Revision history for Perl module LiveGeez

0.04  Wed May 12 17:35:59 EET DST 1999
	- bug fixes, Zobel exits more gracefully now.

0.03  Wed May 12 17:35:59 EET DST 1999
	- bug fixes
	- requests for local files works when path is given w/o
	  file name (checks for index.html, index.htm, index.sera.html)
	- "src=" and "href=" links no longer require an absolute path
	  with local files

0.02  Sun May  9 20:59:09 EET DST 1999
	- numerous bug fixes
	- in sync with Convert::Ethiopic

0.01  Sat Apr 17 18:51:34 EET 1999
	- original version;