package MARC::Lint; use strict; use warnings; use integer; use MARC::Record; use MARC::Field; use MARC::Lint::CodeData qw(%GeogAreaCodes %ObsoleteGeogAreaCodes %LanguageCodes %ObsoleteLanguageCodes); our $VERSION = 1.46; =head1 NAME MARC::Lint - Perl extension for checking validity of MARC records =head1 SYNOPSIS use MARC::File::USMARC; use MARC::Lint; my $lint = new MARC::Lint; my $filename = shift; my $file = MARC::File::USMARC->in( $filename ); while ( my $marc = $file->next() ) { $lint->check_record( $marc ); # Print the title tag print $marc->title, "\n"; # Print the errors that were found print join( "\n", $lint->warnings ), "\n"; } # while Given the following MARC record: LDR 00000nam 22002538a 4500 100 14 _aWall, Larry. 110 1 _aO'Reilly & Associates. 245 90 _aProgramming Perl / _aBig Book of Perl / _cLarry Wall, Tom Christiansen & Jon Orwant. 250 _a3rd ed. 250 _a3rd ed. 260 _aCambridge, Mass. : _bO'Reilly, _r2000. 590 4 _aPersonally signed by Larry. 856 43 _u the following errors are generated: 1XX: Only one 1XX tag is allowed, but I found 2 of them. 100: Indicator 2 must be blank but it's "4" 245: Indicator 1 must be 0 or 1 but it's "9" 245: Subfield _a is not repeatable. 250: Field is not repeatable. 260: Subfield _r is not allowed. 856: Indicator 2 must be blank, 0, 1, 2 or 8 but it's "3" =head1 DESCRIPTION Module for checking validity of MARC records. 99% of the users will want to do something like is shown in the synopsis. The other intrepid 1% will overload the C<MARC::Lint> module's methods and provide their own special field-level checking. What this means is that if you have certain requirements, such as making sure that all 952 tags have a certain call number in them, you can write a function that checks for that, and still get all the benefits of the MARC::Lint framework. =head1 EXPORT None. Everything is done through objects. =head1 METHODS =head2 new() No parms needed. The C<MARC::Lint> object is little more than a list of warnings and a bunch of rules. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { _warnings => [], }; bless $self, $class; $self->_read_rules(); return $self; } =head2 warnings() Returns a list of warnings found by C<check_record()> and its brethren. =cut sub warnings { my $self = shift; return wantarray ? @{$self->{_warnings}} : scalar @{$self->{_warnings}}; } =head2 clear_warnings() Clear the list of warnings for this linter object. It's automatically called when you call C<check_record()>. =cut sub clear_warnings { my $self = shift; $self->{_warnings} = []; } =head2 warn( $str [, $str...] ) Create a warning message, built from strings passed, like a C<print> statement. Typically, you'll leave this to C<check_record()>, but industrious programmers may want to do their own checking as well. =cut sub warn { my $self = shift; push( @{$self->{_warnings}}, join( "", @_ ) ); return; } =head2 check_record( $marc ) Does all sorts of lint-like checks on the MARC record I<$marc>, both on the record as a whole, and on the individual fields & subfields. =cut sub check_record { my $self = shift; my $marc = shift; $self->clear_warnings(); ( (ref $marc) && $marc->isa('MARC::Record') ) or return $self->warn( "Must pass a MARC::Record object to check_record" ); my @_1xx = $marc->field( "1.." ); my $n1xx = scalar @_1xx; if ( $n1xx > 1 ) { $self->warn( "1XX: Only one 1XX tag is allowed, but I found $n1xx of them." ); } if ( not $marc->field( 245 ) ) { $self->warn( "245: No 245 tag." ); } my %field_seen; my $rules = $self->{_rules}; for my $field ( $marc->fields ) { my $tagno = $field->tag; my $tagrules = ''; #if 880 field, inherit rules from tagno in subfield _6 my $is_880 = 0; if ($tagno eq '880') { $is_880 = 1; if ($field->subfield('6')) { my $sub6 = $field->subfield('6'); $tagno = substr($sub6, 0, 3); $tagrules = $rules->{$tagno} or next; #880 is repeatable, but its linked field may not be if ( ($tagrules->{'repeatable'} && ( $tagrules->{'repeatable'} eq 'NR' )) && $field_seen{'880.'.$tagno} ) { $self->warn( "$tagno: Field is not repeatable." ); } #if repeatability } #if subfield 6 present else { $self->warn( "880: No subfield 6." ); } #else no subfield 6 in 880 field } #if this is 880 field else { $tagrules = $rules->{$tagno} or next; if ( ($tagrules->{'repeatable'} && ( $tagrules->{'repeatable'} eq 'NR' )) && $field_seen{$tagno} ) { $self->warn( "$tagno: Field is not repeatable." ); } #if repeatability } #else not 880 if ( $tagno >= 10 ) { for my $ind ( 1..2 ) { my $indvalue = $field->indicator($ind); if ( not ($indvalue =~ $tagrules->{"ind$ind" . "_regex"}) ) { $self->warn( "$tagno: Indicator $ind must be ", $tagrules->{"ind$ind" . "_desc"}, " but it's \"$indvalue\"" ); } } # for my %sub_seen; for my $subfield ( $field->subfields ) { my ($code,$data) = @$subfield; my $rule = $tagrules->{$code}; if ( not defined $rule ) { $self->warn( "$tagno: Subfield _$code is not allowed." ); } elsif ( ($rule eq "NR") && $sub_seen{$code} ) { $self->warn( "$tagno: Subfield _$code is not repeatable." ); } if ( $data =~ /[\t\r\n]/ ) { $self->warn( "$tagno: Subfield _$code has an invalid control character" ); } ++$sub_seen{$code}; } # for $subfields } # if $tagno >= 10 elsif ($tagno < 10) { #check for subfield characters if ($field->data() =~ /\x1F/) { $self->warn( "$tagno: Subfields are not allowed in fields lower than 010" ); } #if control field has subfield delimiter } #elsif $tagno < 10 # Check to see if a check_xxx() function exists, and call it on the field if it does my $checker = "check_$tagno"; if ( $self->can( $checker ) ) { $self->$checker( $field ); } if ($is_880) { ++$field_seen{'880.'.$tagno}; } #if 880 field else { ++$field_seen{$tagno}; } } # for my $fields return; } =head2 check_I<xxx>( $field ) Various functions to check the different fields. If the function doesn't exist, then it doesn't get checked. =head2 check_020() Looks at 020$a and reports errors if the check digit is wrong. Looks at 020$z and validates number if hyphens are present. Uses Business::ISBN to do validation. Thirteen digit checking is currently done with the internal sub _isbn13_check_digit(), based on code from Business::ISBN. TO DO (check_020): Fix 13-digit ISBN checking. =cut sub check_020 { use Business::ISBN; my $self = shift; my $field = shift; ################################################### # break subfields into code-data array and validate data my @subfields = $field->subfields(); while (my $subfield = pop(@subfields)) { my ($code, $data) = @$subfield; my $isbnno = $data; #remove any hyphens $isbnno =~ s/\-//g; #remove nondigits $isbnno =~ s/^\D*(\d{9,12}[X\d])\b.*$/$1/; #report error if this is subfield 'a' #and the first 10 or 13 characters are not a match for $isbnno if ($code eq 'a') { if ((substr($data,0,length($isbnno)) ne $isbnno)) { $self->warn( "020: Subfield a may have invalid characters."); } #if first characters don't match #report error if no space precedes a qualifier in subfield a if ($data =~ /\(/) { $self->warn( "020: Subfield a qualifier must be preceded by space, $data.") unless ($data =~ /[X0-9] \(/); } #if data has parenthetical qualifier #report error if unable to find 10-13 digit string of digits in subfield 'a' if (($isbnno !~ /(?:^\d{10}$)|(?:^\d{13}$)|(?:^\d{9}X$)/)) { $self->warn( "020: Subfield a has the wrong number of digits, $data."); } # if subfield 'a' but not 10 or 13 digit isbn #otherwise, check 10 and 13 digit checksums for validity else { if ((length ($isbnno) == 10)) { if ($Business::ISBN::VERSION gt '2.02_01') { $self->warn( "020: Subfield a has bad checksum, $data." ) if (Business::ISBN::valid_isbn_checksum($isbnno) != 1); } #if Business::ISBN version higher than 2.02_01 elsif ($Business::ISBN::VERSION lt '2') { $self->warn( "020: Subfield a has bad checksum, $data." ) if (Business::ISBN::is_valid_checksum($isbnno) != 1); } #elsif Business::ISBN version lower than 2 else { $self->warn( "Business::ISBN version must be below 2 or above 2.02_02." ); } #else Business::ISBN version between 2 and 2.02_02 } #if 10 digit ISBN has invalid check digit # do validation check for 13 digit isbn ######################################### ### Not yet fully implemented ########### ######################################### elsif (length($isbnno) == 13){ #change line below once Business::ISBN handles 13-digit ISBNs my $is_valid_13 = _isbn13_check_digit($isbnno); $self->warn( "020: Subfield a has bad checksum (13 digit), $data.") unless ($is_valid_13 == 1); } #elsif 13 digit ISBN has invalid check digit ################################################### } #else subfield 'a' has 10 or 13 digits } #if subfield 'a' #look for valid isbn in 020$z elsif ($code eq 'z') { if (($data =~ /^ISBN/) || ($data =~ /^\d*\-\d+/)){ ################################################## ## Turned on for now--Comment to unimplement #### ################################################## $self->warn( "020: Subfield z is numerically valid.") if ((length ($isbnno) == 10) && (Business::ISBN::is_valid_checksum($isbnno) == 1)); } #if 10 digit ISBN has invalid check digit } #elsif subfield 'z' } # while @subfields } #check_020 =head2 _isbn13_check_digit($ean) Internal sub to determine if 13-digit ISBN has a valid checksum. The code is taken from Business::ISBN::as_ean. It is expected to be temporary until Business::ISBN is updated to check 13-digit ISBNs itself. =cut sub _isbn13_check_digit { my $ean = shift; #remove and store current check digit my $check_digit = chop($ean); #calculate valid checksum my $sum = 0; foreach my $index ( 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ) { $sum += substr($ean, $index, 1); $sum += 3 * substr($ean, $index + 1, 1); } #take the next higher multiple of 10 and subtract the sum. #if $sum is 37, the next highest multiple of ten is 40. the #check digit would be 40 - 37 => 3. my $valid_check_digit = ( 10 * ( int( $sum / 10 ) + 1 ) - $sum ) % 10; return $check_digit == $valid_check_digit ? 1 : 0; } # _isbn13_check_digit ######################################### =head2 check_041( $field ) Warns if subfields are not evenly divisible by 3 unless second indicator is 7 (future implementation would ensure that each subfield is exactly 3 characters unless ind2 is 7--since subfields are now repeatable. This is not implemented here due to the large number of records needing to be corrected.). Validates against the MARC Code List for Languages (L<>) using the MARC::Lint::CodeData data pack to MARC::Lint (%LanguageCodes, %ObsoleteLanguageCodes). =cut sub check_041 { my $self = shift; my $field = shift; # break subfields into code-data array (so the entire field is in one array) my @subfields = $field->subfields(); my @newsubfields = (); while (my $subfield = pop(@subfields)) { my ($code, $data) = @$subfield; unshift (@newsubfields, $code, $data); } # while #warn if length of each subfield is not divisible by 3 unless ind2 is 7 unless ($field->indicator(2) eq '7') { for (my $index = 0; $index <=$#newsubfields; $index+=2) { if (length ($newsubfields[$index+1]) %3 != 0) { $self->warn( "041: Subfield _$newsubfields[$index] must be evenly divisible by 3 or exactly three characters if ind2 is not 7, ($newsubfields[$index+1])." ); } #if field length not divisible evenly by 3 ############################################## # validation against code list data ## each subfield has a multiple of 3 chars # need to look at each group of 3 characters else { #break each character of the subfield into an array position my @codechars = split '', $newsubfields[$index+1]; my $pos = 0; #store each 3 char code in a slot of @codes041 my @codes041 = (); while ($pos <= $#codechars) { push @codes041, (join '', @codechars[$pos..