Revision history for Perl extension Test-Compile

0.24  2013 02 22                  (Evan Giles <>)
    - Update POD to explain more problems with Test::Compile

0.23  2013.01.23                  (Evan Giles <>)
    - Update Copyright for 2013
    - CPAN-RT #82887, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni <>
        - Correct handling of PERL5LIB
        - fix regexp to detect taint mode

0.22  2012.10.31                  (Evan Giles <>)
    - Set verbose on for the Test::Compile library (rt80187)

0.21  2012.09.05                  (Evan Giles <>)
    - Finally test that the verbose method actaully works.
    - Update the POD - mostly to simplify it.
    - Remove redundant code, yet more tests.
    - Test::Compile::Internal is no longer 'beta'.

0.20  2012.08.08                  (Evan Giles <>)
    - Tests should also work outside unix (rt78810)

0.19  2012.08.03                  (Evan Giles <>)
    - Introduce
    - Utilise Test::Compile::Internal to get better test coverage

0.18  2012.07.16                  (Evan Giles <>)
    - Fix a warning that leaks out (rt78363)

0.17  2012.02.25                   (Evan Giles <>)
    - Another few tests for taint logic

0.16_1 2012.02.23                   (Evan Giles <>)
    - Reapply patches from Nicholas Bamber (rt55837 & rt72557)

0.16   2012.02.21                   (Evan Giles <>)
    - Skip tests if there are not files to test (rt69297)
    - Handle taint mode correctly (rt55837)
    - Add 'blib/lib' to the search path for scripts (rt72557)

0.15  Fri 2012.02.03 20:33:55 NZST (Evan Giles <>)
    - Fork, and run compile tests in the child process (rt73290 & rt73291)

0.14  Tue 2012.01.10 20:03:24 NZST (Evan Giles <>)
    - Convert to Module::Build
    - Improved test for pl_file_ok()
    - Better test coverage (which files do we process, failed to compile, etc)
    - Remove duplicate code

0.13  Tue 2010.03.02 15:57:02 CET (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - require Test::More 0.88 so done_testing works without no_plan (thanks

0.12  Thu 2010.02.11 15:16:22 CET (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - updated skeleton files
    - recommend, not require, Devel::CheckOS - only needed for VMS anyway

0.11  Tue 2009.12.08 12:19:25 CET (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - made author tests more robust

0.10  Thu 2009.10.08 22:29:11 CEST (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - re-release with fixed inc::Module::Install::ReadmeMarkdownFromPod

0.09  Wed 2009.10.07 00:57:14 CEST (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
     - Always report name of .pl files (thanks xsawyerx).
     - pm_file_ok() can now handle Windows paths (thanks clonezone).
     - fixed version number used in documentation (thanks JKUTEJ).
     - Changed dist style and Changes back to standard. People didn't like it -
       the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.
     - Added standard test files; this will also help with CPANTS.

0.08  Thu, 29 May 2008 12:08:32 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
     - set the version to 0.08
     - we now check for Devel::CheckOS with UNIVERSAL::require so we don't
       use() it so Devel::CheckOS won't be included when using Test::Compile as
       part of Module::Install::StandardTests
     - .shipit: fixed svk.tagpattern

0.07  Thu, 06 Dec 2007 19:24:25 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
     - set the version to 0.07
     - fixed bug in pl_file_ok() where a SKIP block was used when Test->skip()
       should have been used
     - added t/04_pl_file_ok-vms.t to verify that
     - updated MANIFEST
     - added t/04_pl_file_ok-vms.t

0.06  Thu, 06 Dec 2007 13:16:02 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
     - Converted Changes file to YAML style
     - .shipit: added Twitter step
     - Makefile.PL: added auto_install() and process_templates()
     - lib/*: converted to template
     - updated MANIFEST
     - updated t/perlcriticrc
     - added capability to test scripts as well (thanks Sagar R. Shah)
     - added t/03_pl_file_ok.t
     - added t/scripts
     - tags: NEWFEATURE

0.05  Sun, 21 Oct 2007 13:40:23 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
     - no longer uses standard tests, since they require Test::Compile
       themselves. Instead, copied the standard tests's pod and pod coverage
       test files into this distribution. Thanks Andreas Koenig for catching
       that circular dependency.

0.04  Thu, 18 Oct 2007 10:09:39 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
     - fixed version requirement of Test::More

0.03  Wed, 03 Oct 2007 22:31:43 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
     - made things cleaner by using UNIVERSAL::require on the suspected module
     - The documentation now uses Test::More->builder->BAIL_OUT() in order to
       stop the testsuite from running if a compilation fails. Also, the
       documentation now urges that Test::Compile be mandatory (like
       Test::Exception often is) instead of optional (like Test::Pod often is).
       Thanks to Rob Kinyon for the suggestion.
     - bumped version numbers to '0.03'

0.02  Wed, 03 Oct 2007 18:30:17 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
     - made things cleaner by using UNIVERSAL::require on the suspected module
       name instead of do() on the file name, which introduced potential bugs
       by running at run time what would otherwise happen at compile time
     - bumped version numbers to '0.02'

0.01  Sat, 22 Sep 2007 23:35:34 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
     - original version