Revision history for Perl extension MasonX::Request::HTMLTemplate

00.02  (2003-07-31)
- Add more examples and synopsis to pod files.

- MasonX::Request::HTMLTemplate now inherits only HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler,
  HTML::Mason::Request, HTML::Mason::CGIHandler. To use sessions and 
  have an object that inherits from MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession
  use the new module MasonX::Request::HTMLTemplate::WithApacheSession.

- template_base_path and default_language object initialize parameters
  are now optional. The default value for the first one is 'undef' that is
  template_base_path it coincides with Mason component root directory.
  The defaulkt value for the other is 'en'.

00.01  (2003-07-30)
- original version