$pos+2]); $pos += 3; } foreach my $code041 (@codes041) { #see if language code matches valid code my $validlang = 1 if ($LanguageCodes{$code041}); #look for invalid code match if valid code was not matched my $obsoletelang = 1 if ($ObsoleteLanguageCodes{$code041}); # skip valid subfields unless ($validlang) { #report invalid matches as possible obsolete codes if ($obsoletelang) { $self->warn( "041: Subfield _$newsubfields[$index], $newsubfields[$index+1], may be obsolete."); } else { $self->warn( "041: Subfield _$newsubfields[$index], $newsubfields[$index+1] ($code041), is not valid."); } #else code not found } # unless found valid code } #foreach code in 041 } # else subfield has multiple of 3 chars ############################################## } # foreach subfield } #unless ind2 is 7 } #check_041 =head2 check_043( $field ) Warns if each subfield a is not exactly 7 characters. Validates each code against the MARC code list for Geographic Areas (L<>) using the MARC::Lint::CodeData data pack to MARC::Lint (%GeogAreaCodes, %ObsoleteGeogAreaCodes). =cut sub check_043 { my $self = shift; my $field = shift; # break subfields into code-data array (so the entire field is in one array) my @subfields = $field->subfields(); my @newsubfields = (); while (my $subfield = pop(@subfields)) { my ($code, $data) = @$subfield; unshift (@newsubfields, $code, $data); } # while #warn if length of subfield a is not exactly 7 for (my $index = 0; $index <=$#newsubfields; $index+=2) { if (($newsubfields[$index] eq 'a') && (length ($newsubfields[$index+1]) != 7)) { $self->warn( "043: Subfield _a must be exactly 7 characters, $newsubfields[$index+1]" ); } # if suba and length is not 7 #check against code list for geographic areas. elsif ($newsubfields[$index] eq 'a') { #see if geog area code matches valid code my $validgac = 1 if ($GeogAreaCodes{$newsubfields[$index+1]}); #look for obsolete code match if valid code was not matched my $obsoletegac = 1 if ($ObsoleteGeogAreaCodes{$newsubfields[$index+1]}); # skip valid subfields unless ($validgac) { #report invalid matches as possible obsolete codes if ($obsoletegac) { $self->warn( "043: Subfield _a, $newsubfields[$index+1], may be obsolete."); } else { $self->warn( "043: Subfield _a, $newsubfields[$index+1], is not valid."); } #else code not found } # unless found valid code } #elsif suba } #foreach subfield } #check_043 =head2 check_245( $field ) -Makes sure $a exists (and is first subfield). -Warns if last character of field is not a period --Follows LCRI 1.0C, Nov. 2003 rather than MARC21 rule -Verifies that $c is preceded by / (space-/) -Verifies that initials in $c are not spaced -Verifies that $b is preceded by :;= (space-colon, space-semicolon, space-equals) -Verifies that $h is not preceded by space unless it is dash-space -Verifies that data of $h is enclosed in square brackets -Verifies that $n is preceded by . (period) --As part of that, looks for no-space period, or dash-space-period (for replaced elipses) -Verifies that $p is preceded by , (no-space-comma) when following $n and . (period) when following other subfields. -Performs rudimentary article check of 245 2nd indicator vs. 1st word of 245$a (for manual verification). Article checking is done by internal _check_article method, which should work for 130, 240, 245, 440, 630, 730, and 830. =cut sub check_245 { my $self = shift; my $field = shift; #set tagno for reporting my $tagno = '245'; if ( not $field->subfield( "a" ) ) { $self->warn( "245: Must have a subfield _a." ); } # break subfields into code-data array (so the entire field is in one array) my @subfields = $field->subfields(); my @newsubfields = (); my $has_sub_6 = 0; while (my $subfield = pop(@subfields)) { my ($code, $data) = @$subfield; #check for subfield 6 being present $has_sub_6 = 1 if ($code eq '6'); unshift (@newsubfields, $code, $data); } # while # 245 must end in period (may want to make this less restrictive by allowing trailing spaces) #do 2 checks--for final punctuation (MARC21 rule), and for period (LCRI 1.0C, Nov. 2003) if ($newsubfields[$#newsubfields] !~ /[.?!]$/) { $self->warn ( "245: Must end with . (period)."); } elsif($newsubfields[$#newsubfields] =~ /[?!]$/) { $self->warn ( "245: MARC21 allows ? or ! as final punctuation but LCRI 1.0C, Nov. 2003, requires period."); } ##Check for first subfield #subfield a should be first subfield (or 2nd if subfield '6' is present) if ($has_sub_6) { #make sure there are at least 2 subfields if ($#newsubfields < 3) { $self->warn ("$tagno: May have too few subfields."); } #if fewer than 2 subfields else { if ($newsubfields[0] ne '6') { $self->warn ( "$tagno: First subfield must be _6, but it is $newsubfields[0]"); } #if 1st subfield not '6' if ($newsubfields[2] ne 'a') { $self->warn ( "$tagno: First subfield after subfield _6 must be _a, but it is _$newsubfields[2]"); } #if 2nd subfield not 'a' } #else at least 2 subfields } #if has subfield 6 else { #1st subfield must be 'a' if ($newsubfields[0] ne 'a') { $self->warn ( "$tagno: First subfield must be _a, but it is _$newsubfields[0]"); } #if 2nd subfield not 'a' } #else no subfield _6 ##End check for first subfield #subfield c, if present, must be preceded by / #also look for space between initials if ($field->subfield("c")) { for (my $index = 2; $index <=$#newsubfields; $index+=2) { # 245 subfield c must be preceded by / (space-/) if ($newsubfields[$index] eq 'c') { $self->warn ( "245: Subfield _c must be preceded by /") if ($newsubfields[$index-1] !~ /\s\/$/); # 245 subfield c initials should not have space $self->warn ( "245: Subfield _c initials should not have a space.") if (($newsubfields[$index+1] =~ /\b\w\. \b\w\./) && ($newsubfields[$index+1] !~ /\[\bi\.e\. \b\w\..*\]/)); last; } #if } #for } # subfield c exists #each subfield b, if present, should be preceded by :;= (colon, semicolon, or equals sign) ### Are there others? ### if ($field->subfield("b")) { # 245 subfield b should be preceded by space-:;= (colon, semicolon, or equals sign) for (my $index = 2; $index <=$#newsubfields; $index+=2) { #report error if subfield 'b' is not preceded by space-:;= (colon, semicolon, or equals sign) if (($newsubfields[$index] eq 'b') && ($newsubfields[$index-1] !~ / [:;=]$/)) { $self->warn ( "245: Subfield _b should be preceded by space-colon, space-semicolon, or space-equals sign."); } #if } #for } # subfield b exists #each subfield h, if present, should be preceded by non-space if ($field->subfield("h")) { # 245 subfield h should not be preceded by space for (my $index = 2; $index <=$#newsubfields; $index+=2) { #report error if subfield 'h' is preceded by space (unless dash-space) if (($newsubfields[$index] eq 'h') && ($newsubfields[$index-1] !~ /(\S$)|(\-\- $)/)) { $self->warn ( "245: Subfield _h should not be preceded by space."); } #if h and not preceded by no-space (unless dash) #report error if subfield 'h' does not start with open square bracket with a matching close bracket ##could have check against list of valid values here if (($newsubfields[$index] eq 'h') && ($newsubfields[$index+1] !~ /^\[\w*\s*\w*\]/)) { $self->warn ( "245: Subfield _h must have matching square brackets, $newsubfields[$index]."); } } #for } # subfield h exists #each subfield n, if present, must be preceded by . (period) if ($field->subfield("n")) { # 245 subfield n must be preceded by . (period) for (my $index = 2; $index <=$#newsubfields; $index+=2) { #report error if subfield 'n' is not preceded by non-space-period or dash-space-period if (($newsubfields[$index] eq 'n') && ($newsubfields[$index-1] !~ /(\S\.$)|(\-\- \.$)/)) { $self->warn ( "245: Subfield _n must be preceded by . (period)."); } #if } #for } # subfield n exists #each subfield p, if present, must be preceded by a , (no-space-comma) if it follows subfield n, or by . (no-space-period or dash-space-period) following other subfields if ($field->subfield("p")) { # 245 subfield p must be preceded by . (period) or , (comma) for (my $index = 2; $index <=$#newsubfields; $index+=2) { #only looking for subfield p if ($newsubfields[$index] eq 'p') { # case for subfield 'n' being field before this one (allows dash-space-comma) if (($newsubfields[$index-2] eq 'n') && ($newsubfields[$index-1] !~ /(\S,$)|(\-\- ,$)/)) { $self->warn ( "245: Subfield _p must be preceded by , (comma) when it follows subfield _n."); } #if subfield n precedes this one # elsif case for subfield before this one is not n elsif (($newsubfields[$index-2] ne 'n') && ($newsubfields[$index-1] !~ /(\S\.$)|(\-\- \.$)/)) { $self->warn ( "245: Subfield _p must be preceded by . (period) when it follows a subfield other than _n."); } #elsif subfield p preceded by non-period when following a non-subfield 'n' } #if index is looking at subfield p } #for } # subfield p exists ###################################### #check for invalid 2nd indicator $self->_check_article($field); } # check_245 ############ # Internal # ############ =head2 _check_article Check of articles is based on code from Ian Hamilton. This version is more limited in that it focuses on English, Spanish, French, Italian and German articles. Certain possible articles have been removed if they are valid English non-articles. This version also disregards 008_language/041 codes and just uses the list of articles to provide warnings/suggestions. source for articles = L<> Should work with fields 130, 240, 245, 440, 630, 730, and 830. Reports error if another field is passed in. =cut sub _check_article { my $self = shift; my $field = shift; #add articles here as needed ##Some omitted due to similarity with valid words (e.g. the German 'die'). my %article = ( 'a' => 'eng glg hun por', 'an' => 'eng', 'das' => 'ger', 'dem' => 'ger', 'der' => 'ger', 'ein' => 'ger', 'eine' => 'ger', 'einem' => 'ger', 'einen' => 'ger', 'einer' => 'ger', 'eines' => 'ger', 'el' => 'spa', 'en' => 'cat dan nor swe', 'gl' => 'ita', 'gli' => 'ita', 'il' => 'ita mlt', 'l' => 'cat fre ita mlt', 'la' => 'cat fre ita spa', 'las' => 'spa', 'le' => 'fre ita', 'les' => 'cat fre', 'lo' => 'ita spa', 'los' => 'spa', 'os' => 'por', 'the' => 'eng', 'um' => 'por', 'uma' => 'por', 'un' => 'cat spa fre ita', 'una' => 'cat spa ita', 'une' => 'fre', 'uno' => 'ita', ); #add exceptions here as needed # may want to make keys lowercase my %exceptions = ( 'A & E' => 1, 'A & ' => 1, 'A-' => 1, 'A+' => 1, 'A is ' => 1, 'A isn\'t ' => 1, 'A l\'' => 1, 'A la ' => 1, 'A posteriori' => 1, 'A priori' => 1, 'A to ' => 1, 'El Nino' => 1, 'El Salvador' => 1, 'L is ' => 1, 'L-' => 1, 'La Salle' => 1, 'Las Vegas' => 1, 'Lo mein' => 1, 'Los Alamos' => 1, 'Los Angeles' => 1, ); #get tagno to determine which indicator to check and for reporting my $tagno = $field->tag(); #retrieve tagno from subfield 6 if 880 field if ($tagno eq '880') { if ($field->subfield('6')) { my $sub6 = $field->subfield('6'); $tagno = substr($sub6, 0, 3); } #if subfield 6 } #if 880 field #$ind holds nonfiling character indicator value my $ind = ''; #$first_or_second holds which indicator is for nonfiling char value my $first_or_second = ''; if ($tagno !~ /^(?:130|240|245|440|630|730|830)$/) { print $tagno, " is not a valid field for article checking\n"; return; } #if field is not one of those checked for articles #130, 630, 730 => ind1 elsif ($tagno =~ /^(?:130|630|730)$/) { $ind = $field->indicator(1); $first_or_second = '1st'; } #if field is 130, 630, or 730 #240, 245, 440, 830 => ind2 elsif ($tagno =~ /^(?:240|245|440|830)$/) { $ind = $field->indicator(2); $first_or_second = '2nd'; } #if field is 240, 245, 440, or 830 #report non-numeric non-filing indicators as invalid $self->warn ( $tagno, ": Non-filing indicator is non-numeric" ) unless ($ind =~ /^[0-9]$/); #get subfield 'a' of the title field my $title = $field->subfield('a') || ''; my $char1_notalphanum = 0; #check for apostrophe, quote, bracket, or parenthesis, before first word #remove if found and add to non-word counter while ($title =~ /^["'\[\(*]/){ $char1_notalphanum++; $title =~ s/^["'\[\(*]//; } # split title into first word + rest on space, parens, bracket, apostrophe, quote, or hyphen my ($firstword, $separator, $etc) = $title =~ /^([^ \(\)\[\]'"\-]+)([ \(\)\[\]'"\-])?(.*)/i; $firstword = '' if ! defined( $firstword ); $separator = '' if ! defined( $separator ); $etc = '' if ! defined( $etc ); #get length of first word plus the number of chars removed above plus one for the separator my $nonfilingchars = length($firstword) + $char1_notalphanum + 1; #check to see if first word is an exception my $isan_exception = 0; $isan_exception = grep {$title =~ /^\Q$_\E/i} (keys %exceptions); #lowercase chars of $firstword for comparison with article list $firstword = lc($firstword); my $isan_article = 0; #see if first word is in the list of articles and not an exception $isan_article = 1 if (($article{$firstword}) && !