Revision history for MOBY-Client

1.02   16 May 2008
	   * fixed bug in MOBY::Client::Central::DUMP that resulted
		 in an error ('Not an ARRAY reference at 
		 MOBY/Client/ line 1927') being raised.
		 Thanks to Pieter Neerincx for finding the bug and a
	   * fixed bug that allowed service types to be registered 
		 with empty ISA relationships.
	   * MOBY WSRF implementation was not WSRF compliant in some 
		 points, and the same happened with sample code. Both the 
		 libraries and the generated WSDL have been fixed.

1.01    5 March 2008
        * removed some failing pod tests
        * added some preliminary modules for parsing RDF (Namespaces/ServiceTypes). Others will follow

1.00    12 Feb 2008
        MOBY::Client released to CPAN