0.06 2020-03-14
- Move 01-critic.t to xt/ in order to stop CPANtesters
from failing
0.05 2019-09-20
- Add missing dependency declarations as reported by Kwalitee
0.04 2019-07-12
- Fix package name in inheritance (Weasel::Widgets::HTML instead
of Weasel::Widget::HTML)
- When clicking on an option in the Select widget, wait for the
DOM to be built before generating the actual click.
0.03 2019-02-28
- Adapt to changes in Dojo::Widgets::HTML (::Selectable and ::Select)
which now feature a 'value' method which is separate from
"get_attribute('value')" in the sense that the returned value depends
on the selectedness of the option.
0.02 2016-07-09
- Return the 'value' attribute from the 'valueNode' subnode when
asking for a SELECT widget's value
0.01 2016-06-23
- Initial release to replace LedgerSMB's
(https://github.com/ledgersmb/LedgerSMB) test code