0.02	5 September 2002
	Added "begin" subroutine support + documentation + test-suite.
	Nick Ing-Simmons suggested this on p5p.  It seemed like an easy
	thing to add.  And it was.

	Since "begin" would make an automatic = 1 as the default much more
	sensible, I've changed the default behaviour to have threads
	automatically inherit any "begin" and "end" subroutine specifications.
	And to make the naming of the subroutines more consistent, "automatic"
	was renamed to "inherit".  All of this makes it incompatible with
	0.01, so it was released as soon as possible on the same day as 0.01.

	Added class method documentation.

	Added support for "ismain" class method, to mark the current thread
	as the "main" thread from which a "real" exit() should occur.

	Fixed some documentation nits.

	Oops, VERSION file was wrong.  It now correctly shows 0.02.

0.01	5 September 2002
	First version of Thread::Exit.