0.05 28 December 2003
Added automatic required modules update using Devel::Required.
0.04 25 August 2003
Found Symbol::delete_package for zapping modules from memory. Seems
to be much more reliable than my own little method. Now uses that
and zaps Symbol from memory if it wasn't loaded already.
0.03 13 August 2003
Cleaned up Makefile.PL and updated the copyright info. Made sure
the test-suite runs under strict and warnings. Added a message
about warnings that may occur from AutoLoader.
0.02 29 July 2002
Added an actual test-suite.
Added second example for inclusion in modules.
Adapted "import" so that it returns the modules that were not yet
marked to be saved in threads.
Fixed some documentation nits.
0.01 28 July 2002
First version of Thread::Needs.