package LiveGeez::Services;

require 5.000;
require Exporter;

@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(

require Convert::Ethiopic;
use Convert::Ethiopic::Time;
use Convert::Ethiopic::Cstocs;
use Convert::Ethiopic::System;
use HTML::Entities;
use LiveGeez::Local;
use LiveGeez::File;

# "ProcessFortune"
#	Opens a stream to the fortune routine and grabs an Ethiopic fortune in
#	UTF8 and returns the result converted in the $sysOut system.  This works
#	presently with any cgi "fortune" querry.  It has not been tested yet
#	with inline <LIVEGEEZ game="fortune" src="database"> markups.
#	"phrase" pragma is checked to return response as complete HTML document. 
sub ProcessFortune
local ( $request ) = shift;

	open (FORTUNE, "fortune $cgiDir/fortunes/ |");
	local ( $fortune ) = Convert::Ethiopic::ConvertEthiopicFileToString (
	close (FORTUNE);

	$fortune =~ s/\n/<br>$&/g;

	$fortune = HTML::Entities::encode($fortune, "\200-\377")
			   if ( $request->{sysOut}->{'7-bit'} );

	$fortune = HtmlTop ( "Your Ethiopian Fortune!" )
			 . $fortune
			 . HtmlBot 
			   if ( $request->{phrase} );

	return ( $fortune );


# "ProcessNumber"
#   Service for numeral conversion between Arabic and Ethiopic systems.
#	"phrase" pragma is checked to return response as complete HTML document. 
sub ProcessNumber
local ( $request ) = shift;

	local ( $eNumber ) = EthiopicNumber ( $request );

	$eNumber = HtmlTop ( "Converting $request->{number} into Ethiopic..." )
			 . "$request->{number} is "
			 . "$eNumber\n"
			 . HtmlBot
			   if ( $request->{phrase} );

	return ( $eNumber );


sub ProcessString 
local ( $request ) = shift;

	local ( $eString ) = Convert::Ethiopic::ConvertEthiopicString (
		1,      #  closing

	$eString = HTML::Entities::encode($eString, "\200-\377")
			   if ( $request->{sysOut}->{'7-bit'} );

	$eString = HtmlTop ( "Your Ethiopic Phrase!" )
			 . "$number is $eString\n"
			 . HtmlBot
			   if ( $request->{phrase} );

	return ( $eString );


# "AboutLiveGeez"
#	Tell the enquiring mind about the LiveGe'ez / LibEth.  This is the current
#	default response to any "about" querry.  Later we might add extras such as
#	AboutGFF, AboutENH, etc.
sub AboutLiveGeez

	print HtmlTop( "About LiveGe'ez &amp; LibEth" );
	my ( $leVersion ) = Convert::Ethiopic::LibEthVersion;
	print <<ABOUT;
<h1 align="center">About LiveGe'ez &amp; LibEth</h1>

<p>This is the GFF implementation of the LiveGe'ez Remote Processing Protocal.  Ethiopic web service is performed through a collection of CGI scripts (Zobel v.0.04) written in Perl interfaced with the LibEth library (v. $leVersion).</p>
<h3>For More Information Visit:</h3>
  <li> <a href="">LibEth</a>
  <li> <a href="">Zobel</a>
  <li> <a href="">LiveGe'ez</a>
	print HtmlBot;
	exit (0);


sub ProcessDate
local ( $request ) = shift;
local ( $day, $month, $year ) = split ( ",", $request->{date} );
local ( $xDay, $xMonth, $xYear );
local ( $returnDate );

	# Instantiate a Date Object

	local ( $date ) = Convert::Ethiopic::Time->new ( $r );

	# Convert from Passed Date 
	if ( $request->{calIn} eq "ethio" ) {
	else {  # we assume euro for now

	($xDay, $xMonth, $xYear) = ( $date->{calIn} eq "ethio" )
	                         ?  ( $date->{etDay}, $date->{etMonth}, $date->{etYear} )
	                         :  ( $date->{euDay}, $date->{euMonth}, $date->{euYear} )

	if ( $request->{'date-only'} ) {
		$returnDate = "$xDay,$xMonth,$xYear\n";
	elsif ( $request->{'is-holiday'} && $request->{phrase} ) {
		$returnDate = $date->isEthiopianHoliday;

		if ( $returnDate ) {
			my ( $Day, $Month ) = $date->getDayMonthYearDayName;
			$phrase  = "$Day£ $Month $date->{etDay} ";
			$phrase .= ( $request->{lang} eq "amh" ) ?  "ቀን" : "መዓልቲ";
			$phrase .= " $returnDate ";
			$phrase .= ( $request->{lang} eq "amh" ) ? "ነው።" : "እዩ።" ;
			$phrase  = Convert::Ethiopic::ConvertEthiopicString (
				1,      #  closing
		else {
			$phrase = "$date->{etDay}/$date->{etMonth}/$date->{etYear} is <u>not</u> a holiday.\n"