($isan_exception)); #if article then $nonfilingchars should match $ind if ($isan_article) { #account for quotes, apostrophes, parens, or brackets before 2nd word # if (($separator eq ' ') && ($etc =~ /^['"]/)) { if (($separator) && ($etc =~ /^[ \(\)\[\]'"\-]+/)) { while ($etc =~ /^[ "'\[\]\(\)*]/){ $nonfilingchars++; $etc =~ s/^[ "'\[\]\(\)*]//; } #while etc starts with nonfiling chars } #if separator defined and etc starts with nonfiling chars #special case for 'en' (unsure why) if ($firstword eq 'en') { $self->warn ( $tagno, ": First word, , $firstword, may be an article, check $first_or_second indicator ($ind)." ) unless (($ind eq '3') || ($ind eq '0')); } elsif ($nonfilingchars ne $ind) { $self->warn ( $tagno, ": First word, $firstword, may be an article, check $first_or_second indicator ($ind)." ); } #unless ind is same as length of first word and nonfiling characters } #if first word is in article list #not an article so warn if $ind is not 0 else { unless ($ind eq '0') { $self->warn ( $tagno, ": First word, $firstword, does not appear to be an article, check $first_or_second indicator ($ind)." ); } #unless ind is 0 } #else not in article list ####################################### } #_check_article ############ =head1 SEE ALSO Check the docs for L<MARC::Record>. All software links are there. =head1 TODO =over 4 =item * Subfield 6 For subfield 6, it should always be the 1st subfield according to MARC 21 specifications. Perhaps a generic check should be added that warns if subfield 6 is not the 1st subfield. =item * Subfield 8. This subfield could be the 1st or 2nd subfield, so the code that checks for the 1st few subfields (check_245, check_250) should take that into account. =item * Subfield 9 This subfield is not officially allowed in MARC, since it is locally defined. Some way needs to be made to allow messages/warnings about this subfield to be turned off (or otherwise deal with records using/allowing locally defined subfield 9). =item * 008 length and presence check Currently, 008 validation is not implemented in MARC::Lint, but is left to MARC::Errorchecks. It might be useful if MARC::Lint's basic validation checks included a verification that the 008 exists and is exactly 40 characters long. Additional 008-related checking and byte validation would remain in MARC::Errorchecks. =item * ISBN and ISSN checking 020 and 022 fields are validated with the C<Business::ISBN> and C<Business::ISSN> modules, respectively. Business::ISBN versions between 2 and 2.02_01 are incompatible with MARC::Lint. =item * check_041 cleanup Splitting subfield code strings every 3 chars could probably be written more efficiently. =item * check_245 cleanup The article checking in particular. =item * Method for turning off checks Provide a way for users to skip checks more easily when using check_record, or a specific check_xxx method (e.g. skip article checking). =back =head1 LICENSE This code may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Please note that these modules are not products of or supported by the employers of the various contributors to the code. =cut # Used only to read the stuff from __DATA__ sub _read_rules { my $self = shift; my $tell = tell(DATA); # Stash the position so we can reset it for next time local $/ = ""; while ( my $tagblock = <DATA> ) { my @lines = split( /\n/, $tagblock ); s/\s+$// for @lines; next unless @lines >= 4; # Some of our entries are tag-only my $tagline = shift @lines; my @keyvals = split( /\s+/, $tagline, 3 ); my $tagno = shift @keyvals; my $repeatable = shift @keyvals; $self->_parse_tag_rules( $tagno, $repeatable, @lines ); } # while # Set the pointer back to where it was, in case we do this again seek( DATA, $tell, 0 ); } sub _parse_tag_rules { my $self = shift; my $tagno = shift; my $repeatable = shift; my @lines = @_; my $rules = ($self->{_rules}->{$tagno} ||= {}); $rules->{'repeatable'} = $repeatable; for my $line ( @lines ) { my @keyvals = split( /\s+/, $line, 3 ); my $key = shift @keyvals; my $val = shift @keyvals; # Do magic for indicators if ( $key =~ /^ind/ ) { $rules->{$key} = $val; my $desc; my $regex; if ( $val eq "blank" ) { $desc = "blank"; $regex = qr/^ $/; } else { $desc = _nice_list($val); $val =~ s/^b/ /; $regex = qr/^[$val]$/; } $rules->{$key."_desc"} = $desc; $rules->{$key."_regex"} = $regex; } # if indicator else { if ( $key =~ /(.)-(.)/ ) { my ($min,$max) = ($1,$2); $rules->{$_} = $val for ($min..$max); } else { $rules->{$key} = $val; } } # not an indicator } # for $line } sub _nice_list { my $str = shift; if ( $str =~ s/(\d)-(\d)/$1 thru $2/ ) { return $str; } my @digits = split( //, $str ); $digits[0] = "blank" if $digits[0] eq "b"; my $last = pop @digits; return join( ", ", @digits ) . " or $last"; } sub _ind_regex { my $str = shift; return qr/^ $/ if $str eq "blank"; return qr/^[$str]$/; } 1; __DATA__ 001 NR CONTROL NUMBER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined NR Undefined 002 NR LOCALLY DEFINED (UNOFFICIAL) ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined NR Undefined 003 NR CONTROL NUMBER IDENTIFIER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined NR Undefined 005 NR DATE AND TIME OF LATEST TRANSACTION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined NR Undefined 006 R FIXED-LENGTH DATA ELEMENTS--ADDITIONAL MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS--GENERAL INFORMATION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined R Undefined 007 R PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION FIXED FIELD--GENERAL INFORMATION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined R Undefined 008 NR FIXED-LENGTH DATA ELEMENTS--GENERAL INFORMATION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined NR Undefined 010 NR LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CONTROL NUMBER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR LC control number b R NUCMC control number z R Canceled/invalid LC control number 8 R Field link and sequence number 013 R PATENT CONTROL INFORMATION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Number b NR Country c NR Type of number d R Date e R Status f R Party to document 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 015 R NATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY NUMBER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R National bibliography number z R Canceled/Invalid national bibliography number 2 NR Source 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 016 R NATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHIC AGENCY CONTROL NUMBER ind1 b7 National bibliographic agency ind2 blank Undefined a NR Record control number z R Canceled or invalid record control number 2 NR Source 8 R Field link and sequence number 017 R COPYRIGHT OR LEGAL DEPOSIT NUMBER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 b8 Undefined a R Copyright or legal deposit number b NR Assigning agency d NR Date i NR Display text z R Canceled/invalid copyright or legal deposit number 2 NR Source 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 018 NR COPYRIGHT ARTICLE-FEE CODE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Copyright article-fee code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 020 R INTERNATIONAL STANDARD BOOK NUMBER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR International Standard Book Number c NR Terms of availability z R Canceled/invalid ISBN 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 022 R INTERNATIONAL STANDARD SERIAL NUMBER ind1 b01 Level of international interest ind2 blank Undefined a NR International Standard Serial Number l NR ISSN-L m R Canceled ISSN-L y R Incorrect ISSN z R Canceled ISSN 2 NR Source 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 024 R OTHER STANDARD IDENTIFIER ind1 0123478 Type of standard number or code ind2 b01 Difference indicator a NR Standard number or code c NR Terms of availability d NR Additional codes following the standard number or code z R Canceled/invalid standard number or code 2 NR Source of number or code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 025 R OVERSEAS ACQUISITION NUMBER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Overseas acquisition number 8 R Field link and sequence number 026 R FINGERPRINT IDENTIFIER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R First and second groups of characters b R Third and fourth groups of characters c NR Date d R Number of volume or part e NR Unparsed fingerprint 2 NR Source 5 R Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 027 R STANDARD TECHNICAL REPORT NUMBER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Standard technical report number z R Canceled/invalid number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 028 R PUBLISHER NUMBER ind1 012345 Type of publisher number ind2 0123 Note/added entry controller a NR Publisher number b NR Source 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 030 R CODEN DESIGNATION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR CODEN z R Canceled/invalid CODEN 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 031 R MUSICAL INCIPITS INFORMATION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Number of work b NR Number of movement c NR Number of excerpt d R Caption or heading e NR Role g NR Clef m NR Voice/instrument n NR Key signature o NR Time signature p NR Musical notation q R General note r NR Key or mode s R Coded validity note t R Text incipit u R Uniform Resource Identifier y R Link text z R Public note 2 NR System code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 032 R POSTAL REGISTRATION NUMBER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Postal registration number b NR Source (agency assigning number) 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 033 R DATE/TIME AND PLACE OF AN EVENT ind1 b012 Type of date in subfield $a ind2 b012 Type of event a R Formatted date/time b R Geographic classification area code c R Geographic classification subarea code p R Place of event 0 R Record control number 2 R Source of term 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 034 R CODED CARTOGRAPHIC MATHEMATICAL DATA ind1 013 Type of scale ind2 b01 Type of ring a NR Category of scale b R Constant ratio linear horizontal scale c R Constant ratio linear vertical scale d NR Coordinates--westernmost longitude e NR Coordinates--easternmost longitude f NR Coordinates--northernmost latitude g NR Coordinates--southernmost latitude h R Angular scale j NR Declination--northern limit k NR Declination--southern limit m NR Right ascension--eastern limit n NR Right ascension--western limit p NR Equinox r NR Distance from earth s R G-ring latitude t R G-ring longitude x NR Beginning date y NR Ending date z NR Name of extraterrestrial body 0 R Authority record control number or standard number 2 NR Source 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 035 R SYSTEM CONTROL NUMBER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR System control number z R Canceled/invalid control number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 036 NR ORIGINAL STUDY NUMBER FOR COMPUTER DATA FILES ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Original study number b NR Source (agency assigning number) 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 037 R SOURCE OF ACQUISITION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Stock number b NR Source of stock number/acquisition c R Terms of availability f R Form of issue g R Additional format characteristics n R Note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 038 NR RECORD CONTENT LICENSOR ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Record content licensor 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 040 NR CATALOGING SOURCE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Original cataloging agency b NR Language of cataloging c NR Transcribing agency d R Modifying agency e R Description conventions 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 041 R LANGUAGE CODE ind1 b01 Translation indication ind2 b7 Source of code a R Language code of text/sound track or separate title b R Language code of summary or abstract d R Language code of sung or spoken text e R Language code of librettos f R Language code of table of contents g R Language code of accompanying material other than librettos h R Language code of original j R Language code of subtitles or captions k R Language code of intermediate translations m R Language code of original accompanying materials other than librettos n R Language code of original libretto 2 NR Source of code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 042 NR AUTHENTICATION CODE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Authentication code 043 NR GEOGRAPHIC AREA CODE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Geographic area code b R Local GAC code c R ISO code 0 R Authority record control number or standard number 2 R Source of local code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 044 NR COUNTRY OF PUBLISHING/PRODUCING ENTITY CODE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R MARC country code b R Local subentity code c R ISO country code 2 R Source of local subentity code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 045 NR TIME PERIOD OF CONTENT ind1 b012 Type of time period in subfield $b or $c ind2 blank Undefined a R Time period code b R Formatted 9999 B.C. through C.E. time period c R Formatted pre-9999 B.C. time period 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 046 R SPECIAL CODED DATES ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Type of date code b NR Date 1 (B.C. date) c NR Date 1 (C.E. date) d NR Date 2 (B.C. date) e