Revision history for Perl extension SADI.

  - bug fix-> remove ~ from paths and package names
       * fixed template formating
       * ->label() was using Resoruce and not Literal
   - addOutputData
       * removed call to ServicePredicate
       * added warning when calling method without predicate
       * updated the doc to reflect that predicate is required
   - / updated the doc (like in 
   - bug fix-> remove ~ from paths and package names
   - updated the file; added a new header
     and wrapped the input/output class in double quotes; placed
     the description in double quotes too.  

   - bug fix:; changed 0666 to 0777
     in chmod for async directory so that webserver
     can read it.
   - bug fix: in, added a defined check
     in get_statements for object/datatype property
   - added a label attribute to generated owl classes
     so that labels can be added to resources if one
     wishes to do so.
   - fixed the service signature so that we dont 
     indicate that we consume instances, but classes
   - changed how input data to our services was read
     in. The module CGI was mangling our data when
     data was posted to the service.  

    - noticed that i neglected to include
      a couple of changes. specifically,
      the header in
      isnt set properly, so 500 error will
      happen each time.
    - add $Data::Dumper::Purity =1 to
      the store method in async service
    - added the ability for sadi-generate-datatypes
      to follow owl import statements using command
      line switch -i
    - when parsing owl from URL, that URL will be used
      as the base URL if one isnt defined in the OWL 
    - when parsing owl from a file, if -b is specified,
      then user is prompted for base URI.
    - updated the template for object properties to remove
      some of the code in the synopsis

    - in the tutorials, fixed a couple 
      more typos; bolded some sections.
    - added RDF to describe internal errors
      when running sadi services.
    - introduced sadi-generate-datatypes script
      this script takes RDF/OWL and produces
      modules that you can use in SADISeS.
      This script does produce modules from
      owl documents, but it isnt foolproof!
    - Added to SADI::RDF::Core, the ability to
      add output data of type 
    - TODO 
        * when reporting errors, update
          the HTTP response code 
   - removed XML::LibXML from the makefile
   - updated some typos in SADI::DATA::*
   - added some new documentation to the 
     SADI impl classes that are generated.
   - changed the license to new BSD and added
     a LICENSE file.

   - updated the makefile
   - added some new documentation
    - added async service support
    - some minor bug fixes

.90  Sept 01 2009
	- original version