Revision history for Perl module Geo::Coder::Many.

0.47    2017-01-30
        - FINAL RELEASE: module is now DEPRECATED and no longer maintained
        - improved POD
        - remove suppor for Ovi, PlaceFind and Google (but kept Googlev3)
          all three longer exist
        - fixes to Geo::Coder::Many::OpenCage, which frankly was probably
          never working

0.46    2014-06-01
        - Add support for Geo::Coder::OpenCage

0.45    2013-12-11
        - Add 'lib' to @INC in Build.PL
          Thanks Slaven (

0.44    2013-12-09
        - Correctly added repo information to Makefile.PL

0.43    2013-12-09
        - Added META.json with repository information

0.42    2013-07-18
        - Updated Changes to conform to CPAN::Changes::Spec
        - Added a release test with Test::CPAN::Changes

0.41    2013-06-7
        - Removed smartmatch usage for Perl 5.18
        - Changed geocoders test input

0.40    2012-11-10
        - Updated documentation to make it clear that the cache object must
          work with references
        - Updated the _test_cache_object() method to check the above is true
        - Updated mapstraction link
        - Fixed bug in Build.PL - missing underscore in private method call
        - Removed Multimap from Build.PL optional dependencies list
          (Geo::Coder::Many::Multimap was removed in August 2011!)

0.30    2012-10-11
        - Changed minimum required version of Geo::Coder::Mapquest to 0.05 (it
          was previously 0.04, which is incompatible with our plugin.)
        - When calling add_geocoder(), check that the geocoder is compatible with
          the plugin, based on a minimum version requirement.

0.29    2012-08-15
        - don't instantiate Geo::Distance object on every call
        - use 'return;' over 'return undef;'

0.28    2011-10-12
        - dropping support for Geo::Coder::SimpleGeo
          seems it is no longer a freely available geocoder

0.27    2011-07-26
        - Geo::Coder::Many::Response::add_response now
          appends a space and the version of the geocoder used to the
          name of the geocoder
          old - 'place_finder'
          new - 'place_finder 0.05' 

0.26    2011-07-25
        - dropping support for Geo::Coder::Many::Yahoo
          yahoo! no longer supports geocoding. *sigh*

0.25    2011-06-17
        - more granularity in 

0.24    2011-06-3
        - fixed bug in Geo::Coder::Many::Utils::determine_precision_from_bbox
	  whereby identical long/lats wasn't returning a precision

        - Geo::Coder::Many::Placefinder now determines precision
          based on Geo::Coder::Many::Utils::determine_precision_from_bbox
          rather than using the supplied accuracy

0.23    2011-03-4
        - remove print statement added for debugging *sigh*

0.22    2011-03-2
        - require Geo::Coder::Googlev3 0.07
        - deal with new Geo::Coder::Googlev3 raw response format

        * A big "danke sehr" goes out to SREZIC for fast turn around
          on Geo::Coder::Googlev3 changes 

0.21    2011-02-23
        - support new Geo::Coder::Googlev3 response format
        - require Geo::Coder::Googlev3 0.06
        - change to precision scoring in 

0.20    2011-02-22
        - added Geo::Coder::Many::Googlev3
        - fixed bug in causing division by zero error
          when creating default (WRR) scheduler without weights

0.19    2011-01-5
        - added Geo::Coder::Many::Ovi
        - added link to Dec 2010 London Perl Workshop talk in POD
        - fixed typo in Geo::Coder::Many::SimpleGeo
        - require Test::Simple, not Test::More

0.18    2010-12-3
        - return undef when precision is unknown as per pod,
          had previously been returning 1 from SimpleGeo and Mapquest

0.17    2010-12-3
        - added support for SimpleGeo with Geo::Coder::Many::SimpleGeo
        - made Geo::Coder::Many::get_geocoders() public, fixed pod
        - hid pod for internal methods. Don't play with internals!

0.16    2010-12-3
        - added Geo::Coder::Many::Mapquest, though still need to 
          add precision
        - pod tweaks

0.15    2010-11-11
        - Geo::Coder::Many::Google assumed google geocoding api v3
          when in reality v2 is used. This is now fixed. 

          Have tried to contact author of Geo::Coder::Google about
          supporting v3
0.14    2010-11-8
        - fixed mix up of long and lat in in Geo::Coder::Many::Bing
          thx to stpra123 for reporting
        - previously Geo::Coder::Many::Google had been returning precision
          of 1.0 for all requests (what a wonderful world that would be)
          Now determines precision based on response
        - previously Geo::Coder::Many::OSM had been returning precision 
          of undef for all requests (what a terrible world that would be)
          Now determines precision based on response
        - both of the above use 
          which use Geo::Distance::XS
        - new tests
        - submitted by co-maintainer EDF
        - corresponds to Lokku internal revision 39083

0.13    2010-08-26
        - Minor tweaks (internal SVN revision 36990)

0.12     2010-07-30
        - Fixed test plan

0.11    2010-07-30
        - Minor tweaks and improvements to documentation

0.1     2010-07-26
        - Release of Geo::Coder::Many, based on Geo::Coder::Multiple