NR Date 2 (C.E. date) j NR Date resource modified k NR Beginning or single date created l NR Ending date created m NR Beginning of date valid n NR End of date valid 2 NR Source of date 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 047 R FORM OF MUSICAL COMPOSITION CODE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 b7 Source of code a R Form of musical composition code 2 NR Source of code 8 R Field link and sequence number 048 R NUMBER OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OR VOICES CODE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 b7 Source specified in subfield $2 a R Performer or ensemble b R Soloist 2 NR Source of code 8 R Field link and sequence number 050 R LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CALL NUMBER ind1 b01 Existence in LC collection ind2 04 Source of call number a R Classification number b NR Item number 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 051 R LIBRARY OF CONGRESS COPY, ISSUE, OFFPRINT STATEMENT ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Classification number b NR Item number c NR Copy information 8 R Field link and sequence number 052 R GEOGRAPHIC CLASSIFICATION ind1 b17 Code source ind2 blank Undefined a NR Geographic classification area code b R Geographic classification subarea code d R Populated place name 2 NR Code source 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 055 R CLASSIFICATION NUMBERS ASSIGNED IN CANADA ind1 b01 Existence in LAC collection ind2 0123456789 Type, completeness, source of class/call number a NR Classification number b NR Item number 2 NR Source of call/class number 8 R Field link and sequence number 060 R NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE CALL NUMBER ind1 b01 Existence in NLM collection ind2 04 Source of call number a R Classification number b NR Item number 8 R Field link and sequence number 061 R NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE COPY STATEMENT ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Classification number b NR Item number c NR Copy information 8 R Field link and sequence number 066 NR CHARACTER SETS PRESENT ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Primary G0 character set b NR Primary G1 character set c R Alternate G0 or G1 character set 070 R NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY CALL NUMBER ind1 01 Existence in NAL collection ind2 blank Undefined a R Classification number b NR Item number 8 R Field link and sequence number 071 R NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY COPY STATEMENT ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Classification number b NR Item number c NR Copy information 8 R Field link and sequence number 072 R SUBJECT CATEGORY CODE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 07 Source specified in subfield $2 a NR Subject category code x R Subject category code subdivision 2 NR Source 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 074 R GPO ITEM NUMBER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR GPO item number z R Canceled/invalid GPO item number 8 R Field link and sequence number 080 R UNIVERSAL DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION NUMBER ind1 01 Type of edition ind2 blank Undefined a NR Universal Decimal Classification number b NR Item number x R Common auxiliary subdivision 2 NR Edition identifier 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 082 R DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION NUMBER ind1 017 Type of edition ind2 b04 Source of classification number a R Classification number b NR Item number m NR Standard or optional designation q NR Assigning agency 2 NR Edition number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 083 R ADDITIONAL DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION NUMBER ind1 017 Type of edition ind2 blank Undefined a R Classification number c R Classification number--Ending number of span m NR Standard or optional designation q NR Assigning agency y R Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table z R Table identification 2 NR Edition number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 084 R OTHER CLASSIFICATION NUMBER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Classification number b NR Item number q NR Assigning agency 2 NR Source of number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 085 R SYNTHESIZED CLASSIFICATION NUMBER COMPONENTS ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Number where instructions are found-single number or beginning number of span b R Base number c R Classification number-ending number of span f R Facet designator r R Root number s R Digits added from classification number in schedule or external table t R Digits added from internal subarrangement or add table u R Number being analyzed v R Number in internal subarrangement or add table where instructions are found w R Table identification-Internal subarrangement or add table y R Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table z R Table identification 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 086 R GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION NUMBER ind1 b01 Number source ind2 blank Undefined a NR Classification number z R Canceled/invalid classification number 2 NR Number source 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 088 R REPORT NUMBER ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Report number z R Canceled/invalid report number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 100 NR MAIN ENTRY--PERSONAL NAME ind1 013 Type of personal name entry element ind2 blank Undefined a NR Personal name b NR Numeration c R Titles and other words associated with a name d NR Dates associated with a name e R Relator term f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information j R Attribution qualifier k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work n R Number of part/section of a work p R Name of part/section of a work q NR Fuller form of name t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation 0 R Authority record control number 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 110 NR MAIN ENTRY--CORPORATE NAME ind1 012 Type of corporate name entry element ind2 blank Undefined a NR Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element b R Subordinate unit c NR Location of meeting d R Date of meeting or treaty signing e R Relator term f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work n R Number of part/section/meeting p R Name of part/section of a work t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation 0 R Authority record control number 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 111 NR MAIN ENTRY--MEETING NAME ind1 012 Type of meeting name entry element ind2 blank Undefined a NR Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element c NR Location of meeting d NR Date of meeting e R Subordinate unit f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information j R Relator term k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work n R Number of part/section/meeting p R Name of part/section of a work q NR Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation 0 R Authority record control number 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 130 NR MAIN ENTRY--UNIFORM TITLE ind1 0-9 Nonfiling characters ind2 blank Undefined a NR Uniform title d R Date of treaty signing f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work m R Medium of performance for music n R Number of part/section of a work o NR Arranged statement for music p R Name of part/section of a work r NR Key for music s NR Version t NR Title of a work 0 R Authority record control number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 210 R ABBREVIATED TITLE ind1 01 Title added entry ind2 b0 Type a NR Abbreviated title b NR Qualifying information 2 R Source 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 222 R KEY TITLE ind1 blank Specifies whether variant title and/or added entry is required ind2 0-9 Nonfiling characters a NR Key title b NR Qualifying information 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 240 NR UNIFORM TITLE ind1 01 Uniform title printed or displayed ind2 0-9 Nonfiling characters a NR Uniform title d R Date of treaty signing f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work m R Medium of performance for music n R Number of part/section of a work o NR Arranged statement for music p R Name of part/section of a work r NR Key for music s NR Version 0 R Authority record control number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 242 R TRANSLATION OF TITLE BY CATALOGING AGENCY ind1 01 Title added entry ind2 0-9 Nonfiling characters a NR Title b NR Remainder of title c NR Statement of responsibility, etc. h NR Medium n R Number of part/section of a work p R Name of part/section of a work y NR Language code of translated title 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 243 NR COLLECTIVE UNIFORM TITLE ind1 01 Uniform title printed or displayed ind2 0-9 Nonfiling characters a NR Uniform title d R Date of treaty signing f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work m R Medium of performance for music n R Number of part/section of a work o NR Arranged statement for music p R Name of part/section of a work r NR Key for music s NR Version 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 245 NR TITLE STATEMENT ind1 01 Title added entry ind2 0-9 Nonfiling characters a NR Title b NR Remainder of title c NR Statement of responsibility, etc. f NR Inclusive dates g NR Bulk dates h NR Medium k R Form n R Number of part/section of a work p R Name of part/section of a work s NR Version 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 246 R VARYING FORM OF TITLE ind1 0123 Note/added entry controller ind2 b012345678 Type of title a NR Title proper/short title b NR Remainder of title f NR Date or sequential designation g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium i NR Display text n R Number of part/section of a work p R Name of part/section of a work 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 247 R FORMER TITLE ind1 01 Title added entry ind2 01 Note controller a NR Title b NR Remainder of title f NR Date or sequential designation g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium n R Number of part/section of a work p R Name of part/section of a work x NR International Standard Serial Number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 250 NR EDITION STATEMENT ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Edition statement b NR Remainder of edition statement 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 254 NR MUSICAL PRESENTATION STATEMENT ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Musical presentation statement 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 255 R CARTOGRAPHIC MATHEMATICAL DATA ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Statement of scale b NR Statement of projection c NR Statement of coordinates d NR Statement of zone e NR Statement of equinox f NR Outer G-ring coordinate pairs g NR Exclusion G-ring coordinate pairs 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 256 NR COMPUTER FILE CHARACTERISTICS ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Computer file characteristics 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 257 R COUNTRY OF PRODUCING ENTITY ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Country of producing entity 2 NR Source 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 258 R PHILATELIC ISSUE DATE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Issuing jurisdiction b NR Denomination 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 260 R PUBLICATION, DISTRIBUTION, ETC. (IMPRINT) ind1 b23 Sequence of publishing statements ind2 blank Undefined a R Place of publication, distribution, etc. b R Name of publisher, distributor, etc. c R Date of publication, distribution, etc. d NR Plate or publisher's number for music (Pre-AACR 2) e R Place of manufacture f R Manufacturer g R Date of manufacture 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 261 NR IMPRINT STATEMENT FOR FILMS (Pre-AACR 1 Revised) ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Producing company b R Releasing company (primary distributor) d R Date of production, release, etc. e R Contractual producer f R Place of production, release, etc. 