Revision history for Perl extension WSRF-Lite.

For previous changes prior to version, please read README
	- updated the copyright
    - made the ws:id for X509Token, TimeStamp and myBody unique 
      across messages (thanks Alex Peeters)
    - sorry about the jump in version numbers for, but I
      needed to make the version of correspond to the 
      version of the package WSRF-Lite.
    - add ns() and default_ns() to Lite (since use_prefix is
      deprecated in new versions of SOAP::Lite).
  * bug fixes:
    - WSRF now compatible with BEA's weblogic - basically weblogic didnt
      like the id of our security element (thanks Alex Peeters)
    - currently we dont add undef elements to our soap (security sign)
      message (thanks Alex Peeters)
    - added a DS xml namespace declaration to the envelope so that our
      XPATH statements used to compare signatures compiles and works.
      This bug was found using the script
    - when parsing certificates, there was an extra newline character.
      I know trim the whitespace from the end of the message.
    - fixed a syntax bug in
    - nothing new (uploaded incorrect version to cpan)
	* bug fixes:
	   - old XPATH expressions didnt work with XML::LibXML; removed the <XPATH ...> elements and left the actual expression
	   - wrapped some of the canonicalization code in evals so that we dont die everytime an expression doesnt match
	- added a $WSRF::TIME::EXPIRES_IN variable so that resources dont always expire in 3600 seconds.
    - first cpan release
    - swapped XML::CanonicalizeXML for XML::LibXML
    - makefile now downloads missing dependencies