Revision history for Finance-QuoteDB

0.10       3.5.2009
           Geniustrader WriteConfig added
           method dumpstocks added

0.09       2.5.2009
           Extracted dumpquotes from getquotes

0.08       27.4.2009
           Added inc dir in releases

0.07       27.4.2009
           Bug in POD corrected

0.06       26.4.2009
           Added function getquotes

0.05       17.4.2009
           Option names modified (--startdate and --enddate) in fqdb

0.04       16.4.2009
           Code cleanup.
           Stabilized release.

0.03       13.4.2009
           Schema modified to hold user symbols and market info.
           Not backwards compatible !

0.02       13.4.2009
           support for dsn user and password added

0.01       2.11.2008
           stabelized version
           function backpopulate created

0.00_51    29.10.2008
           function delstock created

0.00_50    29.10.2008
           First version