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 262 NR IMPRINT STATEMENT FOR SOUND RECORDINGS (Pre-AACR 2) ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Place of production, release, etc. b NR Publisher or trade name c NR Date of production, release, etc. k NR Serial identification l NR Matrix and/or take number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 263 NR PROJECTED PUBLICATION DATE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Projected publication date 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 264 R PRODUCTION, PUBLICATION, DISTRIBUTION, MANUFACTURE, AND COPYRIGHT NOTICE ind1 b23 Sequence of statements ind2 01234 Function of entity a R Place of production, publication, distribution, manufacture b R Name of producer, publisher, distributor, manufacturer c R Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number (R) 270 R ADDRESS ind1 b12 Level ind2 b07 Type of address a R Address b NR City c NR State or province d NR Country e NR Postal code f NR Terms preceding attention name g NR Attention name h NR Attention position i NR Type of address j R Specialized telephone number k R Telephone number l R Fax number m R Electronic mail address n R TDD or TTY number p R Contact person q R Title of contact person r R Hours z R Public note 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 300 R PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Extent b NR Other physical details c R Dimensions e NR Accompanying material f R Type of unit g R Size of unit 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 306 NR PLAYING TIME ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Playing time 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 307 R HOURS, ETC. ind1 b8 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a NR Hours b NR Additional information 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 310 NR CURRENT PUBLICATION FREQUENCY ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Current publication frequency b NR Date of current publication frequency 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 321 R FORMER PUBLICATION FREQUENCY ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Former publication frequency b NR Dates of former publication frequency 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 336 R CONTENT TYPE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Content type term b R Content type code 2 NR Source 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 337 R MEDIA TYPE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Media type term b R Media type code 2 NR Source 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 338 R CARRIER TYPE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Carrier type term b R Carrier type code 2 NR Source 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 340 R PHYSICAL MEDIUM ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Material base and configuration b R Dimensions c R Materials applied to surface d R Information recording technique e R Support f R Production rate/ratio h R Location within medium i R Technical specifications of medium j R Generation k R Layout m R Book format n R Font size o R Polarity 0 R Authority record control number or standard number 2 NR Source 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 342 R GEOSPATIAL REFERENCE DATA ind1 01 Geospatial reference dimension ind2 012345678 Geospatial reference method a NR Name b NR Coordinate or distance units c NR Latitude resolution d NR Longitude resolution e R Standard parallel or oblique line latitude f R Oblique line longitude g NR Longitude of central meridian or projection center h NR Latitude of projection origin or projection center i NR False easting j NR False northing k NR Scale factor l NR Height of perspective point above surface m NR Azimuthal angle o NR Landsat number and path number p NR Zone identifier q NR Ellipsoid name r NR Semi-major axis s NR Denominator of flattening ratio t NR Vertical resolution u NR Vertical encoding method v NR Local planar, local, or other projection or grid description w NR Local planar or local georeference information 2 NR Reference method used 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 343 R PLANAR COORDINATE DATA ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Planar coordinate encoding method b NR Planar distance units c NR Abscissa resolution d NR Ordinate resolution e NR Distance resolution f NR Bearing resolution g NR Bearing units h NR Bearing reference direction i NR Bearing reference meridian 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 344 R SOUND CHARACTERISTICS ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Type of recording b R Recording medium c R Playing speed d R Groove characteristic e R Track configuration f R Tape configuration g R Configuration of playback channels h R Special playback characteristics 0 R Authority record control number or standard number 2 NR Source 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 345 R PROJECTION CHARACTERISTICS OF MOVING IMAGE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Presentation format b R Projection speed 0 R Authority record control number or standard number 2 NR Source 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 346 R VIDEO CHARACTERISTICS ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Video format b R Broadcast standard 0 R Authority record control number or standard number 2 NR Source 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 347 R DIGITAL FILE CHARACTERISTICS ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R File type b R Encoding format c R File size d R Resolution e R Regional encoding f R Transmission speed 0 R Authority record control number or standard number 2 NR Source 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 351 R ORGANIZATION AND ARRANGEMENT OF MATERIALS ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Organization b R Arrangement c NR Hierarchical level 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 352 R DIGITAL GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Direct reference method b R Object type c R Object count d NR Row count e NR Column count f NR Vertical count g NR VPF topology level i NR Indirect reference description q R Format of the digital image 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 355 R SECURITY CLASSIFICATION CONTROL ind1 0123458 Controlled element ind2 blank Undefined a NR Security classification b R Handling instructions c R External dissemination information d NR Downgrading or declassification event e NR Classification system f NR Country of origin code g NR Downgrading date h NR Declassification date j R Authorization 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 357 NR ORIGINATOR DISSEMINATION CONTROL ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Originator control term b R Originating agency c R Authorized recipients of material g R Other restrictions 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 362 R DATES OF PUBLICATION AND/OR SEQUENTIAL DESIGNATION ind1 01 Format of date ind2 blank Undefined a NR Dates of publication and/or sequential designation z NR Source of information 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 363 R NORMALIZED DATE AND SEQUENTIAL DESIGNATION ind1 b01 Start/End designator ind2 b01 State of issuanceUndefined a NR First level of enumeration b NR Second level of enumeration c NR Third level of enumeration d NR Fourth level of enumeration e NR Fifth level of enumeration f NR Sixth level of enumeration g NR Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration h NR Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration i NR First level of chronology j NR Second level of chronology k NR Third level of chronology l NR Fourth level of chronology m NR Alternative numbering scheme, chronology u NR First level textual designation v NR First level of chronology, issuance x R Nonpublic note z R Public note 6 NR Linkage 8 NR Field link and sequence number 365 R TRADE PRICE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Price type code b NR Price amount c NR Currency code d NR Unit of pricing e NR Price note f NR Price effective from g NR Price effective until h NR Tax rate 1 i NR Tax rate 2 j NR ISO country code k NR MARC country code m NR Identification of pricing entity 2 NR Source of price type code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 366 R TRADE AVAILABILITY INFORMATION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Publishers' compressed title identification b NR Detailed date of publication c NR Availability status code d NR Expected next availability date e NR Note f NR Publishers' discount category g NR Date made out of print j NR ISO country code k NR MARC country code m NR Identification of agency 2 NR Source of availability status code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 377 R ASSOCIATED LANGUAGE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 b7 Undefined a R Language code l R Language term 2 NR Source 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 380 R FORM OF WORK ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Form of work 0 R Record control number 2 NR Source of term 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 381 R OTHER DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS OF WORK OR EXPRESSION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Other distinguishing characteristic u R Uniform Resource Identifier v R Source of information 0 R Record control number 2 NR Source of term 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 382 R MEDIUM OF PERFORMANCE ind1 b01 Undefined ind2 b01 Undefined a R Medium of performance b R Soloist d R Doubling instrument n R Number of performers of the same medium p R Alternative medium of performance s R Total number of performers v R Note 0 R Record control number 2 NR Source of term 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 383 R NUMERIC DESIGNATION OF MUSICAL WORK ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Serial number b R Opus number c R Thematic index number d NR Thematic index code e NR Publisher associated with opus number 2 NR Source 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 384 NR KEY ind1 b01 Key type ind2 blank Undefined a NR Key 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 400 R SERIES STATEMENT/ADDED ENTRY--PERSONAL NAME ind1 013 Type of personal name entry element ind2 01 Pronoun represents main entry a NR Personal name b NR Numeration c R Titles and other words associated with a name d NR Dates associated with a name e R Relator term f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work n R Number of part/section of a work p R Name of part/section of a work t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation v NR Volume number/sequential designation x NR International Standard Serial Number 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 410 R SERIES STATEMENT/ADDED ENTRY--CORPORATE NAME ind1 012 Type of corporate name entry element ind2 01 Pronoun represents main entry a NR Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element b R Subordinate unit c NR Location of meeting d R Date of meeting or treaty signing e R Relator term f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work n R Number of part/section/meeting p R Name of part/section of a work t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation v NR Volume number/sequential designation x NR International Standard Serial Number 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 411 R SERIES STATEMENT/ADDED ENTRY--MEETING NAME ind1 012 Type of meeting name entry element ind2 01 Pronoun represents main entry a NR Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element c NR Location of meeting d NR Date of meeting e R Subordinate unit f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work n R Number of part/section/meeting p R Name of part/section of a work q NR Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation v NR Volume number/sequential designation x NR International Standard Serial Number 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 440 R SERIES STATEMENT/ADDED ENTRY--TITLE [OBSOLETE] ind1 blank Undefined ind2 0-9 Nonfiling characters a NR Title n R Number of part/section of a work p R Name of part/section of a work v NR Volume number/sequential designation x NR International Standard Serial Number w R Bibliographic record control number 0 R Authority record control number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 490 R SERIES STATEMENT ind1 01 Specifies whether series is traced ind2 blank Undefined a R Series statement l NR Library of Congress call number v R Volume number/sequential designation x R International Standard Serial Number 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 500 R GENERAL NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR General note 