0.09	31 March 2012
	Some more podfixes and made sure it runs with 5.14.2, threaded and

	7 August 2009
	Brought up to 5.10.1, and to the latest coding esthetics insights.

0.08	13 July 2007
	Quick fix for problem showing up in 5.9.5.

0.07	24 July 2006
	Brought up to Perl Best Practices standards.

	Added VERSION support, which automatically updates the pod and
	README files with the version information obtained from the generated

0.06	8 february 2004
	Adapted check in source test from \n to use $/.  Hopefully this should
	solve the problems with Win32 platforms.

	28 January 2004
	Made sure the test-suite cleans up on multi-versioned systems.

0.05	15 January 2004
	Removed the temporary file creation logic, as it was messing up my
	symlinks structure.

0.04	7 January 2004
	Made the updating of files a little more secure after presentation at
	the Amsterdam PM Meeting.

0.03	4 January 2004
	Added option to specify which text and pod files to check and possibly
	update.  Suggested by Dan Browning.  Added documentation for these new
	features and some more tests.

0.02	29 December 2003
	Some pod and debug statement updates.

0.01	28 December 2003
	First version of Devel::Required.