		$returnDate = HtmlTop ( "Checking Holidy for $date->{etDay}/$date->{etMonth}/$date->{etYear}" )
				 	. $phrase
				 	. HtmlBot
	elsif ( $request->{'is-holiday'} ) {
		$returnDate  = ( $date->isEthiopianHoliday ) ? "1" : "0" ;
		$returnDate .= "\n";
	elsif ( !$request->{phrase} ) {

		my ( $etDoW, $etMonthName, $etNumYear, $etDayName ) 
						  = $date->getDayMonthYearDayName;
		my ($euDoW)		  = $date->getEuroDayOfWeek;
		my ($euMonthName) = $date->getEuroMonth;

		if ( $date->{calIn} eq "euro" ) {
			# Convert from European -> Ethiopian
			$phrase = HtmlTop ( "From The European Calendar To The Ethiopian" )
	 				. "<h3>$euDoW, $euMonthName $date->{euDay}, $date->{euYear}"
	 				. " <i><font color=blue><u>is</u></font></i> "
					. "$etDoW፣ $etMonthName $date->{etDay} $etNumYear "
		else {
			# Convert from Ethiopian -> European
			$phrase = HtmlTop ( "From The Ethiopian Calendar To The European" )
					. "<h3>$etDoW፣ $etMonthName $date->{etDay} $etNumYear "
			        . "<i><font color=blue><u>is</u></font></i> "
			        . "$euDoW, $euMonthName $date->{euDay}, $date->{euYear} "

		$phrase .= "<i>(<font color=red>$etDayName</font>)</i></h3>\n";

		if ( $r->{sysOut}->{LCInfo} ) {
			$phrase = Convert::Ethiopic::ConvertEthiopicString (
				1,      #  closing
		} else {
			$phrase =~ s/፣/,/;
		$returnDate = $phrase . HtmlBot;

	$returnDate = HTML::Entities::encode($returnDate, "\200-\377")
				  if ( $request->{sysOut}->{'7-bit'} );

	return ( $returnDate );


sub ProcessRequest
local ( $r ) = shift;

	print PrintHeader;
	$r->{HeaderPrinted} = "true";

	if ( $r->{type} eq "file") {
		# Only SERA supported at this time...
		my ( $f ) = LiveGeez::File->new ( $r );
	elsif ( $r->{type} eq "calendar" ) {

		# What time is it??
		if ( $r->{calIn} && $r->{calIn}   !~ /(ethio)|(euro)/ ) {
			CgiDie ("Unsupported Calendar System: $r->{calIn}");
		if ( $r->{calOut} && $r->{calOut} !~ /(ethio)|(euro)/ ) {
			CgiDie ("Unsupported Calendar System: $r->{calOut}");
    	print ProcessDate ( $r );
	elsif ( $r->{type} eq "string" ) {
		# Only SERA supported at this time...
		print ProcessString ( $r );
	elsif ( $r->{type} eq "number" ) {
		# We have a number request...
		print ProcessNumber ( $r );
	elsif ( $r->{type} eq "game-fortune" ) {
		# A random fortune from our vast library...
		print ProcessFortune ( $r );
	elsif ( $r->{type} eq "about" ) {
		#  For folks who want to know more... 
		AboutLiveGeez ();
	else {
		return ( 0 );

	return ( 1 );

# Do not change this, Do not put anything below this.
# File must return "true" value at termination


=head1 NAME

LiveGeez::Services - Request Processing Services for LiveGe'ez


 use LiveGeez::Local;
 use LiveGeez::Request;
 use LiveGeez::Services;

 local ( %input );
 local ( $r ) = LiveGeez::Request->new;

	ReadParse ( \%input );
	$r->ParseInput ( \%input );
	ProcessRequest ( $r ) || CgiDie ( "Unrecognized Request." );

	exit (0);


=head1 DESCRIPTION provides request processing services for a LiveGe'ez query
as specified in the LiveGe'ez Remote Processing Protocol.  "ProcessRequest"
takes a LiveGe'ez LiveGeez::Request object and performs the appropriate

=head1 AUTHOR

Daniel Yacob,  L<LibEth@EthiopiaOnline.Net|mailto:LibEth@EthiopiaOnline.Net>

=head1 SEE ALSO

S<perl(1).  Ethiopic(3).  L<|>>