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 501 R WITH NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR With note 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 502 R DISSERTATION NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Dissertation note b NR Degree type c NR Name of granting institution d NR Year of degree granted g R Miscellaneous information o R Dissertation identifier 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 504 R BIBLIOGRAPHY, ETC. NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Bibliography, etc. note b NR Number of references 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 505 R FORMATTED CONTENTS NOTE ind1 0128 Display constant controller ind2 b0 Level of content designation a NR Formatted contents note g R Miscellaneous information r R Statement of responsibility t R Title u R Uniform Resource Identifier 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 506 R RESTRICTIONS ON ACCESS NOTE ind1 b01 Restriction ind2 blank Undefined a NR Terms governing access b R Jurisdiction c R Physical access provisions d R Authorized users e R Authorization f R Standard terminology for access restiction u R Uniform Resource Identifier 2 NR Source of term 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 507 NR SCALE NOTE FOR GRAPHIC MATERIAL ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Representative fraction of scale note b NR Remainder of scale note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 508 R CREATION/PRODUCTION CREDITS NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Creation/production credits note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 510 R CITATION/REFERENCES NOTE ind1 01234 Coverage/location in source ind2 blank Undefined a NR Name of source b NR Coverage of source c NR Location within source u R Uniform Resource Identifier x NR International Standard Serial Number 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 511 R PARTICIPANT OR PERFORMER NOTE ind1 01 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a NR Participant or performer note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 513 R TYPE OF REPORT AND PERIOD COVERED NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Type of report b NR Period covered 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 514 NR DATA QUALITY NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Attribute accuracy report b R Attribute accuracy value c R Attribute accuracy explanation d NR Logical consistency report e NR Completeness report f NR Horizontal position accuracy report g R Horizontal position accuracy value h R Horizontal position accuracy explanation i NR Vertical positional accuracy report j R Vertical positional accuracy value k R Vertical positional accuracy explanation m NR Cloud cover u R Uniform Resource Identifier z R Display note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 515 R NUMBERING PECULIARITIES NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Numbering peculiarities note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 516 R TYPE OF COMPUTER FILE OR DATA NOTE ind1 b8 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a NR Type of computer file or data note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 518 R DATE/TIME AND PLACE OF AN EVENT NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Date/time and place of an event note d R Date of event o R Other event information p R Place of event 0 R Record control number 2 R Source of term 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 520 R SUMMARY, ETC. ind1 b012348 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a NR Summary, etc. note b NR Expansion of summary note c NR Assigning agency u R Uniform Resource Identifier 2 NR Source 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 521 R TARGET AUDIENCE NOTE ind1 b012348 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a R Target audience note b NR Source 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 522 R GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE NOTE ind1 b8 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a NR Geographic coverage note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 524 R PREFERRED CITATION OF DESCRIBED MATERIALS NOTE ind1 b8 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a NR Preferred citation of described materials note 2 NR Source of schema used 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 525 R SUPPLEMENT NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Supplement note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 526 R STUDY PROGRAM INFORMATION NOTE ind1 08 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a NR Program name b NR Interest level c NR Reading level d NR Title point value i NR Display text x R Nonpublic note z R Public note 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 530 R ADDITIONAL PHYSICAL FORM AVAILABLE NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Additional physical form available note b NR Availability source c NR Availability conditions d NR Order number u R Uniform Resource Identifier 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 533 R REPRODUCTION NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Type of reproduction b R Place of reproduction c R Agency responsible for reproduction d NR Date of reproduction e NR Physical description of reproduction f R Series statement of reproduction m R Dates and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced n R Note about reproduction 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Fixed-length data elements of reproduction 8 R Field link and sequence number 534 R ORIGINAL VERSION NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Main entry of original b NR Edition statement of original c NR Publication, distribution, etc. of original e NR Physical description, etc. of original f R Series statement of original k R Key title of original l NR Location of original m NR Material specific details n R Note about original o R Other resource identifier p NR Introductory phrase t NR Title statement of original x R International Standard Serial Number z R International Standard Book Number 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 535 R LOCATION OF ORIGINALS/DUPLICATES NOTE ind1 12 Additional information about custodian ind2 blank Undefined a NR Custodian b R Postal address c R Country d R Telecommunications address g NR Repository location code 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 536 R FUNDING INFORMATION NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Text of note b R Contract number c R Grant number d R Undifferentiated number e R Program element number f R Project number g R Task number h R Work unit number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 538 R SYSTEM DETAILS NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR System details note i NR Display text u R Uniform Resource Identifier 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 540 R TERMS GOVERNING USE AND REPRODUCTION NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Terms governing use and reproduction b NR Jurisdiction c NR Authorization d NR Authorized users u R Uniform Resource Identifier 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 541 R IMMEDIATE SOURCE OF ACQUISITION NOTE ind1 b01 Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Source of acquisition b NR Address c NR Method of acquisition d NR Date of acquisition e NR Accession number f NR Owner h NR Purchase price n R Extent o R Type of unit 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 542 R INFORMATION RELATING TO COPYRIGHT STATUS ind1 b01 Relationship ind2 blank Undefined a NR Personal creator b NR Personal creator death date c NR Corporate creator d R Copyright holder e R Copyright holder contact information f R Copyright statement g NR Copyright date h R Copyright renewal date i NR Publication date j NR Creation date k R Publisher l NR Copyright status m NR Publication status n R Note o NR Research date q NR Assigning agency r NR Jurisdiction of copyright assessment s NR Source of information u R Uniform Resource Identifier 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 544 R LOCATION OF OTHER ARCHIVAL MATERIALS NOTE ind1 b01 Relationship ind2 blank Undefined a R Custodian b R Address c R Country d R Title e R Provenance n R Note 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 545 R BIOGRAPHICAL OR HISTORICAL DATA ind1 b01 Type of data ind2 blank Undefined a NR Biographical or historical note b NR Expansion u R Uniform Resource Identifier 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 546 R LANGUAGE NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Language note b R Information code or alphabet 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 547 R FORMER TITLE COMPLEXITY NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Former title complexity note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 550 R ISSUING BODY NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Issuing body note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 552 R ENTITY AND ATTRIBUTE INFORMATION NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Entity type label b NR Entity type definition and source c NR Attribute label d NR Attribute definition and source e R Enumerated domain value f R Enumerated domain value definition and source g NR Range domain minimum and maximum h NR Codeset name and source i NR Unrepresentable domain j NR Attribute units of measurement and resolution k NR Beginning date and ending date of attribute values l NR Attribute value accuracy m NR Attribute value accuracy explanation n NR Attribute measurement frequency o R Entity and attribute overview p R Entity and attribute detail citation u R Uniform Resource Identifier z R Display note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 555 R CUMULATIVE INDEX/FINDING AIDS NOTE ind1 b08 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a NR Cumulative index/finding aids note b R Availability source c NR Degree of control d NR Bibliographic reference u R Uniform Resource Identifier 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 556 R INFORMATION ABOUT DOCUMENTATION NOTE ind1 b8 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a NR Information about documentation note z R International Standard Book Number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 561 R OWNERSHIP AND CUSTODIAL HISTORY ind1 b01 Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR History u R Uniform Resource Identifier 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 562 R COPY AND VERSION IDENTIFICATION NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Identifying markings b R Copy identification c R Version identification d R Presentation format e R Number of copies 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 563 R BINDING INFORMATION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Binding note u R Uniform Resource Identifier 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 565 R CASE FILE CHARACTERISTICS NOTE ind1 b08 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a NR Number of cases/variables b R Name of variable c R Unit of analysis d R Universe of data e R Filing scheme or code 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 567 R METHODOLOGY NOTE ind1 b8 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a NR Methodology note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 580 R LINKING ENTRY COMPLEXITY NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Linking entry complexity note 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 581 R PUBLICATIONS ABOUT DESCRIBED MATERIALS NOTE ind1 b8 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a NR Publications about described materials note z R International Standard Book Number 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 583 R ACTION NOTE ind1 b01 Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Action b R Action identification c R Time/date of action d R Action interval e R Contingency for action f R Authorization h R Jurisdiction i R Method of action j R Site of action k R Action agent l R Status n R Extent o R Type of unit u R Uniform Resource Identifier x R Nonpublic note z R Public note 2 NR Source of term 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 584 R ACCUMULATION AND FREQUENCY OF USE NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Accumulation b R Frequency of use 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 585 R EXHIBITIONS NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Exhibitions note 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 