0.03	14 July 2002
	Made sure that once the pool is shut down, calling method "shutdown"
	again will not do anything.  At least not until method "add" is
	called.  This should fix the situation where the pool is specifically
	shut down, and again shut down when the object is destroyed.

	Added method "notused" which returns the number of threads that
	were removed before they got a chance to do anything.  Can be used
	to give you a heuristic of how many threads you actually need for a
	specific application.

	Added functionality for streaming results.  This allows you to
	specify a "stream" subroutine that allows you to handle the result
	of the asynchronously executed "do" subroutines in the order in
	which the jobs were submitted (rather than in the order in which the
	results were obtained).

	Added "remove_me" functionality, which allows a "do" routine to tell
	its dispatcher that the worker thread should be removed.

	Added Perl version requirement to README and pod, per suggestion of
	mrbbking.  Added -use threads- to Makefile.PL to cause breakage of
	the install process if threads are not available.

	Added specific check for named subroutine reference.  The old
	Thread::Pool module from CPAN also allowed this.

0.02	13 July 2002
	Added initial version of test-suite.

	Added initial version of the documentation.

	Added copyright info to pod.

	Name change threads::shared:: -> Thread:: caused this module to be
	renamed to the Thread:: namespace.  Per Dan Sugalski's suggestion,
	the name became Thread::Pool.

	Dave Rolsky suggested that "hire" and "fire" were too cutesy.  And I
	figured that "fire" could be misinterpreted as "fire up a thread"
	rather than retire.  Therefore the following changes were made:

	 hire		-> add
	 fire		-> remove
	 fired		-> removed
	 hired		(deleted, moved functionality to "workers")

	I also changed "result_nb" to "result_dontwait", as that is a better
	description of what it does (who knows that "nb" stands for
	"non-blocking" and then knows what it means?).

0.01	12 July 2002
	First version as threads::farm.