	$self->{number} = $_[0] if ( @_ );


# Do not change this, Do not put anything below this.
# File must return "true" value at termination


=head1 NAME

Convert::Ethiopic::Lite::Number - Convert Between Western and Ethiopic Numeral Systems


 #  instantiate with a Western or Ethiopic number (in UTF-8)
 my $n = new Convert::Ethiopic::Lite::Number ( 12345 );
 my $etNumber = $n->convert;

 $n->number ( 54321 );    # reset number handle
 print $n->convert, "\n";

 print "2002 => ", $n->convert ( 2002 ), "\n";  # convert new number


Implementation of the Ilf-Radix numeral conversion algorithm entirely
in Perl.  Use to convert between Western and Ethiopic numeral systems.


Works perfectly with Perl 5.8.0, some what flaky with earlier versions
but could be readily adjusted.

=head1 BUGS

 None known yet.

=head1 AUTHOR

 Daniel Yacob,  Yacob@EthiopiaOnline.Net