586 R AWARDS NOTE ind1 b8 Display constant controller ind2 blank Undefined a NR Awards note 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 588 R SOURCE OF DESCRIPTION NOTE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Source of description note 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 600 R SUBJECT ADDED ENTRY--PERSONAL NAME ind1 013 Type of personal name entry element ind2 01234567 Thesaurus a NR Personal name b NR Numeration c R Titles and other words associated with a name d NR Dates associated with a name e R Relator term f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium j R Attribution qualifier k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work m R Medium of performance for music n R Number of part/section of a work o NR Arranged statement for music p R Name of part/section of a work q NR Fuller form of name r NR Key for music s NR Version t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation v R Form subdivision x R General subdivision y R Chronological subdivision z R Geographic subdivision 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of heading or term 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 610 R SUBJECT ADDED ENTRY--CORPORATE NAME ind1 012 Type of corporate name entry element ind2 01234567 Thesaurus a NR Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element b R Subordinate unit c NR Location of meeting d R Date of meeting or treaty signing e R Relator term f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work m R Medium of performance for music n R Number of part/section/meeting o NR Arranged statement for music p R Name of part/section of a work r NR Key for music s NR Version t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation v R Form subdivision x R General subdivision y R Chronological subdivision z R Geographic subdivision 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of heading or term 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 611 R SUBJECT ADDED ENTRY--MEETING NAME ind1 012 Type of meeting name entry element ind2 01234567 Thesaurus a NR Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element c NR Location of meeting d NR Date of meeting e R Subordinate unit f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium j R Relator term k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work n R Number of part/section/meeting p R Name of part/section of a work q NR Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element s NR Version t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation v R Form subdivision x R General subdivision y R Chronological subdivision z R Geographic subdivision 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of heading or term 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 630 R SUBJECT ADDED ENTRY--UNIFORM TITLE ind1 0-9 Nonfiling characters ind2 01234567 Thesaurus a NR Uniform title d R Date of treaty signing e R Relator term f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work m R Medium of performance for music n R Number of part/section of a work o NR Arranged statement for music p R Name of part/section of a work r NR Key for music s NR Version t NR Title of a work v R Form subdivision x R General subdivision y R Chronological subdivision z R Geographic subdivision 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of heading or term 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 648 R SUBJECT ADDED ENTRY--CHRONOLOGICAL TERM ind1 blank Undefined ind2 01234567 Thesaurus a NR Chronological term v R Form subdivision x R General subdivision y R Chronological subdivision z R Geographic subdivision 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of heading or term 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 650 R SUBJECT ADDED ENTRY--TOPICAL TERM ind1 b012 Level of subject ind2 01234567 Thesaurus a NR Topical term or geographic name as entry element b NR Topical term following geographic name as entry element c NR Location of event d NR Active dates e NR Relator term v R Form subdivision x R General subdivision y R Chronological subdivision z R Geographic subdivision 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of heading or term 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 651 R SUBJECT ADDED ENTRY--GEOGRAPHIC NAME ind1 blank Undefined ind2 01234567 Thesaurus a NR Geographic name e R Relator term v R Form subdivision x R General subdivision y R Chronological subdivision z R Geographic subdivision 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of heading or term 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 653 R INDEX TERM--UNCONTROLLED ind1 b012 Level of index term ind2 b0123456 Type of term or name a R Uncontrolled term 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 654 R SUBJECT ADDED ENTRY--FACETED TOPICAL TERMS ind1 b012 Level of subject ind2 blank Undefined a R Focus term b R Non-focus term c R Facet/hierarchy designation e R Relator term v R Form subdivision y R Chronological subdivision z R Geographic subdivision 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of heading or term 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 655 R INDEX TERM--GENRE/FORM ind1 b0 Type of heading ind2 01234567 Thesaurus a NR Genre/form data or focus term b R Non-focus term c R Facet/hierarchy designation v R Form subdivision x R General subdivision y R Chronological subdivision z R Geographic subdivision 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of term 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 656 R INDEX TERM--OCCUPATION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 7 Source of term a NR Occupation k NR Form v R Form subdivision x R General subdivision y R Chronological subdivision z R Geographic subdivision 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of term 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 657 R INDEX TERM--FUNCTION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 7 Source of term a NR Function v R Form subdivision x R General subdivision y R Chronological subdivision z R Geographic subdivision 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of term 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 658 R INDEX TERM--CURRICULUM OBJECTIVE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Main curriculum objective b R Subordinate curriculum objective c NR Curriculum code d NR Correlation factor 2 NR Source of term or code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 662 R SUBJECT ADDED ENTRY--HIERARCHICAL PLACE NAME ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Country or larger entity b NR First-order political jurisdiction c R Intermediate political jurisdiction d NR City e R Relator term f R City subsection g R Other nonjurisdictional geographic region and feature h R Extraterrestrial area 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of heading or term 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 700 R ADDED ENTRY--PERSONAL NAME ind1 013 Type of personal name entry element ind2 b2 Type of added entry a NR Personal name b NR Numeration c R Titles and other words associated with a name d NR Dates associated with a name e R Relator term f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium i R Relationship information j R Attribution qualifier k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work m R Medium of performance for music n R Number of part/section of a work o NR Arranged statement for music p R Name of part/section of a work q NR Fuller form of name r NR Key for music s NR Version t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation x NR International Standard Serial Number 0 R Authority record control number 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 710 R ADDED ENTRY--CORPORATE NAME ind1 012 Type of corporate name entry element ind2 b2 Type of added entry a NR Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element b R Subordinate unit c NR Location of meeting d R Date of meeting or treaty signing e R Relator term f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium i R Relationship information k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work m R Medium of performance for music n R Number of part/section/meeting o NR Arranged statement for music p R Name of part/section of a work r NR Key for music s NR Version t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation x NR International Standard Serial Number 0 R Authority record control number 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 711 R ADDED ENTRY--MEETING NAME ind1 012 Type of meeting name entry element ind2 b2 Type of added entry a NR Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element c NR Location of meeting d NR Date of meeting e R Subordinate unit f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium i R Relationship information j R Relator term k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work n R Number of part/section/meeting p R Name of part/section of a work q NR Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element s NR Version t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation x NR International Standard Serial Number 0 R Authority record control number 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 720 R ADDED ENTRY--UNCONTROLLED NAME ind1 b12 Type of name ind2 blank Undefined a NR Name e R Relator term 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 730 R ADDED ENTRY--UNIFORM TITLE ind1 0-9 Nonfiling characters ind2 b2 Type of added entry a NR Uniform title d R Date of treaty signing f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium i R Relationship information k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work m R Medium of performance for music n R Number of part/section of a work o NR Arranged statement for music p R Name of part/section of a work r NR Key for music s NR Version t NR Title of a work x NR International Standard Serial Number 0 R Authority record control number 3 NR Materials specified 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 740 R ADDED ENTRY--UNCONTROLLED RELATED/ANALYTICAL TITLE ind1 0-9 Nonfiling characters ind2 b2 Type of added entry a NR Uncontrolled related/analytical title h NR Medium n R Number of part/section of a work p R Name of part/section of a work 5 NR Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 751 R ADDED ENTRY--GEOGRAPHIC NAME ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Geographic name e R Relator term 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of heading or term 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 752 R ADDED ENTRY--HIERARCHICAL PLACE NAME ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Country or larger entity b NR First-order political jurisdiction c NR Intermediate political jurisdiction d NR City f R City subsection g R Other nonjurisdictional geographic region and feature h R Extraterrestrial area 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of heading or term 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 753 R SYSTEM DETAILS ACCESS TO COMPUTER FILES ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Make and model of machine b NR Programming language c NR Operating system 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 754 R ADDED ENTRY--TAXONOMIC IDENTIFICATION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Taxonomic name c R Taxonomic category d R Common or alternative name x R Non-public note z R Public note 0 R Authority record control number 2 NR Source of taxonomic identification 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 760 R MAIN SERIES ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 b8 Display constant controller a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier s NR Uniform title t NR Title w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 762 R SUBSERIES ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 b8 Display constant controller a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier s NR Uniform title t NR Title w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 765 R ORIGINAL LANGUAGE ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 b8 Display constant controller a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information k R Series data for related item m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier r R Report number s NR Uniform title t NR Title u NR Standard Technical Report Number w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation z R International Standard Book Number 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 767 R TRANSLATION ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 b8 Display