Revision history for Finance-QuoteDB
0.09 2.5.2009
Extracted dumpquotes from getquotes
0.08 27.4.2009
Added inc dir in releases
0.07 27.4.2009
Bug in POD corrected
0.06 26.4.2009
Added function getquotes
0.05 17.4.2009
Option names modified (--startdate and --enddate) in fqdb
0.04 16.4.2009
Code cleanup.
Stabilized release.
0.03 13.4.2009
Schema modified to hold user symbols and market info.
Not backwards compatible !
0.02 13.4.2009
support for dsn user and password added
0.01 2.11.2008
stabelized version
function backpopulate created
0.00_51 29.10.2008
function delstock created
0.00_50 29.10.2008
First version