Revision history for PGObject-Simple-Role

1.10.01 2014-05-01
	Fixed wrong licensing reference in Makefile

1.01	2014-02-25
	Handling of per-class default schemas

1.00	2014-02-18 
	Correct handling of lazy attributes
	Removed dbmethod() and documented why
	Contextual return of results so scalars return first row.

0.71	2014-02-15
	Fixed Makefile.PL to ensure proper dependencies

0.70	2014-02-15
	dbmethod() refactored so it is usable by libraries other than this one,
	is better tested, and more general.  Use of the export here is now 

0.52	2014-01-14
	Fixed funcprefix handling with call_procedure

0.51	2013-11-20
	Fixed inability to push funcprefix through to PGObject::Simple

0.50	2013-11-13
	Refactored to centralize logic in PGObject::Simple
	Added dbmethod() for declaratively defining database methods.

0.13    2013-11-06
        Fixed test cases requiring Carp::Always, which was not in makefile.

0.12    2013-11-05
        call_procedure can now be called on subclasses by package name if 

0.11    2013-05-31
        Fixed an issue with the Makefile not reporting Moo::Role as a dependency

0.10    2013-05-30
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.