constant controller a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information k R Series data for related item m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier r R Report number s NR Uniform title t NR Title u NR Standard Technical Report Number w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation z R International Standard Book Number 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 770 R SUPPLEMENT/SPECIAL ISSUE ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 b8 Display constant controller a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information k R Series data for related item m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier r R Report number s NR Uniform title t NR Title u NR Standard Technical Report Number w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation z R International Standard Book Number 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 772 R SUPPLEMENT PARENT ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 b08 Display constant controller a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information k R Series data for related item m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier r R Report number s NR Uniform title t NR Title u NR Standard Technical Report Number w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation z R International Stan dard Book Number 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 773 R HOST ITEM ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 b8 Display constant controller a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information k R Series data for related item m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier p NR Abbreviated title q NR Enumeration and first page r R Report number s NR Uniform title t NR Title u NR Standard Technical Report Number w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation z R International Standard Book Number 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 774 R CONSTITUENT UNIT ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 b8 Display constant controller a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information k R Series data for related item m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier r R Report number s NR Uniform title t NR Title u NR Standard Technical Report Number w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation z R International Standard Book Number 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 775 R OTHER EDITION ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 b8 Display constant controller a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication e NR Language code f NR Country code g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information k R Series data for related item m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier r R Report number s NR Uniform title t NR Title u NR Standard Technical Report Number w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation z R International Standard Book Number 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 776 R ADDITIONAL PHYSICAL FORM ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 b8 Display constant controller a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information k R Series data for related item m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier r R Report number s NR Uniform title t NR Title u NR Standard Technical Report Number w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation z R International Standard Book Number 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 777 R ISSUED WITH ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 b8 Display constant controller a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information k R Series data for related item m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier s NR Uniform title t NR Title w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 780 R PRECEDING ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 01234567 Type of relationship a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information k R Series data for related item m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier r R Report number s NR Uniform title t NR Title u NR Standard Technical Report Number w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation z R International Standard Book Number 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 785 R SUCCEEDING ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 012345678 Type of relationship a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information k R Series data for related item m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier r R Report number s NR Uniform title t NR Title u NR Standa rd Technical Report Number w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation z R International Standard Book Number 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 786 R DATA SOURCE ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 b8 Display constant controller a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information j NR Period of content k R Series data for related item m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier p NR Abbreviated title r R Report number s NR Uniform title t NR Title u NR Standard Technical Report Number v NR Source Contribution w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation z R International Standard Book Number 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 787 R OTHER RELATIONSHIP ENTRY ind1 01 Note controller ind2 b8 Display constant controller a NR Main entry heading b NR Edition c NR Qualifying information d NR Place, publisher, and date of publication g R Related parts h NR Physical description i R Relationship information k R Series data for related item m NR Material-specific details n R Note o R Other item identifier r R Report number s NR Uniform title t NR Title u NR Standard Technical Report Number w R Record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number y NR CODEN designation z R International Standard Book Number 4 R Relationship code 6 NR Linkage 7 NR Control subfield 8 R Field link and sequence number 800 R SERIES ADDED ENTRY--PERSONAL NAME ind1 013 Type of personal name entry element ind2 blank Undefined a NR Personal name b NR Numeration c R Titles and other words associated with a name d NR Dates associated with a name e R Relator term f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium j R Attribution qualifier k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work m R Medium of performance for music n R Number of part/section of a work o NR Arranged statement for music p R Name of part/section of a work q NR Fuller form of name r NR Key for music s NR Version t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation v NR Volume/sequential designation w R Bibliographic record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number 0 R Authority record control number 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 5 R Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 810 R SERIES ADDED ENTRY--CORPORATE NAME ind1 012 Type of corporate name entry element ind2 blank Undefined a NR Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element b R Subordinate unit c NR Location of meeting d R Date of meeting or treaty signing e R Relator term f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work m R Medium of performance for music n R Number of part/section/meeting o NR Arranged statement for music p R Name of part/section of a work r NR Key for music s NR Version t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation v NR Volume/sequential designation w R Bibliographic record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number 0 R Authority record control number 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 5 R Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 811 R SERIES ADDED ENTRY--MEETING NAME ind1 012 Type of meeting name entry element ind2 blank Undefined a NR Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element c NR Location of meeting d NR Date of meeting e R Subordinate unit f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium j R Relator term k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work n R Number of part/section/meeting p R Name of part/section of a work q NR Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element s NR Version t NR Title of a work u NR Affiliation v NR Volume/sequential designation w R Bibliographic record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number 0 R Authority record control number 3 NR Materials specified 4 R Relator code 5 R Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 830 R SERIES ADDED ENTRY--UNIFORM TITLE ind1 blank Undefined ind2 0-9 Nonfiling characters a NR Uniform title d R Date of treaty signing f NR Date of a work g NR Miscellaneous information h NR Medium k R Form subheading l NR Language of a work m R Medium of performance for music n R Number of part/section of a work o NR Arranged statement for music p R Name of part/section of a work r NR Key for music s NR Version t NR Title of a work v NR Volume/sequential designation w R Bibliographic record control number x NR International Standard Serial Number 0 R Authority record control number 3 NR Materials specified 5 R Institution to which field applies 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 841 NR HOLDINGS CODED DATA VALUES 842 NR TEXTUAL PHYSICAL FORM DESIGNATOR 843 R REPRODUCTION NOTE 844 NR NAME OF UNIT 845 R TERMS GOVERNING USE AND REPRODUCTION NOTE 850 R HOLDING INSTITUTION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Holding institution 8 R Field link and sequence number 852 R LOCATION ind1 b012345678 Shelving scheme ind2 b012 Shelving order a NR Location b R Sublocation or collection c R Shelving location d R Former shelving location e R Address f R Coded location qualifier g R Non-coded location qualifier h NR Classification part i R Item part j NR Shelving control number k R Call number prefix l NR Shelving form of title m R Call number suffix n NR Country code p NR Piece designation q NR Piece physical condition s R Copyright article-fee code t NR Copy number u R Uniform Resource Identifier x R Nonpublic note z R Public note 2 NR Source of classification or shelving scheme 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 NR Sequence number 853 R CAPTIONS AND PATTERN--BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHIC UNIT 854 R CAPTIONS AND PATTERN--SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 855 R CAPTIONS AND PATTERN--INDEXES 856 R ELECTRONIC LOCATION AND ACCESS ind1 b012347 Access method ind2 b0128 Relationship a R Host name b R Access number c R Compression information d R Path f R Electronic name h NR Processor of request i R Instruction j NR Bits per second k NR Password l NR Logon m R Contact for access assistance n NR Name of location of host o NR Operating system p NR Port q NR Electronic format type r NR Settings s R File size t R Terminal emulation u R Uniform Resource Identifier v R Hours access method available w R Record control number x R Nonpublic note y R Link text z R Public note 2 NR Access method 3 NR Materials specified 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 863 R ENUMERATION AND CHRONOLOGY--BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHIC UNIT 864 R ENUMERATION AND CHRONOLOGY--SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 865 R ENUMERATION AND CHRONOLOGY--INDEXES 866 R TEXTUAL HOLDINGS--BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHIC UNIT 867 R TEXTUAL HOLDINGS--SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 868 R TEXTUAL HOLDINGS--INDEXES 876 R ITEM INFORMATION--BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHIC UNIT 877 R ITEM INFORMATION--SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 878 R ITEM INFORMATION--INDEXES 880 R ALTERNATE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION ind1 Same as associated field ind2 Same as associated field 6 NR Linkage 882 NR REPLACEMENT RECORD INFORMATION ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a R Replacement title i R Explanatory text w R Replacement bibliographic record control number 6 NR Linkage 8 R Field link and sequence number 886 R FOREIGN MARC INFORMATION FIELD ind1 012 Type of field ind2 blank Undefined a NR Tag of the foreign MARC field b NR Content of the foreign MARC field c-z NR Foreign MARC subfield 0-1 NR Foreign MARC subfield 2 NR Source of data 4 NR Source of data 3-9 NR Source of data 887 R NON-MARC INFORMATION FIELD ind1 blank Undefined ind2 blank Undefined a NR Content of non-MARC field 2 NR Source of data