Revision history for Perl extension Net::DHCP::Watch.

0.01  Tue Apr 10 18:37:31 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19

1.02  2001/04/17 13:32:46
	- Added alarm(2) timeout.

1.05  2001/04/20 11:14:00
	- Example script modifyied to accept parameters and created README.
	- Test for alarm(2) to support Win32 (and others?) platforms.

1.06  2001/04/23
        - The example script has been corrected to avoid local port conflicts.

1.07  2001/04/24
	- The example can use secure copy to download DHCP server files.

1.08  2001/05/10
	- The status method opens and closes the socket.
	- Documented the need to be a known client of the server.

1.09  2002/03/01
	- The example includes files for installation as service in a Linux

2.00 2002/10/01
	- Now we use unicast DHCPINFORM to allow monitoring on different

2.01 2002/10/08
	- New packet change: unicast DHCPREQUEST.