
=head2 NAME

010 cleanup -- Fixes spacing problems in 010 subfield a.


This version will clean only subfield 'a' of 010 and skips records which have no 010 and those that have no 010 subfield 'a'


Get subfield 'a', remove non-digits.
If result is exactly 8 digits, substr(result, 0, 2) >=70 or =00 or error.
New field a = '   result '
If result is exactly 10 digits, substr(result, 0, 4) >=2001 and <= 2010 (will change as year changes) or error.
New field a = '  result'
Compare new field a with existing field a and report only those that differ.

=head2 TO DO

Think about whether subfield 'z' needs extra spaces removed.

Deal with non-digit characters in original 010a field.
Currently these are simply reported and the record is skipped.


### Initialize includes ###
### and basic needs     ###
use strict;
use MARC::Batch;
#use MARC::File::USMARC;
## Time coding routines ##
## Print start time and ##
## set start variable   ##

use Time::HiRes qw(  tv_interval );
# measure elapsed time 
my $t0 = [Time::HiRes::time()];
my $startingtime = MARC::BBMARC::startstop_time();
### Start main program ##

print ("Welcome to 010 cleanup\n");

##### File handling initialization ######
#prompt for input file
print ("What is the input file? ");
my $inputfile=<>;
chomp $inputfile;
$inputfile =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/;
print ("What is the export file? ");
my $exportfile = <>;
chomp $exportfile;
$exportfile =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/;
open(OUT, ">$exportfile");
print ("What is the error file? ");
my $errorfile = <>;
chomp $errorfile;
$errorfile =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/;
open(ERRORS, ">$errorfile");

#if using MacPerl, set creator and type to BBEdit and Text
if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
MacPerl::SetFileInfo('R*ch', 'TEXT', $exportfile);
MacPerl::SetFileInfo('R*ch', 'TEXT', $errorfile);


#initialize $batch as new MARC::Batch object
my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC', "$inputfile");

########## Start extraction #########

# Set start time for main calculation loop #
my $t1 = [Time::HiRes::time()];
my $runningrecordcount=0;
my $cleanedreccount=0;
#### Start while loop through records in file #####
while (my $record = $batch->next()) {

### add to count for user notification ###
MARC::BBMARC::counting_print ($runningrecordcount);
## Declare variables needed for each record ##
my $recordchanged = 0;
# predeclare $controlno for reporting errors
my $controlno;
# $field_010 will have MARC::Field version of the 010 field of the record
my $field_010;
#$cleaned010a will have the finished cleaned 010a data
my $cleaned010a;
# $haserrors will have tab-separated string of errors
my $haserrors = "";

#skip records with no 010 and no 010$a
unless (($record->field('010')) && ($record->field('010')->subfield('a'))) {next;}

# record has an 010 with subfield a, so check for errors and then do cleanup
else {
#get record control number for reporting errors
$controlno = $record->field('001')->as_string();

$field_010 = $record->field('010');
my $orig010a = $field_010->subfield('a');
my $subfielda = $field_010->subfield('a');

#Get number portion of subfield
$subfielda =~ s/\D*(\d{8,10})\D*/$1/;
#report error if 8-10 digit number was not found
unless ($1) {$haserrors .= "$controlno\tCould not find an 8-10 digit number in $subfielda\t"}
# LCCN validity checks and setting of cleaned version # 
#check validity of resulting digits
if ($subfielda =~ /^\d{8}$/) {
my $year = substr($subfielda, 0, 2);
#should be old lccn, so first 2 digits are 00 or > 80 (for QBI records)
if (($year >= 1) && ($year < 80)) {$haserrors .= "$controlno\tFirst digits of lccn are $year\t"}
#otherwise, 8 digit lccn needs 3 spaces before, 1 after, so put that in $cleaned010a
else {
$cleaned010a = "   $subfielda ";
} #else $subfielda has valid lccn
} #if lccn is 8 digits

#otherwise if $subfielda is 10 digits
elsif ($subfielda =~ /^\d{10}$/) {
my $year = substr($subfielda, 0, 4);
# no valid 10 digit will be less than 2001
# change upper limit as years progress
if (($year < 2001) || ($year > 2006)) {$haserrors .= "$controlno\tFirst digits of lccn are $year\t";}
#otherwise, 10 digit lccn needs 2 spaces before, 0 after, so put that in $cleaned010a
else {
$cleaned010a = "  $subfielda";
} #else $subfielda has valid lccn
} #if lccn is 10 digits

# lccn is not 8 or 10 digits so report error
else {$haserrors .= "$controlno\tLCCN $subfielda is not 8 or 10 digits\t";}

#report errors in validity of LCCNs
if ($haserrors) {print ERRORS "Original 010\t$orig010a\tvalidity errors:\t$haserrors\n"; next;}

### Compare cleaned field with original ###

#if original and cleaned match, go to next record
if ($orig010a eq $cleaned010a) {next;}

#if cleaned version does not match original, replace old with cleaned
else {
#but only if $orig010a has no non-digitchars
#### Work on this code so that non-digit characters are not a problem.
if ($orig010a !~ /^[ \d]*$/) {print ERRORS "$controlno\t010\t$orig010a\thas non-digits\n"; next;}

my @subfields = $field_010->subfields();
my @newsubfields = ();

#break subfields into code-data array (so the entire field is in one array)
while (my $subfield = pop(@subfields)) {
my ($code, $data) = @$subfield;
#replace subfield a with cleaned data
if ($code eq 'a') {$data = $cleaned010a}
unshift (@newsubfields, $code, $data);
} # while subfields

#replace field in $record
my $newfield = MARC::Field->new (

$recordchanged = 1;
} #else old differs
if ($recordchanged) {print OUT $record->as_usmarc;

####for program debugging and testing####
print ERRORS "$controlno cleaned from\t$orig010a\tto\t$cleaned010a\n";
} # else record has 010subfielda

} # while records

close $inputfile;
close OUT;
print "$cleanedreccount records cleaned\n";
### Main program done.  ##
### Report elapsed time.##

my $elapsed = tv_interval ($t0);
my $calcelapsed = tv_interval ($t1);
print sprintf ("%.4f %s\n", "$elapsed", "seconds from execution\n");
print sprintf ("%.4f %s\n", "$calcelapsed", "seconds to calculate\n");
my $endingtime = MARC::BBMARC::startstop_time();
print "Started at $startingtime\nEnded at $endingtime";

if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
#set creator and type to BBEdit and Text
MacPerl::SetFileInfo('R*ch', 'TEXT', $exportfile);

print "\n\nPress Enter to quit";


=head1 LICENSE

This code may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. 

Please note that this code is not a product of or supported by the 
employers of the various contributors to the code.

=head1 AUTHOR

Bryan Baldus
eija [at] inwave [dot] com

Copyright (c) 2003-2004
